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Is Norway’s Suspected Murderer Anders Breivik a Christian Terrorist?

…he forces of globalization and multiculturalism, and that the “mudpeople” (non-white, non-Christian, non-heterosexual, non-patriarchal males) were trying to take over the country. To save the country for Christendom the righteous white, straight, non-feminist Christian males had to be shocked into reality by the force of an explosion that would signal to them that the war had begun. These were McVeigh’s ideas from The Turner Diaries, but they were…

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New Study: Three-Quarters of American Giving Goes to Religion

…us. So, is it the case that religious people give more generously than the non-religious? Well, yes and no. Remember that statistic, that 65% of religious people donate to charity? The non-religious figure is 56%. But according to the study, the entire 9% difference is attributed to religious giving to congregations and religious organizations. So, yes, religion causes people to give more—to religion itself.  What did Richard Dawkins say? The prim…

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Blaming the Listener: NPR’s Non-Apology

…and others, NPR’s ombudsman, Edward Schumacher-Matos, has issued a classic non-apology for the piece. The sum of the ombudsman’s report is this: The reporter on this piece, Alix Spiegel, and her editor, Anne Gudenkauf, assumed their audience knew enough about “reparative therapy” for them to take some shortcuts in the story and not fully explain how generally bogus the “therapy” is and how completely condemned it is by any reputable psychological…

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Can Atheist Billboards Kill Religion?

…the absurdity behind some of their own faith commitments shouldn’t silence non-theists, and it doesn’t require special handling by public figures. Let theists be angry—it is an opportunity for conversation, for engagement. While I do agree on the need for non-theists to be vocal and explicit in their critique and in the presentation of their views, I don’t see that this type of activism will result in the demise, the final destruction of churches…

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Vivek Ramaswamy Represents the Convergence of White Supremacy and Hindu Supremacy — And He May Well Be Trump’s Running Mate

…alabh Kumar, the industrialist and Trump donor, joined hands with Steve Bannon to set up the Republican Hindu Coalition. (Bannon has long had a fascination with Hinduism, extending back to his origins within the Traditionalist movement and its fascination with a long-lost golden past marked by pure “Aryan” rule.) Notably, while Kumar is a massive fan of Modi, he struggled to find space within existing Hindu supremacist formations, despite their re…

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Because God Tells Me So; Do Jews Have a “Historic Right” to Israel?

…n that right is countered by another community with an equally legitimate, non-theological historic right (i.e., historical memory and inhabitance). For the purposes of negotiation, then, Jews and Palestinians possess an equal non-theological historic right to this contested land. Everything else should be labeled “for internal use only.”  The three instances mentioned at the outset may or may not point to a definitive shift in the way American Je…

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SCOTUS Tackles Government Prayer in Greece v. Galloway

…h the no prayer position: “Our stance is that any prayer, by definition is non-inclusive, because it excludes non-theists and others who don’t feel comfortable with public displays of religion. So, we think there should be no prayer.” A ruling is not expected until June 2014, so for now we may have to make due with RD contributor Peter Laarman’s recent reflection on how the Almighty might view a debate over prayer at a poorly attended local town m…

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How to Separate Jewishness from Zionism

…of Jews). (Arendt did consider herself a Zionist, but that was a time when non-statist Zionism was still possible.) Butler attempts to construct a new secular Jewish narrative that is non-Zionist and not founded on classical Jewish texts or Zionist theory. It is thus born from an engagement with these marginal Jews; Arendt, Benjamin, Levinas, and Levi, whose philosophical and literary work was not specifically about Judaism or even Jewishness yet…

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Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing

…Food, Judaism, Laws Throughout his writing Pollan insists, correctly, that non-Western and non-industrialized cultures bear great wisdom about community and healthy eating, though this conviction does not, evidently, extend to Judaism. The norms of other cultures aim to (or successfully do) protect health, while the laws of kashrut are, says Pollan, “probably designed more to enforce group identity than to protect health.” Pollan makes his lack of…

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A Memoir of Jewish, Transgender Spirituality

…n writing? As you can see, I saw primarily thought of myself as writing to non-trans people, people to whom gender transition might seem strange, frivolous (a “life-style choice” rather than existential necessity), delusional, or — to use the most common anti-trans stereotype — irredeemably selfish. I wanted to offer non-trans people as intimate a glimpse as I could of my mind-body relationship, to help them understand how it feels to live it, and…

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