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Will Answers in Genesis’ New ‘Ark Park’ Comply with Anti-Discrimination Laws?

…nd a statement regarding creation will not be considered, so even the vast numbers of Christian believers who don’t understand their tradition in the narrow way of AiG are not deemed suitable. But potential discrimination in hiring goes beyond religious discrimination. As President and CEO, Answers in Genesis–USA & the Creation Museum, Ken Ham writes and lectures throughout the country on “the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis and how…

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This is not a Religion Column: Sarah Palin, American

…ecomes the spirit, an imaginary municipality, Smalltown, U.S.A., becomes a site of rhetorical pilgrimage, an invocation of place as faith. The only time Pegler ever lived in a small town were his last years, when he moved into the desert outside of Tucson. Much of what he wrote was no longer publishable, but he sat in his empty, pure, American landscape pounding out more and more of it, trying to get at the monster he couldn’t name. Nearly 40 year…

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The Kids are Religious Right: Punk Rock & Pro-Life

…and has actively petitioned Congress. They also recognize some government officials and politicians as allies. During the 32nd March for Life, held in January 2005, George W. Bush addressed pro-life supporters via telephone, saying: “we are working to promote a culture of life.” The president’s language is certainly in line with Rock for Life’s rhetoric, and the group’s willingness to work within the system runs counter to the militant overtones…

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The Happening and the Gospel of Bruce Springsteen

…e headship in a traditional Christian family. Lest you think io9 (a sci-fi site) goes off the deep end, look at the interview with Shyamalan in Scientific American. Here the director sounds less a candidate for the Promise Keepers than for a drum circle: There is something that binds everything. To keep looking for that, that drive is almost the holy grail. I can totally relate to that on an intuitive level. That’s somehow tied to some mystical th…

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Why Did Vandals Try to Destroy a Holy Tree?

…essness of the destruction. Ironically, the social value ascribed to these sites made them ripe for sacrifice. Had the vandals been the only ones on Earth who knew about the Eye of the Needle, it may never have occurred to them to destroy it. Certainly, no sadistic impulse could be satisfied by destroying something that no one was able to appreciate. Instead these sites were the locus of communities, traditions, and histories stretching back centu…

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Religion in Tension on World AIDS Day

…entanglement in positive ways. On the one hand, as the United Nations AIDS site reports, “Communities of faith play a very significant role in influencing people’s behaviour and attitudes, and in providing care and support for AIDS.” Partnerships between UNAIDS and what they call FBOs (faith-based organizations) include Muslims and Christians, Hindus and Jews, and many others. Today religious organizations work alongside secular organizations to p…

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Battling for the Soul of the Democratic Party

…econd at his church in August. Haffner objected that Messiah College’s Web site directs students to “reparative therapy” to “cure” homosexuality, and posts other anti-gay materials, though by the time she brought her concerns to FIPL’s attention, the forum was “a done deal.” Haffner questions the choice of Messiah or Saddleback, Warren’s church, for the presidential forums, in order to appeal to conservative white evangelicals. “Why not go to a Ri…

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Hagee Hangs On

…oseph Lieberman. Despite pleas not to attend the Washington meeting from a number of organizations, including the newly-formed Jewish group J Street (which has partnered with Democracy for America in an effort called “Say It Ain’t So, Joe”), Lieberman appears, as of this writing, steadfast in his willingness to stand with Hagee. “It’s now necessary for us to look at the totality of (Hagee’s) views,” Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-De…

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AIDS Progress is Paradoxical

…d the three HIV cases “still need to be verified” by additional tests. The sites failed to properly sterilize endoscopy equipment, placing some patients—6,387 who had colonoscopies at Murfreesboro; 3,341 who had colonoscopies at Miami; and 1,069 who were treated at the ear, nose, and throat clinic in Augusta—at risk of blood-borne infections. There have also been six positive tests for hepatitis B and 19 for hepatitis C at the three centers, the V…

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Oh My God(dess)! Feminist Spirituality in the Third Wave

…different kinds of religions. We don’t tend to think of the Internet as a site for spiritual practice, yet many young women are running Web sites and blogs in order to build a community and engage in theological discussion. What effect might technology have on feminist spirituality? This is the big question of the day for all religious use of the Internet. I think this kind of technology can bring people together from a wider range of contexts wh…

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