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LGBT’s, Opponents Prep for Vatican Synod; UN Rights Council Adopts LGBT Resolution; Brazil’s Evangelicals Eye Presidency; Global LGBT Recap

…nationalists, but was backed by left-wing groups. Russia: Gov’t Cancels Exchange Program as Gay Teen Opts to Stay in U.S. The Russian government is up in arms about a teenager who declined to return home after participating in an exchange program. The student is reportedly saying with a gay couple that has other foster children. BuzzFeed’s Lester Feder reports that a Russian official has charged that the 17-year-old boy was illegally put up for a…

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“We All We Got”: The Black Church As an Oasis in Baltimore’s Food Deserts

…we face in the headlines and in the household, perhaps it might be time to change churches. In Baltimore, symbolic gestures on the pulpit are best complemented by concrete actions in our streets. Their hands forced, some of Baltimore’s black churches have stepped up to meet this demand. Prayer walks have been held by congregations at the same Penn-North intersection where CNN and others incessantly broadcasted images of a torched CVS as if it were…

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Glenn Beck’s Political Theology

…rah Palin made sure everybody knew she still doesn’t believe in that hopey-changey thing: I must assume that you too, knowing that no, we must not fundamentally transform America as some would want, we must restore America and restore her honor! In both cases, the message is the same: to hell with going somewhere new. We want to get back to square one. (And the squares sent up loud amens.) It’s that opposition to change, the fundamental inability…

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A Resurgence of “Ex-Gay Therapy” Under Trump/Pence? ABC News Report Offers a Platform to Hate Group Rep. Peter Sprigg

…ergypeople remain free to use various “therapeutic” measures to attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, despite broad scientific consensus that such changes are impossible.) Testimony from survivors could have provided critical balance in the piece and a powerful counter to Sprigg’s assertions. RD reached out to two of them. Carl Charles, a gay trans man and practicing attorney in New York City who spent nearly a year i…

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Refusing Religion, Claiming the Future: A Roundtable Discussion on “The Nones Are Alright”

…n mainline Protestants, despite the fact that they seem like they’ve never changed, have done just that. They became a separate entity from what came to be known as “fundamentalists” in the early 20th century by adapting their theology to current ways of thinking about science. This has continued over the years with changes/adaptations around gender, LGBT, social justice, etc. Maybe it’s time to start adapting forms of liturgy (which in reality ha…

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Mexico moves toward national marriage equality; Greek govt announces civil partnership legislation; Pope warns against ‘secularism and relativism’; Global LGBT recap

…trans people,” he told the Daily Record. “There can be no denying that the policy of equal marriage has been a huge success.” It will take at least two years to change the Marriage Canon. Italy: Civil Union motion passes lower house of Parliament On the heels of Ireland’s marriage equality vote, Italy’s Democratic Party leader Roberto Speranza said, “Now it’s Italy’s turn.” From Eric Rosswood at the New Civil Rights Movement: On Wednesday the Lowe…

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Time for Jews to Abandon the Old Foundation Myth of Israel?

…ntinue to build Jewish life on the same old foundational myth? Or will the changes in policy open up room for a discussion of deeper changes in the myth itself? In Israel, the widespread approval of Netanyahu’s speech suggests that the myth remains healthy (though there is still, as there has always been, a significant minority who challenge it). It’s here in the United States—where Jewish community support is vital to keep all those dollars flowi…

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You Are More Than Your Brain: A Revolutionary Theory of Consciousness

…ng with one person and ended it with something else. This has been dubbed “change blindness.” Change blindness appears to be proof positive that the brain fabricates a mental picture of the world based on information that does not exist. We live in a delusion, therefore, a world of shadows. The goal of neuroscience, then, much like the goal of philosophers in Plato’s day, is to figure out why the world appears to us as a complete picture when in f…

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The Racist Message of Do-Nothing Religion, Courtesy of Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

…all from the Lieutenant Governor or his community of fellow believers. No change in belief, no change in behavior. Certainly no new laws or policies. After all, Patrick accepted Jesus Christ in 1994. He’s been doing the real work all along. If only we’d listened! Joking aside, Patrick’s response to the current crisis—this terrible, amazing moment of opportunity—is to offer nothing in terms of self-risk or vulnerability from his community of fello…

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New Book Stokes Fear of a Muslim Europe

…nerally the former that changes to suit the latter.” The key word here is ‘change.’ Change is deemed to be bad, if also inevitable. And here the culture clash is between two blocs. The European bloc is defined by its core values: “individualism, democracy, freedom, and human rights” (p. 83), unquestionable goods that Europe has defended in the past and that have not (and, according to Caldwell’s logic, cannot) have an equivalent in Islamic culture…

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