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Equality Opponents Try to Reverse UN Progress; Anti-Gay Pentecostal Pastor Elected Mayor of Rio; Indonesian University Official Tells LGBT Students To ‘Normalize’ Or Be Punished; Global LGBT Recap

…e would go to hell,” Hendricks said. “So, I thought there was no place of expression for sexuality in my life. The community tells you you should just get married and then it will all go away. And so I got married. But it didn’t even take us a year to realize that we had made a big mistake.” Hendricks had two children with his wife, but then divorced her to seek a more honest life: “I needed to let the world know that I was an imam, but that I was…

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Leave Your Stereotypes at the Door: 10Q on “Keeping it Halal”

…essary, unfortunately—that well-done ethnography can reveal. What’s your next book? My next project will be sort of the reverse of this book, in which I’ll investigate how people from the “West”—the US and the UK, mostly—adjust to and manage cultural tensions when living in an “Islamic” context, that of the United Arab Emirates. I’ve spent over a year hanging out and talking to people at a social club for Westerners and conducted interviews of mos…

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For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…include a number of stridently anti-gay figures, and his rumored pick of Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State is sounding alarm for Tillerson’s close ties to Russia’s Vladimir Putin as well as the company’s historically poor track record on LGBT issues. C-Fam, the US based organization that is helping to lead an anti-LGBT backlash at the United Nations, attacked a speech by Thai diplomat Vitit Muntarbhorn, the new UN independent ex…

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Biggest, Best & Worst LGBT Religion Stories of 2016 and more in Global LGBT Recap

…st. The interplay of religious beliefs and attitudes was found to be complex, for example, in India: Centuries-old communities of transgender women — most commonly known as hijras — were criminalized under laws passed when India was a British colony, and today often make a living as beggars or sex workers. India’s Supreme Court ruled in 2014 that the government must enact broad reforms to correct this history, including outlawing discrimination on…

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Seb Gorka and Pres. Trump

Does It Matter If Islam Is A Religion? An American Ahmadi Explains The Effects Of Religious Discrimination

…ul-Haq went a step further, signing an executive order, known as Ordinance XX, prohibiting Ahmadis even from taking part in common Muslim practices such as the call to prayer, using the greeting “As-salamu alaykum,” or reciting the shahada, the Islamic creed: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” Since then, Zia’s order has been ratified by every successive government. When Mahershala Ali won his Oscar the other night, a Paki…

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The Revolution Will Not Be Fetishized: Taking Resistance Beyond the Spiritual Industrial Complex

…dge with collective resistance even if it means putting those toned, spandex-clad bodies in between Trump’s administration and the most vulnerable populations—Muslims, Mexicans, blacks, queers, disabled people and women. To be activists against poverty and hunger, they would need to embody resistance through concrete action. They would need to support the efforts of groups like the anti-war Code Pink that resorts to reason, empirical evidence and…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

oned humans as the culmination of God’s specific acts of creation during six days approximately 6,000 years ago. It replaced this story with a less grand one of natural selection and random mutation across eons. And evolution also undermined the theologically important explanation for human and animal suffering, as the result of God’s fit punishment of Adam and Eve for “original sin.” (Today, 57 percent of white evangelicals reject evolution, beli…

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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…aid his work focuses on five areas: Decriminalization of consensual same-sex sexual relations, recognition of gender identity, fighting stigma against LGBT and intersex people, empathy and cultural inclusion. “This is very much reaching out to a broad understanding of religion,” he said. The Trump administration announced that Randy Berry, named by President Barack Obama the first special envoy for LGBTI human rights, “will be continuing in his ro…

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Nike’s Token Equality: New Campaign Masks the Truth About Workers’ Rights

…renching accounts of their travails. Journalists and watchdog groups have exhaustively exposed the injustices workers making Nike products endure. Read, for example, this recent article based on interviews of eighteen women in Vietnam who have experienced intimidation, abuse, and threats but say they cannot speak without facing retribution—then go back and watch that “Equality” ad. Nike has come under fire lately for denying the Workers’ Rights Co…

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What’s Behind a Conservative Mormon’s Call For “Religious Freedom” Advocates to “Stand Down” on LGBT Rights

…accordance with dominant faith traditions? “I have said before that homosexuality is not being our better selves,” Mero says. “But that is from my religious, faith-based framework. And I would say that about somebody that is an adulterer, or somebody who has sex outside of wedlock. Right? I would argue that on a faith basis.” That “faith basis” provides the final, crucial key to understanding Mero’s perception of LGBT rights and “religious freedo…

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