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The Real Story Behind Rick Perry’s Secret Meetings with Pastors

…h reads like a theo-economic merger of a religious right and Tea Party wishlist (a merger Robison endorsed last year while helping Ralph Reed promote the launch of his Faith and Freedom Coalition). In a nutshell: America should be ruled by God, not government, with no abortion, gay marriage, or jurisprudence Robison disagrees with; the market should be kept “free, healthy, and under the influence of people who understand that importance of persona…

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Jose Antonio Vargas’ Coming Out and the Power of Stories over Religious Remonstrances

…dismissive and reductive portrayal of Tea Partiers as racist; instead, panelists Cord Jefferson, an editor at GOOD magazine, Maria Teresa Kumar, executive director of Voto Latino, and Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), discussed what they viewed as the legitimate grievances of their fellow Americans against what Edwards called “an environment of scarcity,” in which the “top two percenters” (in income) “cause us to turn on each other.” The emphasis was not…

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Showdown Over Shari’ah at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference

…rts which, Gaffney maintains, is happening as we speak. Khan and other panelists were confronted by followers of Gaffney, equipped with video cameras, about their supposed ties to jihadists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other assorted bogeymen. Here, at Faith and Freedom, Breger and Gaffney were on the same panel, described in the program as “Defeating Terrorism and Jihad,” but which was much more about the supposed threat of shari’ah than terroris…

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What’s Huntsman’s Game Plan?

…ion and, intriguingly, that he “adds to that diversity,” which is probably code for a less-than-orthodox approach to the faith. Huntsman is helped also by the fact that whereas Mormonism may be the most intriguing thing about candidate Romney, candidate Huntsman plays rock-and-roll and rides motorcycles. 3. He needs to show well in New Hampshire, but it’s South Carolina he is banking on. His campaign team is already heavy with recycled McCain pers…

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Supreme Court OKs State Funding Scheme for Religious Schools and Bars Challenges

…ayer of my persuasion (we’ll call her Petra from Yuma) finds using the tax code to benefit such schools offensive to the First Amendment. In the past, Petra from Yuma could go into court to challenge the tax credit as a form of state-subsidized religion. But Petra (or a Thomas Jefferson redivivus, for that matter) is now out of luck. The core issue is whether providing the tax credit has the exact same practical impact as simply giving tax revenue…

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Perry Thinks Palestinians Should Be Shafted, No Surprise

…o accept that the Obama administration opposes it, a refusal Israeli journalist Gershom Gorenberg calls “a mistake several times over.” Danon, though, is the hardest of the hardline that has taken up McCarthy-esque tactics to beat back political opposition in Israel and even in the U.S. Back in March, Danon staged a show trial intended to depict the American Jewish group J Street, which is for a two-state solution, as “pro-Palestinian,” and demand…

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Tennessee Anti-Evolution Update

…on proposed by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, an organization that promotes intelligent design. David Fowler, head of the conservative Christian Family Action Council of Tennessee, which is affiliated with Focus on the Family, and is one of the bill’s primary lobbyists. In defending the bill’s language, he has tried to draw on comparisons to the famous Scopes monkey trial that took place 86 years ago in his state. “…[T]oday’s evolutionary…

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6 Reservations About U.S. Intervention in Libya

…can be picked off as so many inert targets in a videogame you have a cheat code for. I’m sure many Arabs and Muslims across the region watched this and thought two things: what exactly was the point of independence, if some 60 years later a country has no actual capacity to defend itself? And, given that, why is it Western powers are still rescuing Arabs or Muslims, as they see it, on their own terms?   5) Let’s not pretend that this is truly an a…

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Record Number of Stealth Creationism Bills Introduced in 2011

…, critique and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught.” As always, since intelligent design was ruled unconstitutional in Kitzmiller v. Dover, the introduced bills rely on such creationist code words as “teaching the controversy,” “academic freedom,” or “critical analysis.” However, in the case of Florida, the bill’s sponsoring lawmaker Rep…

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Alums Speak Out Against Anti-Gay Christian College

…agons and strenuously defending the “homosexual practice” forbidden in its code of ethics, the school is reaching out. 51 of the school’s 92 faculty members responded, seeking “forgiveness for ways we might have added to your pain.” “We’re hoping to do a better job of talking to and loving each other and holding true to our scriptural principles,” said Jane Higa, the school’s vice president for student life. That doesn’t mean the school’s policy w…

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