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What’s Behind a Conservative Mormon’s Call For “Religious Freedom” Advocates to “Stand Down” on LGBT Rights

…rstand why a religion would engage in lawsuits over the cake baker [who refused to serve a same-sex wedding],” Mero offers. That’s a matter of individual conscience, he says, parroting an oft-used defense for religious-based refusals of service. He frames the issue as one of competing values, suggesting that any resolution would require compromise on both sides, ideally through community conversation rather than litigation. “There has to be adults…

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Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Religion?

…conservatism. To show how definitions of “religion” and “spirituality” are used rhetorically we need only consider how AA Toronto Intergroup, when charged with discrimination on the basis of creed back in 2014, defended itself by invoking section 18 of the Human Rights code, which allows a religious group to restrict participation to the faithful. So while AA presents itself to the public as a “spiritual” program, distinguishing itself from “relig…

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Nike’s Token Equality: New Campaign Masks the Truth About Workers’ Rights

…that considers the human being in himself as a consumer good, which can be used and then discarded.” The pope’s words speak to the dehumanizing situation of Nike factory workers. People of all races, genders, creeds, ethnicities, and nationalities must form a powerful movement to stop “the Swoosh” from hiding behind excuses and platitudinous ads and “just do it” for their workers. We should applaud the athletes like James, Williams, and Rapinoe in…

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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…evangelical pastor told Hondurans not to vote for gay men and lesbians because ‘we corrupt God’s models.’” Martínez told the Blade he compared them to “delinquents, murderers and rapists.” Martínez and the three other candidates brought a formal complaint against the pastor. A panel of judges said his actions did not constitute discrimination, but they promoted hate and violated Honduras’ election laws that prohibit “churches from becoming involve…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

…f Mass Destruction and ties to Al Qaeda—are likewise successful partly because of this conservative cognitive training in the rejection of mainstream media and the cultivation of other sources of information, like Fox News at first, but also now websites like Breitbart, 4chan, Infowars, and others. The goal of “fake news” and “alternative facts” goes beyond providing different data. Their purpose is actually to destroy the notion that there could…

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The Revolution Will Not Be Fetishized: Taking Resistance Beyond the Spiritual Industrial Complex

…gically effective. But that is not enough in the Trump era. They must also use their resources—strong bodies, communities and commitments to science and reason—as tools to resist the state violence that causes so much of the trauma that necessitates healing to begin with, to demand social justice, and—as Angela Davis speaking at the Women’s March on Washington put so well—to recognize “that we are collective agents of history and that history cann…

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Seb Gorka and Pres. Trump

Does It Matter If Islam Is A Religion? An American Ahmadi Explains The Effects Of Religious Discrimination

…e: Ahmadis have a “glass ceiling” in the civil service, and discriminatory use of voter registration lists (Ahmadis are enrolled separately) keeps them from participation in elected government, even in areas where they are the overwhelming majority. From there it spreads through society in ways both perverse and corrupt, according to Ahmad: a non-Ahmadi colonel’s career is ended because his staff driver attended an Ahmadiyya mosque. Clergy can be…

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Authoritarian Populism Vs Human Rights, The Campaign Against ‘Gender Ideology’ and More in Global LGBT Recap

…nal’ societies. Anti-choice organisations have embraced this rhetoric, and use it to promote their policy agenda by presenting themselves as grassroots opposition initiatives representing citizens and their concerns vis-à-vis the political elites attempting to force a ‘new form of colonial rule’ upon them. One of the anti-SRHR groups, Agenda Europe, responding with a mocking post entitled, “Baby-killing and Sodomy Network worried about Pro-Life an…

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Equality Opponents Try to Reverse UN Progress; Anti-Gay Pentecostal Pastor Elected Mayor of Rio; Indonesian University Official Tells LGBT Students To ‘Normalize’ Or Be Punished; Global LGBT Recap

…attend sessions to “normalize” them. The rector said that students who refuse to “give up” their LGBT identity would have their scholarships revoked and would not be permitted to use campus facilities other than attending classes. Another official, Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa suggested making college dorms “doorless” to prevent college students from having sex. Also this week, hard-line Muslims violently protested against Jak…

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Religious Freedom Org Sticking By Trump Clinging to SCOTUS Nominations

…g “bathroom privacy” is a thinly veiled (and well-documented) scare-tactic used to demonize transgender people who simply want to use the restroom in peace. It’s that last “threat” which Staver, and Liberty Counsel in general, have been tirelessly “defending” against since it became clear that the so-called culture wars had been lost over legal marriage equality. The organization has invested substantial resources in battling each incremental step…

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