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A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now?

…his retirement savings, well over a half-million dollars, taking out full-page newspaper ads and buying an RV that he had custom-painted with doomsday warnings. Even when I pressed, he wasn’t willing to admit any doubts about whether October 21 would really, finally, be it. “How can you say that when you see that all this beautiful information is in the Bible?” he asked me, his voice rising. “How can everything we’ve learned be a lie?” “I Was Par…

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Mormons Prepare for WA Marriage Equality Fight

…ant, but that members should not use ward email lists or say that they are participating in the campaign on behalf of the Church. We’ve all been wondering if we would see another LDS-backed campaign of the magnitude and intensity of the Proposition 8 effort, but your reports suggest that it’s not happening. The organizing seems to be much more local and uneven. SH: Yes. That seems to be the case. That’s the kind of information members need to navi…

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The Latest to Botch Mormonism: Garry Wills

…ry . . . . President J. Reuben Clark, who referred to the Constitution as ‘part of my religion,’ also said that it was not part of his belief or the doctrine of the Church that the Constitution was a ‘fully grown document.’ ‘On the contrary,’ he said, ‘We believe it must grow and develop to meet the changing needs of an advancing world.’ That was also the attitude of the Prophet Joseph Smith. That would have been a helpful tidbit for Wills’s colum…

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400 Churchgoing Mormons March in SLC Pride Parade

…understood their deep commitment to their faith. Mormons Building Bridges participants prepared signs with verses from LDS hymns, scriptures, and quotations from LDS Church leaders—“All are alike unto God;” “Jesus said love everyone;” “God loves all of His Children”—and hundreds of lollipops bearing “love one another” stickers to distribute to parade crowds. Just before the parade began, a member of the Mormons Building Bridges delegation offered…

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Pennsylvania Rep. Says Contraception Mandate Is Like Pearl Harbor and 9/11

…nd by gum he’s not going to pay for a policy that lets her do so without copay. Maybe the evidence that contraception improves women’s health does not enter into his analysis at all. Or maybe he was just charmed by his own rhetoric. I don’t know. I honestly have no idea how to respond to this. It’s one thing for people to oppose the contraception mandate. It’s another thing to… do whatever Rep. Kelly thinks he’s doing. I give up. Here, have a vide…

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High Ark: A Geologist on the True Meaning of Noah’s Flood

…ts own story? You also tell us how the stories of geological events do get passed down to us, both in the rocks themselves and also in folklore. I was genuinely surprised to find that the flood stories found around the world may have historical basis. In some cases the folk stories read like filtered down eyewitness description. But just because there were big floods in lots of different parts of the world—we need to have a complex, adult conversa…

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Republicans in Favor of Reproductive Rights

…ans and 50 percent of the general population identified as “pro-life”; the number of Americans who identified as “pro-choice” hit a record low. But respondents’ opinions on policy issues around abortion had not drastically changed from previous years. Just over half of Americans think abortion should be “legal under certain” circumstances, only 2 percent more people than last year. Meanwhile, 25 percent of Americans (compared to 27 percent in 2011…

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It’s Barack v. the Bible, Says Barton

…a, however, Chuck Norris and Franklin Graham have to stand in the stead of Patrick Henry or Parson Weems. Thus, for the anti-Obama agonists, the president’s overtly Christian testifying, praying with Billy Graham, championing of C. S. Lewis, and quoting of the Old Testament in major public speeches simply shield the fact that the enemy always comes clothed in righteousness—and that the Great Deceiver is among us. David Barton summarizes it most su…

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Maryland Governor says Support for Marriage Equality “Very Much Informed” by his Catholicism

…ce at winning, given the state’s Democratic leanings and promising polling numbers. O’Malley said that expansive religious freedom language in the law was important to its passage and in keeping with the traditions of the state of Maryland. The referendum language makes clear that the law protects clergy from having to perform any ceremony that violates their beliefs, guarantees each faith control over its marriage doctrine, and “provides that rel…

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Who’s Accusing Who of Mormon-Baiting?

…of Romney’s Mormonism as a “cult” and calling for civility in the 2012 campaign. As the 2012 campaign heads into its final stretch, it’s not surprising that hearsay reports like Donohue’s and Deal’s are cropping up, and Mormons are feeling extra sensitive about the fate of the nation’s first major party presidential candidate. But I’ll bet you a twelve pack of caffeine-free Diet Coke and a dozen pink-frosted sugar cookies that there is no anti-Mo…

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