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Santorum’s War on Satan… er, on Higher Education

…were in fact smarter than everybody else and could come up with something new and different—pursue new truths, deny the existence of truth, play with it because they’re smart. And so academia a long time ago fell. You say, well, what could be the impact of academia falling? Well, I would make the argument that the other structures that I’m going to talk about here had the root of their destruction because of academia. Because what academia does i…

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Touch Me, Man, I’m Healed, I’m Straight

…sonal affirmation.) In 2007, Throckmorton asked Wyler about any connection between the JiM retreat and the New Warrior Training Adventure: 3. Does JIM endorse MKP and NWTA? 3) We do not endorse MKP or NWTA, although we do make information about NWTA available, along with information on Christian- and Jewish-variations of New Warriors (Dare to Soar, Marked Men for Christ, Call of the Shofar, etc.) along with other programs, such as various 12-step…

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Breivik’s Emasculation Paranoia Fueled Vision for Patriarchal “Reforms”

…e multipliers. Conservatives are strenuously trying to challenge parallels between the Norway shooter and the positions they themselves have been advocating. But Breivik’s call for a return to patriarchy, driven by a fear of emasculation by powerful women, is also a feature of American religious right rhetoric. Florida Congressman and Tea Party favorite Allen West, speaking last spring at a “Women Impacting the Nation” meeting, declared: “We need…

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The Real Story Behind Rick Perry’s Secret Meetings with Pastors

…nia pastor instrumental in the California Proposition 8 fight who now runs Newt Gingrich’s Renewing American Leadership, and Harry Jackson, who relentlessly opposed D.C.’s gay marriage law; religious right historian David Barton; Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention and Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council; Rod Parsley, who, like John Hagee, is apparently making a comeback after being rejected by McCain in 2008; Jerry Boykin, the…

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Jose Antonio Vargas’ Coming Out and the Power of Stories over Religious Remonstrances

…about race; Edwards said that frequently progressives speak “in their own code,” which “sends people away” rather than “draw[ing] them in.” She added, “I want to make sure we’re using language to draw people in who share the same concerns about declining jobs and opportunity.” Edwards was reacting to someone in the audience bringing up the term “white privilege;” Edwards, who is African-American, cautioned that when people of color use that termi…

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Rick Santorum Figures Out the Feminist Plot to Create “Phony” Abortion Exceptions

…ed public need for the occasional trained obstetrician, when of course we knew that a proper ladyperson can deliver a 16-pound breech baby in a tub in a barn through her nostril if she only believes in herself.   But then the sister who brought the motion… ah! You know, it was Lady Douglas Heatherscote of Braintree. (I remember because she always wore this camouflage tutu which she said subverted phallogocentrism.) Yes. Anyway. Lady Douglas pointe…

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Showdown Over Shari’ah at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference

…ed view of the shari’ah “threat,” saying that he opposed a shari’ah “legal code” but stopped short of a full-on endorsement of shari’ah law bans. (That said, Reed does indeed understand his audience, and its fears.) The composition of the Faith and Freedom panel led me to believe he might have been attempting if not a rapprochement, then at least some balance. Ironically enough, the panel followed one on alleged anti-evangelical bigotry, though fe…

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What’s Huntsman’s Game Plan?

…to poke fun at Romney to sharpen those contrasts. And there’s no love lost between Huntsman and Romney, who are distant cousins. 8. And yet, there are undeniable similarities between the Huntsman and Romney, including the fact that both as governors launched health care plans they later disavowed. Does his early hemming and hawing about his own religion indicate a tendency to spin and squirm, or—even worse—flip and flop? It’s way too early to even…

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Devil’s Bookmark: Doubting God’s Existence, but Angry Nevertheless

…the mold is in the cast. Talking about Tolstoy not only brings Ilyich into better relief, it also opens new avenues of discussion about religious and political ideologies and their bearing on the story. And the list of authors’ alter egos goes on: John Cheever’s celebrated short story “The Swimmer” is a take on the author’s own struggles with addiction, down to his preferred intoxicant: gin. The similarities between James Joyce and Stephen Dedalus…

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‘Soul of Yoga’ at Stake in Texas Regulation Push

…gis aren’t the only ones fighting this battle. In Virginia, Wisconsin, and New York, state governments have required vocational licensing for programs training yoga teachers. Some opposition to such attempts has been successful. After the New York State Education Department tried to assess fines on and to require permits from yoga teacher training programs, a group of yogis responded with legislation that successfully exempted yoga teacher trainin…

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