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Personhood Leaders’ Smear Campaign Debunked

…o-maniacs—Bob Enyart, a convicted child abuser is the man behind PersonhoodUSA & currently the Masons are under investigation for criminal conspiracy & online criminal libel for making numerous false reports of child abuse against an innocent family. [Link to Enyart charges added, but no corroboration could be found for the allegations against the Masons —Ed.] Bob Enyart is an influential pastor of the Denver Bible Church, under whose auspices the…

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Presbyterians, Change Hearts & Minds, Begin Ordaining Gays

…view with The Presbyterian Outlook, Gradye Parsons, stated clerk of the PC(USA) (the chief ecclesial officer), speculated that many moderates have grown weary of the debate and were ready to move on. Parsons also said that “people seem to be more accepting of this particular wording” than previous failed amendments.  Not everyone sees amendment 10A as palatable, of course. A statement from the conservative Presbyterians for Renewal declared: “A li…

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Wichita, the Sequel: A Clinic Reopens at Ground Zero in America’s Fight over Abortion

…was caught after the murder, fleeing halfway across the state, he had the phone number of an Operation Rescue leader on his dashboard—the tip of the iceberg in terms of the broader connections he’d built with anti-abortion extremists. The church, Roeder would later testify, emerged as the only place he could find a shot at Tiller, around the elaborate security measures the doctor had learned to follow at his clinic and home. “Justifiable homicide…

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Spiritual McCarthyism and the Catholic Vote

…es. And, the Obama campaign has bigger plans. According to a Religion News Service report, Team Obama “is also launching a grassroots effort, tentatively called Joshua Generation, with plans to hold concerts and house meetings targeted at young evangelicals and Catholics.” David O’Brien, the Loyola professor of Catholic studies at the College of the Holy Cross and a member of the steering committee of Obama’s Catholic National Advisory Council, an…

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Heaven: Our Enduring Fascination with the Afterlife

…houris, dark-eyed women. We all know that Mohammad Atta, who flew American Airlines flight 11 into the Twin Towers on 9/11, was inspired by this promise. But among progressives, the sex promised to the righteous in the Qur’an isn’t sex as we know it, but something mysterious and sublime for which sex is a poetic stand-in. Second, what happens to our bodies in heaven? This is my favorite part of the heaven conversation. For if you believe in heaven…

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Yom Kippur Prayers for Corporate Atonement at Occupy Wall St.

…e and was organized via social media? It’s definitely not the first Jewish service to take place at a protest, but a Kol Nidre service at an economic protest organized over Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook? Yes. Quite likely a first. It’s also super exciting to see such an incredible response. Kol Nidre is the evening service of the holiest Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur. These Aramaic words mean “all vows,” and in the Kol Nidre service the cantor recite…

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Evangelicals Looking for Walker to “Do Nothing” in 2016 Election

…of the culture wars. Legal exemptions to permit florists, caterers, social service providers, or other businesses to refuse service to LGBT people are hotly contested, both in legal circles and in the court of public opinion. In another context, the Hobby Lobby litigation, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the contraception coverage requirement under the Affordable Care Act violated a closely-held corporation’s rights under the Religious Freed…

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World Congress of Families Draws Anti-LGBT Activists to Budapest; More in Global LGBT Recap

…s appealed a ruling by the city’s high court that the city must provide spousal benefits to civil servants who married same-sex partners abroad. Alfred Chan, the South China morning post reported that the chairman of Hong Kong’s Equal Opportunities Commission, said he thinks he “can do better in terms of fighting for the legal protection and rights of sexual and ethnic minorities. When 11 parents with gay sons and daughters tried to join a “marria…

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The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

…ergy. Any kind of community can tolerate behaviors it should not, though a number of New Age leaders, including Deepak Chopra, have moved to distance themselves from Gafni since the Times article came out. Still, that ethic of personal authority and cosmic consciousness remains a significant teaching for many New Age leaders, a teaching that seems especially ill-equipped to address transgression. David Ingber, the rabbi who knew Gafni back when he…

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