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Why ‘Do You Believe in God?’ Is at the Heart of Our Religious Problem

…s. Through my work as a scholar of religion and my autoethnography, it’s become clear that we suffer from a taxonomic problem when it comes to religion; namely, making the most central question about whether or not we believe in God. Throughout my life in the United States, the first question I’m asked about religion is: “Do you believe in God?” I use the word god in the singular, as this is the default manner in which I’m asked the question. My a…

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A Somewhat Cynical Take On The Future And Soul Of Evangelicalism

…further their agenda of regulating ladyparts and/or shaming non-standards-compliant ladyparts! And maybe they have a point, after all: “When you Google evangelicals, you get Trump,” Birdsall said. “When people say what does it mean to be an evangelical, people don’t say evangelism or the gospel. There’s a grotesque caricature of what it means to be an evangelical.” You know, 81%, Fox News purring about how Franklin Graham is grateful to have a pr…

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Will a New Dawkins Foundation-Sponsored App Help Atheists Talk to Believers?

…egan with a few questions. So far it seems the right and wrong is based on compassion and politeness. Compassion I get, yes. Politeness though – sometimes it’s right to be impolite and honest.” The collective groan of people who are put off by New Atheism’s air of arrogance and self-righteousness is likely dwarfed by the collective groan of atheists who are tired of this rude and cavalier minority taking center stage. Users like Hakan represent a…

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Status Updates at the End of the World: The Religious Imagination and Our Latest Apocalypse

…dreas was primarily to airlift women, just as “the woman” that is the true community of God will (possibly) be airlifted this coming Friday/Saturday? Lythgoe notices for you, memes it, repeats it, and posts in on multiple platforms for you to find the signs (which you, in turn, can then share). “Keep Calm and Flee to Petra” reads one meme, offering a take on a recently re-faddish phrase. A brightly-colored status update announces, “If you don’t se…

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The Ex-KKK Priest and the Subtle Terrorism of the Anti-Abortion Movement

…as a brave reckoning with the past and the events in Charlottesville was quickly revealed to be desperate attempt to head-off a denouement by a former parishioner who stumbled across Aitcheson’s past on Google. As I’ve noted, the church has yet to fully come to terms with the racism in its own ranks, never mind the radical roots of the anti-abortion activism it has long fostered.  …

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White Supremacy and Orthodox Christianity: A Dangerous Connection Rears Its Head in Charlottesville

…thodoxy. While the Neo-Nazis and Neo-Confederates may be relatively few in number, there is increasing evidence that Orthodoxy has become an integral part of the ideological and recruitment apparatus within some segments of the white supremacist movement. Importantly, these ideas and the converts to them are being tolerated, and frequently exploited, by much more powerful voices. This growing attachment to Eastern Orthodox Christianity among a seg…

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The Most Ridiculous Responses to the Vatican’s Call-out of the Catho–Christian Right

…What Douthat misses, or refuses to see, is how this alliance had in fact become increasingly theocratic as it has become clear that democracy isn’t on its side. From liberalized attitudes about sex to the legalization of same-sex marriage, people seeking a state-sanctified “traditional” morality haven’t been on the winning side of history for some time. More and more it seems he only way they can get the society they want is through a theocracy, t…

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Conservative Catholics Unhappy About New Book on LGBTs and The Church; and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…forthcoming book, Building A Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity. Another conservative publication, Crisis Magazine, weighed in with its own critique of Martin’s LGBT-affirming writings. At Religion News Service, David Gibson writes that Martin’s book “does not advocate for any changes in doctrine nor does it touch third-rail topics like same-sex marriage.” T…

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Science Mike Building a “Christian Science” Liturgy for the Nones

…man had asked on the second day of the Gathering where she could find a welcoming spiritual community or if it were possible to create her own, because she felt she didn’t belong in the options available to her. “She’s saying where can I find a home? Where can I belong,” Peters said. “It was this amazing me too moment!” Peters said he came to the Gathering to hear stories from people who had felt similarly “exiled.” The common “experience of not f…

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