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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…sionally uproarious. If the giddy laughter I heard at the sold-out show on Easter Sunday is any indication, theatergoers love it. And they delight in laughing at Mormons. From personal knowledge, I can tell you that many of the play’s zingers about 19-year-old Mormon “elders” fall on target. A surprising number of these Christian soldiers haven’t in fact read the Book of Mormon (“Another Testament of Jesus Christ”). Pairs of missionaries (“compani…

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Prophets of the Environmental Apocalypse

…ar anxiety about The End has actually been with us for quite some time—at least from the moment in July 1945 when Manhattan Project mastermind J. Robert Oppenheimer quoted Vedic scripture at Los Alamos: “I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.” Many Americans actually felt pretty good about the nuclear bomb for a little bit, though that changed once those damned Russkies got a bomb of their own. Partly to allay growing fears of annihilation, Presi…

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Tattoos, Cremation, Personal Spirituality: The Jewish World in Transformation

…thodox synagogue on West 86th Street. After my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, my sister and I moved to Waterbury, Connecticut where we lived with my aunt and uncle, Ruth and Herman. I spent many hours discussing the state of the Jewish community in Waterbury with my Aunt Ruth, and although the ideas presented in this book differ radically from what I was arguing at the time, I owe much to her enthusiastic debating. If she was alive today…

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Dumbest Interview About Islam of All Time

…all over the streets that are in some of the countries over in the Middle East, just blowing up a super market with not even soldiers, just people, when 250 people die in a super market that are shopping, where people die in a store or in a street. There’s a lot of hatred there that’s some place. Now I don’t know if that’s from the Koran. I don’t know if that’s from some place else. But there’s tremendous hatred out there that I’ve never seen any…

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Americans Lose Faith, Sinning with Transfats, the Elusive God Particle

This week’s earthquake along the East Coast damaged the National Cathedral in Washington DC. Church attendance is dropping faster among those who don’t have college degrees. Meanwhile, Duke sociologist Mark Chaves finds that Americans are losing faith in their religious leaders. When it comes to baptisms, some are dunkers and some are drunkers. A Sacramento priest showed up to an infant baptism too inebriated to sprinkle the kids. The priest has…

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How Mormon is Mitt Romney? Over 50 Jokes For Trump

…Mahonri Moriancumr. Mitt is so Mormon he thinks Harvard is the BYU of the east. Mitt is so Mormon he thought the debt ceiling was something that could only happen in a temple. Mitt is so Mormon, he doesn’t campaign: he “fellowships.” Mitt is so Mormon that he’s installing two basketball hoops at the inaugural ball so there’s a place to hang decorations. Mitt is so Mormon that he’ll change the name of “Cabinet Meeting” to “Correlation Meeting.” Mi…

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But Are They “The Good Muslims”?

…n we talk about Egypt’s Salafis isn’t because we’re debating theology, at least not primarily—I don’t think we’re actually concerned with the specifics of Islamic thought. We’re more worried about what Salafism and Islamism generally means for our interests, values, and the Muslim world. At bottom, our concerns over Salafis are concerns over what they’ll do when they’re in power.  So we try to figure out where they fall in the continuum of what Co…

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Making Fun of Mormonism

…ion of Mormons’ “weird” beliefs is political. Mormons are the last (or at least the latest) religious “other” to confront the heart of American politics, to deem themselves American enough to ascend to the presidency. Mormon scholar Newell Bringhurst told me recently that that the current public debates over Mormonism reminds him very much of the debate over Kennedy’s Catholicism in 1960. “Would Kennedy take orders from the Vatican?” many leaders…

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Heaven On Earth: A Non-Hysterical History of Shari’ah

…es continue to seethe. It remains to be seen whether changes in the Middle East will draw the venom, or fuel yet more grievances. That said, even if it is too soon to write the epitaph to extremism, I don’t doubt that Muslims have both the motive and the capacity to contain its surge. They make up the majority of victims, after all, and the resilience of Muslim social and family structures make it relatively easy to say when a co-religionist is st…

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Is “Israel-Firster” Anti-Semitic?

…permanent frontier. In 1980, twelve thousand Jews lived in the West Bank, “east of democracy,” Beinart writes; now they number more than three hundred thousand, and include Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s wildly xenophobic Foreign Minister. Lieberman has advocated the execution of Arab members of parliament who dare to meet with leaders of Hamas. His McCarthyite allies call for citizens to swear loyalty oaths to the Jewish state; for restrictions on h…

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