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Vatican Enlists Allies Against Gay Marriage; Iranian Gays Pushed to Change Gender; And More in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…ights to live their lives in the way that their heterosexual peers enjoy.” Egypt: Prison Sentences for Men in ‘Wedding Video’ Case Eight Egyptian men were sentence to three years in prison on charges of spreading indecent images and inciting debauchery. As Pink News reports, “The men were arrested in September, after a video leaked online appearing to show an unofficial same-sex wedding ceremony on a riverboat in the Nile.” According to the report…

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Egypt in Pictures: Not an Islamist in Sight

…n and women praying side-by-side, definitely not in any definition of Islamist government. In other words, the people are ahead of the state and the religious opposition. Second, the nominal head of the opposition now is Mohamed ElBaradei, former head of the IAEA. When he returned to Egypt to lead the opposition to Mubarak, photos were leaked of his daughter in a swimsuit. The speculation was that the Mubarak regime was trying to drive a wedge bet…

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A How-To Guide for Keeping Up With the Events in #Egypt

…of some of the best voices and thinkers on the situation on the ground in Egypt. I don’t endorse all their views and opinions, of course, but I believe they are nuanced, interesting, intriguing, provocative or deeply insightful persons, whether on the ground or reporting from farther away. In no particular order: @Arabist @HSMoghul (hell why not?) @BelTrew @MaxBlumenthal  @RawyaRageh  @AymanM  @SherineT  @ddknyt  @shadihamid  @hahellyer  @Max_Fis…

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Shari‘ah in Egypt? Intervention in Libya?

…In the audio clip from State of Belief above Haroon Moghul, RD contributor and Executive Director of The Maydan Institute, discusses fears over the use of shari’ah in Egypt (they’ve been using it all along and have remained secular), and how US intervention may be playing in Libya. …

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Muslim Brotherhood: Protect Churches; Mufti Exempts Egyptians from Friday Prayer

…n. Over the past week, others have mentioned a Qatari conspiracy to defame Egypt, along with foreign elements to destabilise Egypt. Others insisted that all this upheaval was the fault of external actors, not domestic ones—and those who appeared to be domestic were simply stooges of outside forces. No one knows anything anymore. The Friday congregational prayer is one of those canonical observances for all Muslim men resident in a locality. Muslim…

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LGBT Rights in the New Egypt

…tch recently gave a really good interview on The Gist on what the Egyptian Freedom Movement means for LGBT Egyptians. She talked about the use of debauchery laws to misdirect people away from the malfeasance of the state, typified by the Queen Boat trials. She also correctly notes that Arab culture is infused with homoerotic imagery and actions. A scholar like Khaled El-Rouayheb argues that what we now call homosexuality was much more accepted in…

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Contrary to Claims of Anti-Trans Muslims, LGBTQ+ Acceptance is Widespread in the History of Islam

…islation isn’t Islam, but rather colonial law. Muslim countries like Iraq, Egypt, and Tunisia share a similar colonial experience with Christian countries like Ethiopia and Uganda. In most cases, the current laws on the books are the same colonial penal codes. Tunisia’s anti-sodomy laws are derived from the 1913 French Penal Code, while section 347 of the penal code in Christian Cameroon is a French colonial law. Similarly, the Ottoman adoption of…

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The Incredible Shrinking Free Exercise Clause

…elevant, which is why the Westboro Church case will be decided strictly on free speech grounds and not as a free exercise case.  Smith was immediately unpopular and congressional efforts to overturn it by statute met with limited success, leaving federal government actions that substantially burden religious practice subject to the compelling state interest test, but state and local laws exempt. The funeral privacy interest in Snyder is a generall…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…and Islam as director of the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Program to Promote and Protect America’s Freedom. Santorum, who is considering a presidential run, depicts an American battle against radical Islam as a civilizational war against “Christendom.” The theological warriors include Jewish groups as well. “Shari’ah is an Arabic term referring to a legal framework to regulate public and private aspects of life based upon specific Islamic te…

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On Cairo Streets, No Support for Islamist State

…he Azhar University and the religious leaders of all in Egypt. But that changed in recent years, and in this protest, the Church came heavily out in favor of Mubarak’s continued rule. In so doing, it made clear that they were in favor of a status quo that the overwhelming majority of Egyptians were seeking to change, including Christian Egyptians. A rather foolish decision: a dignified silence might have been more appropriate. At some point, there…

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