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Allegiant Airlines Reservations 1800-299-7264 and its Policies

Anti-Immigration Candidate’s Ties to Anti-Gay Church of Rwanda

…Church of Rwanda is virulently anti-homosexual. Its previous Archbishop Emmanuel Musaba Kolini likened homosexuality to “moral genocide” and his successor Most Rev. Onesphore Rwaje has vowed to carry on his predecessor’s policies. If Kobach wants to use his faith to argue that the legislation he has been promoting is not rooted in bigotry, perhaps he should choose a church that better embraces a more convincing message of tolerance….

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Religious Right Attacks Federal Bullying Intervention

…tly what we need in schools – closer monitoring of bullies and school-wide policies that will enforce protections across the board. Glenn could have a point, of course, if there were a rash of suicides of kids bullied for praying over their lunch – but Ali said the statistics show that most religious bullying takes place not because of religious practices, but because of perceived religious ethnicity – like being Jewish or Muslim. In those cases,…

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Invited by Allah

…n my sister dies suddenly leaving me the beneficiary of her life insurance policies. The cost for the trip was secured and as the year wore on I simply waited for my return to the US to begin my hunt for a travel agency to handle the details. My first question was about the visa. Having been stalled at the embassy when I tried to make hajj almost three decades ago, I must admit, I was nervous. Unfortunately the tour company has never allayed my fe…

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A Republican House Will Launch “Witch Hunt” on Science

…to launch a blistering attack on the Obama administration’s environmental policies, as well as on scientists who link air pollution to climate change. The GOP’s fire will be concentrated especially on the administration’s efforts to use the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority over air pollution to tighten emissions controls on coal, oil and other carbon fuels that scientists say contribute to global warming. The article explains that Repu…

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Prepare for Attack on Science by Newly-Elected Republicans

…ngressional hearings into the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory policies. And even more frightening, to use the high-profile events to go after climate scientists.  As an example of the anti-science positions of the new Senate officeholders, Johnson, who beat progressive Russ Feingold, says sunspots are responsible for increasing temperatures in the Earth’s atmosphere, a Republican-led “belief” that contradicts the overwhelming consensu…

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Did The Democrats Punt On Faith Outreach?

…ents: Lackluster commitment from party leaders, a failure to connect their policies with moral values, and the dire economy all explain Democrats’ lack of success with religious voters, according to politicos and faith leaders. “The God gap doesn’t explain these election results,” said Mike McCurry, a White House press secretary under Bill Clinton who has encouraged Democrats’ faith-based outreach. “It was driven by real anxiety people feel about…

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Gay Republicans Ask for Social Issue Cease-Fire

…of the list of priorities for the new Congress, along with sensible fiscal policies,” Concerned Women for America leader Penny Nance responded in her own letter. “I’d like to know which one—support for the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, eliminating taxpayer dollars from funding embryonic stem cell research, or defunding Planned Parenthood—the signers of the GOProud letter have a problem with.” Actually, GOProud, like most fiscally conservat…

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Gays Attacked in Uganda After Mag Publishes Info

…y to return the favor, providing for their American allies examples of the policies too extreme to be implemented in the United States.” The bill’s author, Member of Parliament David Bahati and the Ethics Minister, James Buturo are affiliated with The Family. Then there’s Rick Warren. The Saddleback megachurch pastor has enjoyed close ties in Uganda, a “Purpose Driven Nation,” where The Purpose Driven Life is reported to be almost as popular as th…

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Mormon “Martin Luther” Causes Stir by Uploading LDS Church Handbook of Instructions to Internet

…k of Instructions, a two-volume, 400-page tome detailing Church doctrines, policies, and procedures (call it a Mormon Talmud) previously reserved only for local and regional Church leaders had been leaked on the Internet days before its official release at a special Saturday meeting satellite-broadcast from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City. Before last week, in a whole lifetime of Mormonism, I can only remember seeing the CHI once, when I was…

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You Had to See This One Coming

In the midst of all the consternation about the new TSA “pat-down” policies, officials tried to calm criticism with the repeated assertion that travelers will be searched by “same-sex” agents. Of course, anti-gay activist Peter La Barbera at Americans for Truth About Homosexuality is worried about gay and lesbian TSA agents (the TSA has an anti-discrimination policy) conducting the controversial searches on “normal” passengers. LaBarbera wants “h…

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