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The March for Life: Grassroots Movement or Agitprop?

…for Life President Jeanne Mancini told the Times: I don’t think that these numbers are the most important. The number most important for us is 58 million, which is the number of Americans that have been lost to abortion. But either they have the numbers or they don’t. And if they don’t, maybe the media should take a hard look at how it covers a predictable, lightly attended act of agitprop which claims to represent hundreds of thousands of people…

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The Episcopal Church ‘Takes a Flying Leap’ into Controversies Old and New  

…r action is not to be construed as a departure from the Episcopal Church.” Opening the Doors Too Far? The approval of a number of other resolutions unrelated to gender, sexuality, and relationships drew little media attention but nonetheless stirred controversy in the wider Episcopal and Christian cosmos as the General Convention came to a close. Chief among these is a resolution (C029) that a task force be created to study so-called “open communi…

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Orthodox Rabbi Imitates Pat Robertson

…s. Several other military-commissioned and GAO studies have concluded that open service does not undermine military readiness, troop morale or national security. In addition 24 countries, including Israel, allow openly gay service members without any adverse affect upon military cohesion or readiness. As for natural disasters, Levin may want to study up on what causes earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. I don’t see “gays and lesbians” listed am…

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Too Hot for Shul: Rabbis Seek Healthy Israel Dialogue After Gaza

…we’re seeing the pains of that shift.” The “classic example,” he said, is Open Hillel, a student-led movement that aims to change Hillel International’s policy of refusing to partner with or host organizations or speakers who, among other things, “delegitimize, demonize, or apply a double standard to Israel.” Open Hillel calls that policy “counterproductive to creating real conversations about Israel on campus.” Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman of the Reco…

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Argue-by-Number: A Suggestion for the Church

…n our side. Number 1 could be “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” Number 2: “God doesn’t discriminate.” Number 3: “Sex is only for procreation.” And so on. We could get clever, of course, and assign separate groups of numbers to arguments pro and con or to thematic clusters. I can even imagine some seminary librarian proposing a sort of Dewey Decimal System to organize the arguments. This would allow long series of arguments to be cited b…

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Céad Mile Fáilte: Open Hearts, Shifting Power Paradigms, and the Irish Same-Sex Referendum

…ed individuals and communities (and offered by Ireland to the world) is to open, open, and open more. Hospitality to the stranger—and to our neighbors. Hospitality to familiar practices and rituals that, when dusted off and renewed for the contemporary moment, will womb us into community. Hospitality to the idea that there are still things we have to learn, and that nature and experience—the two cornerstones of Celtic spirituality—may be revealing…

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Vatican Considers ‘Disordered’ Language; HBO Doc on LGBT Persecution in Russia; Nigerian Bishop Shifts on Anti-Gay Law; Arson at ‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…ector of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford in the UK, the so-called ‘Open Mosque’ openly welcomes LGBTI people; allows for men and women to pray side by side as opposed to them being in segregated areas conventionally; and had planned to have women as imams. The mosque has faced fierce criticism and threats of violence from Muslims with 14 national and provincial organizations representing the Muslim community across South Africa issuing a j…

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An Open Letter To American Muslims on Same-Sex Marriage

…GBT rights is a new conversation, something that’s only recently come into contact with modern Islamic thought, but trust us, it’s not. Challenging the status quo for the betterment of society is one of the very foundations on which Islam was built. No one is asking you to change your beliefs. If you feel your faith tells you that homosexuality is haram, fine. We disagree with your interpretation, but you’re entitled to it. Ain’t America grand? Bu…

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Searching for Moral High Ground While Houston Drowns: A Perspective on the Lakewood Church Controversy

…ooded and therefore not a place for shelter. It seemed as though it was an open and shut case: the church was not open because it was flooded like many other places. That all changed Monday, August 28 when pictures of Lakewood were shown without floodwaters anywhere to be seen. Even gossip sites such as Perez Hilton grabbed this story. This was all the fuel that critics needed. The court of public opinion tried and convicted Lakewood pastor Joel O…

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Marriage equality comes to Slovenia, continues to spread in Mexico; Civil Union legislation approved in Sicily, debated in Peru; Global LGBT Recap

…big difference.” However, she acknowledged that the list of jurisdictions contacted was limited and included many whose marriages and civil partnerships are recognised by the UK. At present the Government Equalities Office has no plans to contact all countries to urge them to recognise UK gay marriages and partnerships, though Swinson said the Foreign Office had encouraged British diplomats to raise the issue. “They obviously make a degree of loc…

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