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Does Record Number of Religious “Nones” Mean Decline of Religiosity?

…Richard Dawkins or Bill Maher as religiously anti-religious Atheist evangelists, I have to suspect that the 7% of religious among the “Atheist/Agnostic” group, along with the 34% of their cohort who see themselves as “spiritual but not religious,” might be on the more Agnostic end of the spectrum.  Likewise, it’s hard to know, in the end, what to make of what seems a startling set of numbers related to “belief in God or a Universal Spirit.” Here,…

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GOP Presidential Candidates’ Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

…eed to subscribe to any particular scientific theory in order to right the listing economy, or to protect U.S. interests abroad, or to navigate Capitol Hill. In principle, one could reject the heliocentric theory and still be a first-rate president. But he is ultimately wrong about the inappropriateness of the question. It is appropriate because the answer has consequences that go far beyond science. He was not being asked to understand the detail…

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It’s Barack v. the Bible, Says Barton

…se we always need a “Party of Fear,” whether it comes in the form of Federalists dubious of democracy in the New Republic, or nativists fearing the influence of “new immigrants” in the 1850s (or the 2000s), or contemporary commentators suspicious of Obama’s foreign, Islamic, or radical roots. Even from his grave, hack journalist Andrew Breitbart continues to taste that fear, and spread the hate. And a “religion of fear” serves a multitude of purpo…

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Does Religion Justify the Murder of Troy Davis? [Updated]

…he one hand, certain crimes deserve death. Whatever we make of the Bible’s list (which includes violating the sabbath and committing adultery), there are indeed acts so heinous that the blood of the victim seems to cry out from the earth. (Gen. 4:10) On the other hand, we human beings can hardly ever be sure of ourselves. We are fallible—no more so than in the case of “eyewitness” testimony, as devastatingly catalogued in a recent Slate article ab…

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Please Reverend, Do Something About the Fat People

…than pick these findings apart, it might be easier to just go through and list the hypothetical conditions under which that call to DO SOMETHING might actually be compelling: 1. It might be compelling if associations and correlations said anything about causality. But they don’t. If they did, wearing panties would put you at a sharply increased risk for becoming female, and burying yourself in dirt would put you at an increased risk for turning i…

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Gay and Christian and About to Lose Their Jobs

…that institutions such as the military and private Christian colleges, who promote the ideas of honesty and integrity would force their members to adhere to statements that may result in employees feeling they must lie or hide to protect their livelihoods. Certainly, those who don’t like it can find new jobs and Shorter will have the employee base it wants — good, obedient, homogenized Christians who gladly sign a list of beliefs and adhere to the…

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Jeff Sharlet’s Weird Religion, in 13 Chapters

…ce needs the wide-open space of east Texas to ground a globetrotting evangelistic enterprise, while Will’s globetrotting activism leans on his grounding in Kenilworth, Illinois. Plots are constantly plotted.   Ultimately, emplotting people’s tales and locations entails their humanity, and hence we stumble over the third emplotment, the cemetery plot. In “Begin with the Dead,” Cornel West offers his attitudes toward teaching and all other manner of…

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Waiting for Lightning to Strike: A Wobbly Agnostic among the Atheists

…there is no God, just as I always knew there was a God. Call us fundamentalists, the two of us. But here’s the difference: I am a reformed fundamentalist. I can now entertain the idea that my truth may not be the only truth. I want to understand, to listen and consider other people’s points of view, even when I find their convictions strange or frightening. That’s why I’m here. If I reject this group’s beliefs without understanding them, then I h…

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Romney’s Mild Rebuke to Bryan Fischer, and Fischer’s Ugly Speech

…f sincere, authentic, genuine Chrisitan faith.” In the rest of his laundry list of presidential prerequisites, Fischer veered from there to discuss the “mythical separation of church and state,” the need for a president to “reject the morally and scientifically bankrupt theory of evolution,” and to believe in “the same Creator” as the founders— the “creator revealed in the pages of the Old and New Testaments.” That led him to an extended anti-Musl…

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#OccupyWallStreet and the Antichrist

…y the other types of institutions Kazin names, and I’d add churches to his list of “think tanks, legal societies, lobbyists, talk radio and best-selling manifestos.”  The Democratic Party thinks it can’t afford in any way to support an institution that might take on the Wall Streeters who stuff campaign coffers with cash. Fear of an imagined “false prophet of peace” and prophesied leader of a “one-world government” and “one-world economy” could he…

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