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Fight the Tower: Protests Continue at Union Theological Seminary

…e. And finally, Union was founded as the first seminary located in a major city. Our commitment to New York City and the needs of urban communities is central to Union’s future. During one community discussion of the project, the option of moving Union’s campus came up. President Jones said, “We’re a New York institution.” The question for Union to consider is which New York it commits itself to? The rapidly gentrifying New York that drives people…

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Baby We Were Born for War: To Dominionist Christian Groups, No Election is Too Small — and Colorado is Just the Beginning

…r, so we can see a more Godly, Christian presence in our county and in our city.” He called for “a Kingdom of God revolution in our time.” He prayed, “May this state, in the years ahead, run red with the blood of Jesus. May this city, run red with the blood of Jesus. May this county, run red with the blood of Jesus.” As disturbingly ambiguous and unexplained as this prayer was, he also left people with a further mixed message. Holt said he wanted…

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The Curious Case of Mormons and LGBT Rights

…mple, in the summer of 2012, Mormons marched in Pride parades in Salt Lake City, Boise, and other cities for the first time in large numbers, carrying banners that read “Mormons Building Bridges” (MBB). Donning Sunday attire and holding signs with messages of love, MBB forbade signs that criticized Church teachings—namely the notion that same-sex intimacy is a sin. Erika Munson, the founder of MBB, has assured me that the marches were a grassroots…

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Hajj Journal: Makkah as the Most Romantic City

Besides my falling in love with a rather simplistic architectural structure (after all, it is a cube), I observe the hajj as the most romantic place on the earth. It’s definitely a place you should go with your partner, husband, or wife. I have never seen so many Muslim couples so affectionately connected. They hold hands as they pass through the crowded streets. Our hajj guide directed that the stronger one physically, usually the man, should wa…

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Dark Sisters Opera Aims to Humanize Sister Wives

…rael. There is this procession of sacred sites still held sacred. Colorado City has that same heightened sense of place. I drove and walked around Colorado City and attempted to be as invisible as possible. Ha! It kind of worked. One thing that surprised me was this roadside espresso stand, with two women in prairie dresses operating a relatively sophisticated espresso machine and next to it a mortar and pestle with homemade herbal add-ons, like S…

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Ben Stein’s Intelligent Design Film Fans Flames

…ay. These periodic bursts of public outpourings around science in Dover or Kansas or in movie theaters this weekend should be looked at by scientists and educators not with smugness and I-told-you-so attitudes. Not as battles we win or lose. But as wake-up calls. We scientists need to teach and do science better, to engage the public and students more effectively. We need to engage and maintain the glee and energy around science I see regularly in…

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To Be Loved or Feared: Doctor Who, part IX

…or imitate? What’s it really worth to you to shake the holy hand of fate? —Kansas, “Rainmaker” from the album In The Spirit of Things The first of two episodes that together make up the season finale of Doctor Who is “The Pandorica Opens.” Although it ends with quite a cliffhanger, the fact that Doctor River Song had already passed through these experiences when we encountered her in a previous episode suggests that all will turn out okay for her…

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From Empire to Shire: Rod Dreher’s Nostalgia for Middle-Earth

…s. Take for instance the story of Lance Kinzer, a Republican legislator in Kansas. Kinzer attempted to pass religious liberty legislation that would protect wedding vendors, wedding cake makers, and the like from anti-discrimination laws. In a deeply red state, Kinzer thought it would be a cake walk (pardon the pun). To his shock, it wasn’t. Kinzer observed that the “social conservative-Big Business coalition politics was frayed to the breaking po…

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

Last week when Scott Roeder, the murderer of Wichita Kansas abortion clinic provider Dr. George Tiller, had his day in court, he spent much of his rambling self-defense quoting the words of another abortion clinic assassin, Reverend Paul Hill. In the 1990s my own research had brought me into conversation with others in the inner circle in which Hill and Roeder were at that time involved. So it was a chilling experience for me to realize that this…

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Have White Evangelicals Become More Accepting of Candidates’ Personal Immorality, as New Data Suggests?

…iment to the record of good public servants. Among white evangelicals, the number was even higher—72%, or a 42 point increase over the 2011 data. Credit: PRRI   So has “[Donald Trump] changed all that,” as Jonathan Chait asserted, referring to evangelicals’ earlier views? Has the moral majority become the “immoral minority”? And is this a sign of a “sudden, massive shift” among white evangelicals, as one journalist put it on Twitter? Not necessari…

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