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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…et pools of money buying Southern elections is a problem. SCOTUS’ Citizens United decision changed the rules of the game, making it easier for big money to play partisan politics. As John Nichols has said in his book, we are more and more a “dollarocracy.” But we remind our progressive friends who are not up on their Southern history: Poor and jobless people of all races have never had money. That’s the definition of “poor.” But if Harriet Tubman…

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Trump, Islamophobia, and the Philly Pig’s Head Incident

…e registered in a database and stop Muslim immigrants from coming into the United States. Upping the ante on Tuesday, he made comparisons between his policies and President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s policy to place Japanese Americans in internment camps following the attack on Pearl Harbor. All of this rhetoric stands in sharp contrast to the values ensconced in the U.S. Constitution which guarantee legal protections for the free exercise of religio…

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The Religious Right’s Apocalyptic Visions of an Obama Presidency  

…aring with Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.” Lack of action by the United Nations subsequently led to Russia’s occupation of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria. President Obama “deepen[ed] U.S. ties and U.S. trade with Communist regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia.” In the Middle East, “in mid-2010 Iran launched a nuclear bomb which exploded in the middle of Tel Aviv, destroying much of that city.” Israel was forced to “…

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Even After an Obama Victory Reports of the Death of the Religious Right are Greatly Exaggerated

…, D.C. has been seriously diminished,” as the Rev. Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State wrote early this morning, even in an Obama administration, expect some or all of the following to take place against the backdrop of a mainstream media giddy with reports of the demise of the religious right. Right off the bat, longtime leaders of the religious right, monitoring every move Obama’s transition team makes, will dis…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…ith dialogue and I am happy to report to you that the following month, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously approved our resolution calling for an interfaith dialogue among the great religions of the world. The news hook? Bartholomew’s report pointed out that in July of this year, the Muslim World League held a global interfaith dialogue meeting in Madrid, during which time, as Arab News reported, de Venecia Jr. presented a draft resolu…

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Catholic Universities Facing a Fork in the Road on Gender & Sexuality: The Church or the Culture

…ecause of the tangible legal and financial benefits marriage allows in the United States, including tax benefits. Love Saxa’s advocacy of denying individuals’ rights on the basis of their sexual orientations is inherently intolerant. … Love Saxa’s constitution also identifies it as ‘a space [for students] to discuss their experiences of the harmful effects of a distorted view of human sexuality and the human person.’ By characterizing the LGBTQ ex…

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Is Coverage of Liberal Religion a Media Fail?

…the world of liberal American religion. An interfaith group called Faiths United To Prevent Gun Violence held a Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath this weekend, in conjunction with the National Cathedral (hardly an obscure institution) and 1,000 houses of worship around the country. If there is any issue that should compel people (religious or not) to action, the daily, senseless deaths of Americans to gun violence should certainly be one. But despi…

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Huckabee in the Holy Land: A Christian Zionist Campaign

…support for Israel. In the period from 1948 to the mid ’70s, when both the United States and Israel were led by governments with secular democratic agendas, the ‘Cyrus idea’ was present, if somewhat muted. The confluence of the George W. Bush presidency and a rightward shift in the Israeli government meant that visions of the Third Temple were no longer thought of as metaphorical. And although supporters of the ‘Temple Mount Faithful’ still consti…

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Same-Sex Marriage May Lead to Polygamy, But So What?

…the increasing loss of Protestant control of sexual mores and laws in the United States. The legalization of polygamy would only mark the next step in the decoupling of church and state with regard to matrimony. But Sprigg does not rest his case against polygamy (and same-sex marriage) on religious liberty claims alone. He banks on conservative gay activist Jonathan Rauch’s case against polygamy to stress the social harms of polygamy. After summa…

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History Matters: On the 400th Anniversary of Plymouth We’re Still Clinging to Destructive National Myths

…the quadricentennial of the pilgrims’ arrival, it’s crucial to rethink the United States’ relationship to some of its founding myths, especially in our current season of national soul searching (which has been unequally embraced by some critics). All the more crucial because what generations of American schoolchildren are taught regarding the arrival of English separatists to a country already inhabited by Abenaki, Wampanoag, and Pequot (among oth…

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