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The Sacred and the Dead: How an Iranian-Jewish Angeleno Discovered Her Tribe

…United States. This is where my story begins. It was 1978 and my parents knew they had to leave Iran. They knew that the country was no longer a safe place for them. Unlike Iranians who tried to leave post-’79, our emigration was not dramatic. We applied for a green card and immediately left. We knew we had to leave as soon as we could, so we left everything behind: our home, our business, our land, clothing—everything. We arrived with nothing mo…

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Competitive Religious Philanthropy in the Wake of the Nepali Earthquake

…ularly as a result of the rise of Pentecostal-charismatic Christianity and new forms of evangelism. Christian charitable groups increasingly are viewed with suspicion as carrying proselytizing intentions. The statement by the diaspora-based Hindu American Foundation is grounded in these sub-continental concerns. In studying Buddhist NGOs doing relief work after the Tsunami and the civil war in Sri Lanka, I found Buddhist groups mobilizing in “comp…

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American Buddhism: Beyond the Search for Inner Peace

…izens. Finally, I’m curious: you’ve talked in interviews about your online news reading. What news sources do you regularly read?  I normally look at several alternative news sources and commentaries. I follow Democracy Now! almost daily—though I don’t watch all segments every day. I also read Common Dreams, Truthout, AlterNet, TomDispatch, and Climate Progress. The commentators that I most appreciate are Amy Goodman, Glenn Greenwald on justice is…

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Ministries of Presence: A Report from Nepal

…“Going out and just preaching isn’t cutting it,” Mendies said. “We need a new interpretation of what Christ told us. The verse says, ‘the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few,’ and we tend to stop at that point. But if you read the whole verse, it says, ‘Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers.’ “As far as the social gospel is concerned, I’m seeing it across the board,” he said, including among many of the m…

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Papal Retirement: A Matter of Conscience

…ning. What is news this time around is that rank and file Catholics want a new Church, not just a new pope. We know that change is in the air because we put it there. Progressive Catholics all over the world are creating new forms of church since the old is so thoroughly discredited. No institution can withstand the onslaught of negative publicity that the Vatican earned over clergy sexual abuse and episcopal cover-ups without major changes. No hi…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…d harassment of human rights defenders.” Uganda: Museveni says no need for new anti-gay law Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said publicly that there is no need for a new anti-gay law because the country already bans same-sex sexual behavior. Anti-gay lawmakers have been pushing for re-passage of the Anti Homosexuality Act that was overturned by a court for procedural reasons. Ireland: Marriage equality a reality by year’s end The Belfast Telegra…

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The Revolution Will Be Whispered: An Excerpt From Everywhere a Guest, Nowhere at Home: A New Vision of Israel and Palestine

…o say, or their parents, or the people who write books and articles in the newspaper and can’t think of anything except the same old things nobody believes in. Peace conferences in Madrid, declarations of principles, Cairo agreements, Washington agreements, road maps. One of these days they will let everyone know what they are planning, and then all the children and older sisters and brothers who want to join them and any parents who think they wi…

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The Revelation of Kurt Andersen: With ‘Evil Geniuses’ a Media Mandarin Discovers Plutocracy

…st ambitions in completely undoing the premises and core principles of the New Deal and the postwar social compact. They accomplished this feat in just 30 years of concerted effort. Andersen shows us how they did it through sins of commission but also sins of omission: quietly declining to renew key regulatory provisions, dropping cost-of-living indexing for recipients of various public benefits, letting the real value of the federal minimum wage…

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‘No Room’ for Gays in Country that Worships God [Kenya] | Churches Fight to Keep Sexuality Out of Sex Ed [S. Korea] | Global LGBT Recap

…s. The Ministry of Education began training district education officers on new sex education guidelines that “exclude any mention of homosexuality or sexual minorities.” The new policy contradicts South Korea’s support for Human Rights Council resolutions calling for an end to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. South Korea has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention to Eliminate all forms of…

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How Belief in Moscow as ‘The New Rome’ Explains Kirill’s Astonishing Declaration That ‘Russia Has Never Attacked Anyone’

…aditionally views America as the site of the Garden of Eden and the future New Jerusalem, a new Holy Land. Just as early Christians believed Rome existed to facilitate the spread of the Christian Gospel, many Mormons today believe the United States exists to facilitate the Restoration. Furthermore, many American evangelicals believe American exceptionalism derives from the fact that America has been given a special mission from God. In addition to…

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