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Phyllis Schlafly: Rick Perry Out to Undermine Traditional Marriage

In her latest column, Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly argues that Rick Perry’s 20 percent flat tax plan is, like gay marriage, “anti-family” since it would “eliminate all tax advantages for married couples in which one spouse is the primary breadwinner.” Schlafly, unimpressed by the Perry campaign’s insistence that the plan protects the middle class, responds with my favorite line: “Regardless of income, you can’t be middle class without res…

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The Shari’ah Spring: Media Gets It Backwards

…ive, nearly fully Muslim country, whose recently deposed tyrant frequently promoted Islamic practices and pieties. If we read the Arab Spring as a zero-sum game between Islamists and secularists, we’re going to miss what’s happening; if we imagine Arab democracy will look like secular Western democracy, we will likely be disappointed. And if we assume reference to Islam and democracy reveals only hypocrisy, insincerity, or ideological confusion, w…

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Science vs. Ideology and the Legacy of C. Everett Koop

On the latest bloggingheads, I talk to the Religious Institute’s Debra Haffner about the legacy of former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, who passed away on Monday at the age of 96. In this clip, Haffner describes how, despite his personal opposition to abortion, Koop refused to let ideology get in the way of science in concluding there was no evidence abortion harms women. Anti-choice activists still hail Koop for his role, with Francis Schaeff…

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In Which I Actually Defend Joel Osteen

…el Osteen—but the attack launched on him by Albert Mohler Jr. for Osteen’s latest appearance on Piers Morgan’s show prompts me to do so. Mohler, the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, writes over at The Christian Post that Osteen’s inability to stand up for Christian convictions makes him the worst kind of Christian spokesperson. It’s true, Osteen spent a lot of time bobbing and weaving on topics like a…

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God, Rid Me of God

…lescence that it wouldn’t have been as horrible as it was, but perhaps the latest rash of gay teen suicides puts the lie to that belief. We have tons of out celebrities, writers, and performers, and still teens are getting the message that their lives are somehow less than others, that their lives are evil and not worth living. I blame the religious right and their insistence on their “religious freedom” to condemn and bully LGBT people for this c…

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Aspirin as Birth Control, Shazam! and the GOP’s Crusade Against Contraception

…chor Andrea Mitchell picked her jaw up off the floor. As I heard about the latest installment of the 2012 Presidential Campaign Time Travels To Another Millenium, while I was across town in a Congressional hearing room, my first thought was that no one should tell the Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that aspirin could be used as birth control. First, they’d believe it, and second, they’d start a crusade to make s…

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The Contraceptive Mandate and Animal Suffering

In his latest Project Syndicate column, ethicist Peter Singer takes a novel approach to religiously-based requests for exemptions from following laws that serve to relieve suffering. Singer compares the objections of Jewish and Muslim groups in the Netherlands to a law that would require all animals to be stunned before slaughter. These groups claim the law would limit their religious freedom by altering mandated slaughter rituals which require t…

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United Methodist Church Votes Against Israel Divestment

…fthose courageous Jews troubled by Israel’s discriminatory course. In this latest iteration, the Bishop’s case against Israeli policies was framed as a response to a letter sent in April to the United Methodist Church. Signed by 1200 American and Canadian Rabbis, the letter called on the church to back away from criticizing Israel. It noted that: A one-sided approach damages the relationship between Jews and Christians that has been nurtured for d…

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Yerushalmi, National Review, and a Conservative Fight Over Shari’ah

…s a part of an ongoing intra-conservative battle over Islamophobia. In his latest post at National Review, Schmitz writes, logically dismantling Yerushalmi’s panic: It remains the case that anti-sharia activists have identified a grand total of seven cases in 35 years in which American courts have allegedly enforced sharia or other foreign-law based judgments. In none of them were the serious injustices that advocates of anti-sharia laws typically…

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Catholic Sex Teaching is No Laughing Matter

…inhuman and degrading punishment.” And there is some possibility that the latest version of the bill does not include the capital punishment provision, though Peter Montgomery’s sources indicate that it does. As Timothy Kincaid notes on Box Turtle Bulletin, however, none of this means that the Vatican opposes criminalizing homosexuality, only “cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment” for same; indeed, it opposed an earlier European Union move to…

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