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‘How Pentecostal Christianity Is Taking Over the World’: An Interview with Author Elle Hardy

…’s referred to as the second wave of Pentecostalism, which got its start in 1960s California. It’s Spirit-led, personalized, and focused on power evangelism—that is, performing miracles and providing signs and wonders, as they see it, through the Holy Spirit’s ability to manifest success in the mind, body, spirit, and wallet. Pentecostalism is quick to look more like the world it’s in. In 1960s California, it offered hippie spiritual experiences t…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…lingworth, “Cha…cha…cha…changes: A journey with Aladdin,” Melody Maker, May 12, 1973 Crowd: Will you touch, will you mend me Christ? Won’t you touch, will you heal me Christ? Will you kiss, you can cure me Christ? Won’t you kiss, won’t you pay me Christ? Jesus: Oh, there’s too many of you, don’t push me Oh, there’s too little of me, don’t crowd me Heal yourselves! —“The Temple,” Jesus Christ Superstar (1970) • On July 3rd, 1973, Bowie ceremonially…

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Gambian Leaders Portray Anti-Gay Law as Defense of Islam, Ugandan Politicians as ‘Christmas Gift’; Global LGBT Recap

…eir sexual orientation as it would be to any other asylum seekers. Mexico: Officials in Baja California Thwart First Gay Wedding In November, a same-sex couple and their family and friends were frustrated that local officials in Mexicali refused to marry them in spite of orders from the federal courts: As they arrived at City Hall on Friday, surrounded by family members and friends, they walked past a dozen Catholic opponents of same sex marriage…

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The Faith that Faith Produced

…idea what was happening to me. It would’ve been nice to have known that my spiritual anguish didn’t mean I was rejecting faith, or being rejected by the object of my faith. Such anguish might be a purging; God nudging us to reject something in ourselves, an error in our acts or our aspirations. But I was never taught Islam as a journey, even though I came from a religious family. I grew up in an environment where religion and religious ideas frequ…

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Finding the Missing Airliner with Coconuts

…at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and attempted to locate Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 using a magical ritual that combined Islamic elements with shamanic practices. On Thursday Ibrahim Mat Zin, also known as Rajah Bomoh Sedunia Nujum, delivered a press conference (in which he demonstrated a squint that bore an uncanny resemblance to Pat Robertson.) He initially stated that he had been invited to perform his ritual by one of Malaysia’s “…

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Make Aeronautic Jobs, Not Jihad

…while sustaining or creating thousands of American jobs—up to an estimated 127,000. That’s Muslim money buying American goods, creating American jobs. That’s us benefiting from growth in the Gulf and Southeast Asia. That’s the world growing together. The Muslim world’s democratic convulsions—Indonesia preceded the Arab world by roundabout a decade—are responses to economic lethargy, with booming populations ravenous for rights, dignity, and prosp…

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What Makes a Human Bomb Tick?

…shootings in 2009: that of Nidal Hasan, the US Army psychiatrist who killed 13 servicemen and women and wounded 29 at Fort Hood, Texas, and George Sodini, who killed 3 women and wounded 12 at a Pennsylvania fitness club. Both men had no friends, work issues, difficulties meeting women, and felt victimized—Sodini by women and Hasan by his fellow soldiers for being a Muslim. And both men intended to die. Sodini shot himself before he could be stoppe…

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International reax to US Marriage Ruling; Official violence at Turkey’s Pride; Marriage Advances in Mexico Over Church Objections; Global LGBT Recap

…dicted that 30,000 people would participate in the service, but the actual number appeared to number around 2,000. “Our prayers will open the sky and the homosexuals will fall, we will be blessed with victory,” said Lee Young-hoon, head of the leading organization in the anti-LGBT coalition. Mexico: Supreme Court embraces marriage, Church and some political officials resist As we have been reporting, the marriage equality movement has been movemen…

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Exclusive: Columnist Jonathan Merritt on his Sudden Departure From Religion News Service

…“people really began to take notice” of his blog, and it soon became RNS’ “number one traffic generator,” and remained so for the duration of Merritt’s time writing at the site. Problems began to arise in 2017, still during Socolovsky’s tenure as editor, when Merritt began to notice missing payments. Earlier this year, Merritt asked to talk to Gallagher, who told him that he was out of contract and would need to be issued a new one. But Merritt be…

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