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Christian Colleges, Gay Faculty—and the Boy Scouts

…aks my heart. I am not ‘out’ where I teach; although I was not required to sign any document about my sexuality, it is not safe for me to be open. Am I the sole gay faculty at a Christian college? No, I am not. There are others. Someday, given the movement in the wider culture on LGBT issues, I think some Christian colleges will change and will welcome openly LGBT faculty, but for now, Christian colleges and Boy Scouts are running neck and neck in…

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Becoming the Common: Why I Got Arrested in North Carolina

…the word of God with boldness. This shaking of the Spirit is not simply a sign of power, but of pleasure. God’s excitement is evident here. Here and now God’s people are one—calling on the faith and boldness of Jesus to do the divine will. Here and now the new order confronts the old order and God sees the unfolding of divine desire in and among God’s creatures. This is the Spirit’s quivering joy exposed in the impartation of holy power. Yet what…

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A Queer Atheist In the Heart of Mormon Country

…spoken at several evangelical Christian colleges that require students to sign agreements that prohibit “homosexual activity” and disbelief in God. These are instituions that would likely expel me were I a student. Agreeing to visit these campuses isn’t easy, but they are communities that perhaps need open conversations about faith and diversity more than many others. Though getting there requires me to deal with my own discomfort, I have never r…

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A Long History of Blaming the Jews

…by those who, in the pride of their kingdom, put the Lord to death.” By consigning Jews to the theological status of servus, or slave, Augustine laid the intellectual groundwork for the political status of Jews a millennium later. In the Middle Ages, European monarchs “insisted that the Jews belonged to them in a peculiar way, different from that of their other subjects” (emphasis Nirenberg’s). Thus the king could use the Jews as tax collectors an…

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“We Want Everyone to Come to the Family Reunion”

…at Mormons for Equality will have its own delegation in the parade. Mormons who want to participate have a choice to decide how they will identify. For Mormons Building Bridges, our theme this year is “Family Reunion.” We are asking people to march in family groups and make a sign with their family name. We feel like family reunions are great Mormon events but they are often very fraught for gay people, who might ask themselves, “Can I come? Can I…

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Are Atheists The New Campus Crusaders?

…ltural opponents,” says Galef at SSA. “It comes down to which values we’re promoting. We are promoting values of critical thinking and acceptance.” Conflicting values on campus have led to unsavory events. Last year at Salisbury University in Maryland, the Atheist Society took offense when Cru students chalked a verse from the Bible: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is not one who doe…

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For Anti-Gay Conservatives, Grenell Symbolized Romney’s Untrustworthiness

…was supposed to be a spokesperson for the campaign. That, of course, was a sign that the campaign, and Romney in particular, were made queasy by the pressure from anti-gay Republicans. Grenell, to be sure, was not a perfect spokesperson—but not because of his support for marriage equality and LGBT rights. As his tweets demonstrated, he did have what could charitably be called a tact or diplomacy problem. But that’s not why, by all accounts, he res…

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Unpacking the Giglio Imbroglio

…d for his “phony religiosity.” Obama, though, let that roll right off his back. By contrast, conservatives are starting to portray Giglio as a victim. Which is, of course, another sign that the culture wars are not over.   *This post has been corrected to reflect Robinson’s role in the 2009 inaugural festivities….

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Mormons Take Even More Activist Message to DC Pride March

…say what opinions we should have. In Maryland, I’ve only seen one call for signature gatherers that went out over one congregation’s email list.  But even without formal LDS Church involvement in Maryland, you feel compelled to take a more political stance than the Salt Lake City marchers. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail said, “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people…

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Romney, Tisha B’Av, and LDS Temples

…g Benjamin, taught the people at the temple (see Jacob 1:17; Mosiah 1:18). Significantly, when the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ appeared to the Nephites in A.D. 34, He came to the temple (see 3 Nephi 11:1–11). The Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “The Church is not fully organized, in its proper order, and cannot be, until the Temple is completed, where places will be provided for the administration of the ordinances of the Priesthood.” The w…

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