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What the Conservative Christian “Fake-Trans Bathroom Creeper” Has To Do With Suburban Anxiety

…t were near each other, thanks to the physical characteristics of the Nile delta. Both the earth’s physical features, and human beings’ built environments, marked a boundary between the two. That boundary is harder to find in most American cities, where the divide between “Anytown” and “the greater Anytown area” might not be a line at all, but a more gradual widening of lot sizes, along with some demographic shifts. A lot of people who aren’t resi…

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Fix the Economy GOD’$ WAY: Dave Ramsey’s Great Christian Recovery

…an, as explained with liberal quotations from the Book of Proverbs and any number of recent self-help authors, then and only then will we rebuild the wealth of our nation and recover from an economic downturn that was driven by a negative and biased media in the first place. And only then, after a national revival and an awakening to self-reliance, will God work his plan to help others—not through our governing institutions, but through our religi…

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Americans Lose Faith, Sinning with Transfats, the Elusive God Particle

…. Rev. Michael O. Minor is fighting fat from his pulpit in the Mississippi Delta. He may want to mix in a few sermons on marriage. The Bible Belt has a higher divorce rate than the Northeast, researchers say. Some rabbis are getting help from comedy writers for their High Holy Day sermons. Glenn Beck (remember him?) held his rally in Jerusalem on Wednesday. More than 1,000 folks (mostly Christians) showed up. For personal use when the comments sec…

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East Lansing Demonstrates How Not to Respond to Anti-LGBT “Christian” Businesses

…l under the City of East Lansing’s non-discrimination ordinance and which, officials contended, violated the spirit of the farmers market. East Lansing officials repeatedly encouraged Country Mill Farms to “voluntarily elect not to attend the market” for the rest of the season. Country Mill Farms declined, and continued to staff its booth at the East Lansing Farmers Market. Between the end of the 2016 farmers market season and the beginning of the…

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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…hat. I’m not seeing a lot of evidence that “some” adds up to a significant number. Not, at least, on the grounds of Novavax’s supposed selling point. To be fair, that’s not all there is to the piece. In fact, the question about Novavax’s allure reads like a wrapper for a bigger narrative about anti-vaxx activism merging with right-wing Christian nationalism. There’s an interesting story to be told there, and you should follow all the links in Jenk…

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Did the “Real America” Elect Trump?

…elites revered and paid homage to “authentic culture” from the Mississippi Delta or from Bristol, Virginia. But never mind. Bubble is as Bubble does. After Tuesday’s election, coastal elites have been busy opining that “we” should be empathetic towards heartland Trump voters. “We” should feel their pain. We should stop shaming Trump supporters. We should stop making fun of their religion. Now in the Rocky Mountain West, neither heartland exactly n…

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As White Evangelical Vaccine Refusal Reminds Us, Sometimes Religion is the Problem

…cs were polled separately from the undifferentiated mass of “nones,” their numbers would be better. In any case, the report’s assumptions notwithstanding, the data clearly show that America’s white Christians continue to exhibit a large and dangerous anti-social and anti-democratic streak. The report’s treatment of the white evangelical demographic in particular seems to be overly rosy, given that the drop in white evangelical vaccine refusal from…

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Student Expelled from Sorority for Transphobia Illustrates the Problem with Evangelical Understanding of Pluralism

…and only the sorority, Alpha Phi International Women’s Fraternity and its Delta Tau chapter at Louisiana State University, got it right. Emily Hines, the undergraduate in question, was expelled from her sorority for mocking U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, an openly transgender public figure, in a transphobic TikTok video in which Hines sported a baby blue Alpha Phi sweatshirt. For its part, the leadership of Hines’s sorority re…

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Why President Obama Should Not Visit the Western Wall

…issue, explaining that the difficulty of protecting the president near the site was too great. And other presidents, including Bill Clinton in 1996, have not visited the Wall either. In general there has been little response, positive or negative, to the news that the president would not go to the Wall. But Americans and Israelis concerned with civil rights in Israel should be applauding the news, because there are many good reasons why President…

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The Leadership Failure of Park51

…ave a firm answer until the FAQ was published. Since the FAQ is not on the official project website, the purpose of Park51 may still change. A project can, should and will evolve, yes, but the base case or starting point for that evolution needs to be clearly defined and clearly understood. This lack of leadership also means that an important constituency has not been consulted: the Muslims that the center supposedly represents. I have asked repea…

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