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How (and Why) A Determined Sit-In Worked

…answer your questions: Was the sit-in a publicity stunt? Yes, and a successful one at that. The Dems were able to put a spotlight on Republican inaction. The House GOP leadership played right into their hands by turning off the floor cameras, which made them seem anti-small-d-democratic, and by holding a vote to roll back consumer protections in the middle of the protest. Louie Gohmert screaming and pointing at his colleagues didn’t help much, ei…

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Sacred Geography: A Queer Latino Theological Response to Orlando

…only LGBTQ mariachi band. I made eye contact with Natalia Melendez as she sang, “Cucurrucucú Paloma,” a Mexican huapango-style song about love, loss, and pain. Tears began to pour down my face and I said to myself: “My people…” As a theologian, I may not have the words to make sense of these events right now, but I do have the vocabulary to talk about what these spaces mean to queer Latin@s, like myself. An elementary school, a church, a synagogu…

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Emanuel’s Pulse: A Plea for Black Church–LGBTIQ Solidarity

…touch. Communal feeling, or feeling commune-ion, blackness is an alternate sanctum, an otherwise sanctuary, an ecology or constellation of joyous practices of re/assemblage-amid-disassemblage. Quantum communions, quantum solidarities. Orlando’s Pulse is this too. This is a moment for unequivocal black church and queer/ LGBT solidarity because antiblackness and homophobia and transphobia are interconnected. More still, in the face of Trump’s doubli…

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When Auschwitz Becomes a Poké Stop

…ry. For years now we have been able to escape our physical spaces with our phones. But Pokémon Go doesn’t just allow us to avoid a “real” place in favor of a “virtual” one. It has instead transformed our real spaces into virtual ones. It may have been bad manners to play video games at a cemetery, or to take a selfie at a funeral, but with Pokémon, the funeral, the cemetery, and now even the Holocaust memorial and 9/11 memorial, have become the ga…

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Secularist Activists Are Being Murdered in Bangladesh: An Ongoing Crisis Causes Many to Flee

…s inspiration—a Wahhabi version of Islam fomented in the country’s growing number of fundamentalist religious schools—the victims are not necessarily homogenous in their religious beliefs. Attacks in Bangladesh have targeted atheists and apostates, yes, but what victims have generally shared is something more fundamental: a willingness to live according to the dictates of their own consciences, and to pursue an open, pluralistic, and democratic so…

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Under Water: Waiting for the Flood (of Awareness) in Louisiana

…poor, especially when every square foot feels hard-earned. The tens of thousands of people affected by the floods in Louisiana are, in large part, hard-working poor and working-class people. So hard-working, in fact, that many took it upon themselves to rescue friends and strangers from the rising waters, to open their homes to those made homeless, and to volunteer at shelters and places of worship. Some may say that Mother Nature does not discrim…

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Accused of Anti-Semitism, Trump Aide Makes Ancestry Appeal

…Jewish heritage of my wife of 38 years,” he wrote in an email. Later in a phone interview, he said his wife was not a practicing Jew but “ethnically Jewish” because her maternal grandmother was a Jew. Of course, it is possible to express [insert flavor of bigotry here] even if you have friends, relatives, partners, or a spouse who identify as part of [group that is the target of that bigotry]. It’s a close cousin to the “some of my best friends a…

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Thank You Breitbart, For The Islam

I start my day like every Muslim does. By checking my phone. Breitbart, though, is hardly the first, second, or even third website I’ll check. Actually Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos’ “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the AltRight” might be the first Breitbart essay to have held my attention. But it did more than that. There’s always a few articles we come across, perhaps every month, that don’t just engage us, but force us to go bac…

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US Offers Help For Investigation of Bangladesh Killings

…oup, the Biblical Foundation Church, and about 200 pastors and churches in Santo Domingo, said the Dominican nation is experiencing moral decay and social product of influence of countries of the European Community and the United States, which they want to impose “the new Moral Agenda” which promotes abortion, marriage between lesbians, gays and transsexuals. The president and director of the Christian Action Group spoke on a panel addressing “The…

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“Even the Rich Suffer”: An Interview with Google’s Jolly Good Fellow Chade-Meng Tan

…to create the conditions for world peace and to help me become more successful.” So I said both. I think you’re right. I think in this industry it’s really important for the people doing this, especially teaching this, to have the intention of doing both: helping the business be successful and doing good for the world. If you only have one, then you lose something. The mindfulness course is not about making worker bees who are more compliant. The…

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