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On Pi Day, Puzzling Over the Most Famous Transcendental Number

…nrise and car tire, every planet and solar system. Are mundane objects the site of the earth’s encounter with infinity? As scientists plumb the universe, they find only nothingness and subatomic buzz; particles that pop in and out of being. The world, humans included, seems to be made of this patternless hum. It’s no wonder so many mathematicians quake at the concept of infinite randomness. We see patterns throughout the universe. But physics sugg…

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Is Religion Wrecking Our Air?

…risk.” This final conclusion does seem to be accurate. A 2011 article in the New York Times, for instance, reported on the case of a three-year-old who suffered mercury poisoning when her family moved into a Rhode Island apartment that had been the site of ritual mercury use by a former tenant many years earlier. ### Excerpted from When God Isn’t Green: A World-Wide Journey to Places Where Religious Practice and Environmentalism Collide by Jay Wex…

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Tutu’s Daughter Marries Woman & Loses Anglican Priest License; Romanian Anti-Marriage Activists Get 3 Million Signatures; Australian State Apologizes For Harmful Sodomy Laws; Global LGBT Recap

…ght guaranteed in the country’s constitution. See journalist Rex Wockner’s site for ongoing reporting and analysis of the complex and shifting marriage landscape in Mexico. The Transgender Law Center and the Cornell Law School LGBT Clinic released “Report on Human Rights Conditions of Transgender Women in Mexico,” which documents “pervasive discrimination, hatred, violence, police abuse, rape, torture, and murder.” Kyrgyzstan: Anti-LGBT bill delay…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…anti-LGBT and anti-West summit of the World Congress of Families, was the site of a strange attack by “far-right extremists” on a vegan café. More from the Guardian: According to the statement, the attackers “pulled out grilled meat, sausages, and fish and started eating them and throwing them at us… they were just trying to provoke our friends and disrespect us.” The statement also alleged that members of group had come to the neighbourhood a mo…

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Gimme Shelter: Queer Space Is Sanctuary

…churches in America to explicitly reach out to LGBTQ Catholics, became the site of near-daily funerals for AIDS victims. People gathered there to grieve, and the grief was nonstop. Fr. Anthony McGuire, pastor at the time, told Jesuit Fr. Donal Godfrey that “it was harrowing. I used to weep a lot at funerals. There was no break to it. It was one after another after another.” Sanctuaries have a long history in the often bloody struggle for equality…

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Historian: Evangelical Trump Fandom is No Deviation

…Christian businessmen have treated the American marketplace as a religious site—and a means to promote evangelical Christianity and its politics. Controversies surrounding Chick-fil-A, Hobby Lobby, and bakers who refuse to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples are just the latest in a series of public skirmishes between self-described Christian entrepreneurs and the laws and regulations that govern American business. Indeed, as historian Darren…

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#HijabiLivesMatter: The Burkini Ban, Black Hair and the Meaning of “Natural”

…Scott explains in The Politics of the Veil that the Muslim headscarf is a site where questions about divergent cultural standards—particularly those standards pertaining to sex—could play out. According to Scott, “French norms of sexual conduct [are] taken to be both natural and universal.” In contrast, she argues, “Muslim sexuality [is represented as] unnatural and oppressive when compared to an imagined French way of doing sex.” Similarly, the…

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Leave It to Trump to Split a Catholic-Evangelical Bloc That’s Generations Old

…gelicals and Trump. As early as August 2015, the independent Catholic news site Crux noted that Trump’s aggressive anti-immigration stance put him at odds with Catholic bishops who were lobbying Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Writing in National Review earlier this summer, the political scientist Michael J. New commented that Trump’s “Catholic problem” likely stemmed from Trump’s harsh rhetoric on Latino immigrants who many Ame…

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Will a New Dawkins Foundation-Sponsored App Help Atheists Talk to Believers?

…despite abundant research demonstrating that secular societies are the opposite of the hedonistic dens of crime and despair that some believers suggest a godless society would become. Christine Vigeant and Sarah Paquette, both former students of Boghossian, are the managers of Atheos. “We aren’t interested in making atheists. We are interested in making people reason more effectively, to make their arguments based on reason,” Vigeant told me. She…

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For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…ess of Families speaker. According to a report on the right-wing Breitbart site: The International Organization for the Family (IOF) rolled out its “Cape Town Declaration” in South Africa Friday, reaffirming the critical role of traditional man-woman marriage as the bedrock of civilization. The Declaration, already signed by hundreds of religious, political, social, and civic leaders from all the continents, states that the family is the “first an…

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