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What to Make of the Chechnya Connection? An Expert Weighs In

…knowledge,” especially when compared to situation in nations of the Middle East where news media have more or less open access. Without that core understanding of what is going on in the region, what the issues are, and what people’s actions are there, there is no way to make any association with what the two brothers in Boston did or why. He says, “The Chechens do not understand why people such as the Georgians, the Azeris and the Armenians were…

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The “One True Christian” of His Age?

…Don Stinson, a landscape painter, suggested that I write a book set in the east. So, I was looking around, and it was literally the landscape, the earth in the cemetery with its small rises and falls, graves and markers, that led me to Jonathan Edwards and other people in Northampton in that time.   He’s not buried there, but there are two markers honoring him, and many other people who became fictional characters in the novel are there. I had nev…

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Elephant Orphans and Ecological Spiritualities: An Earth Day Reflection

…ake the side of the elephant.” It’s a complicated relationship to say the least. Especially when so many elephants get killed in the aftermath of such conflict. But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn anything from other creatures, for inquiring into the complex possibility of ecological spiritualities and humanisms might be morally creative and productive—not least in that they confront us with the complicated histories and legacies of the human ani…

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The Collapse of the American Jewish Center

…n. “It is time for our leaders to rally around the cause of peace with at least as much fervor as they have around Israel’s latest war,” he wrote. Simone Zimmerman, a former president of the National Student Board of J Street U, and an #IfNotNow organizer, said the group was motivated by “a sense of helplessness, seeing so many in the Jewish world completely filing in lock step in support” of Israel’s military action. “So many folks felt called to…

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Why Salma Hayek Adapting The Prophet for Screen Makes Sense

…0 and his untimely death in 1931, Gibran was for all intents and purposes American, part of a thriving immigrant community in first Boston and then New York, where he lived, painted, and wrote in a studio apartment on East 10th Street. Adapting Gibran’s most famous book into a narrative film won’t be easy, which is why it hasn’t been done before, but Salma Hayek is just as qualified to do so as anyone else, perhaps more so….

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It’s Theology, Not Baseball: Misunderstanding Iraq’s Sectarian Conflicts

…ial hate-mongering. So has the United States’ principal ally in the Middle East, Israel. As David Sheen has noted in these pages, none other than the former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, invoked biblical passages to call for the eradication of Palestinians. Far from being an isolated outburst, Sheen observes that other senior rabbis have done likewise, routinely drawing on a confessional vocabulary of wholesale destruction of non-Jewish ene…

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In Gaza Siege, Atheist Author Sam Harris Finds Yet Another Opportunity to Disparage Islam

…the roots of anti-Semitism are much more recent: “imported into the Middle East in the nineteenth century on the heels of European colonialism.” Even Bernard Lewis, whose work on Islam has been met with severe criticisms (and rightly so), maintains his position that any inherent hatred within Islam for Judaism or Jews is simply a falsehood. In his book Jews of Islam, Lewis reveals that Muslim Jewish relations were far more amicable under the umbre…

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As Gaza Burns, Jews Disagree, Protest & Pray

…courge of terrorism,” he says to the crowd of one hundred gathered at Park East Synagogue. “We pray to God for an end to this tyranny, for a time when hatred is not taught to children. These boys were cut down as they studied law, studied the Torah.” New York Councilman David Greenfield is invited to the bimah where he says, “The war for Israel’s survival is happening on Twitter and Facebook, in the papers and on the evening news.” People in the c…

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Islam=Peace: What’s in a Slogan?

…to participate in a convening of youth leaders from Africa and the Middle East under the auspices of the United States Institute of Peace, which had invited me participate in the meeting and to lead a training session on conflict communication. As we sat around a table in a hotel conference room, I was astounded by the stories of young community leaders doing work to change their neighborhoods and their countries against a backdrop of poverty, vi…

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Vincent Harding, 1931-2014 – An Appreciation

…dinary scholar-activist died with his boots on: of an aneurysm while on an East Coast lecture tour. Harding retained the energy of a person half his age right to the end of his days. What was that energy made of? I felt it as a moral energy, an ethical energy, joined to a quicksilver mind and a big heart. At a large gathering in Cincinnati a couple of years back—a gathering convened by Marian Wright Edelman, another civil rights hero—I had the pri…

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