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Church=State in Putin’s Orthodox Empire?; Evangelical-Orthodox Anti-Gay Alliance; Malaysian Court Protects Transwomen; Catholicism (Still) Declining in Latin America; Global LGBT Recap

…. But who is to decide what constitutes a “vice against nature”? The Portuguese legislators had been too coy to mention gay sex explicitly, and so a meaningless clause entered the statute books, which no court could act upon. This year, the Penal Code was rewritten. The new Penal Code sweeps away a great deal of the musty colonial legacy, including the mention of “vices against nature”. Now not even the most contorted of arguments could claim that…

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Kindred Hatemongers: Why American Islamophobes and Muslim Protesters Need Each Other

…d may have been the one who arranged for a translation into Arabic and the promotion of the video in Cairo. In Egypt and throughout the Muslim world, the filmmakers finally received the negative publicity and public protests that they’d sought all along. But although many Muslims were offended by the tawdry mocking of their Prophet in the film, the violent responses came from those very specific groups which had a more targeted political agenda an…

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The Politics of Anti-Gay Persecution: Gambia, Egypt, Jamaica, Russia, with a Helping Hand from US Religious Conservatives; Global LGBT Recap

…f a memorandum from President Obama charging US foreign policy agencies to promote LGBT rights said that US efforts have been important to activists promoting equality and facing persecution around the world. Read the Washington Blade’s report here. On Wednesday, the Daily Beast hosted an event called Quorum: Global LGBT Voices that featured interviews with more than 25 activists from around the world to talk about “what is happening on the front…

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Here’s What to Read on Syria and Egypt

…ished two pieces that are exceptional. The first is Hugh Roberts’ essay on Egypt, The Revolution That Wasn’t, which I’m now reading a second time. Meanwhile, on their blog, Adam Shatz describes the (un)surprising convergence of Israel and Saudi Arabia, both of which are concerned by Arab populism, Islamist mass movements, and Iranian policies and practices. (The odd country out here, which gets no mention, is Turkey, which as part of NATO and an E…

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Vatican Enlists Allies Against Gay Marriage; Iranian Gays Pushed to Change Gender; And More in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…ights to live their lives in the way that their heterosexual peers enjoy.” Egypt: Prison Sentences for Men in ‘Wedding Video’ Case Eight Egyptian men were sentence to three years in prison on charges of spreading indecent images and inciting debauchery. As Pink News reports, “The men were arrested in September, after a video leaked online appearing to show an unofficial same-sex wedding ceremony on a riverboat in the Nile.” According to the report…

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‘Rising Global Tide’ Of Anti-Gay Crackdowns; More in Global LGBT Recap

…r, Nabil Sadek, ordered an investigation into the flag waving. Days later, Egypt’s media regulatory body issued an order prohibiting coverage that promotes or legitimizes homosexuality, which it labeled a “sickness and disgrace.” It also barred homosexual people from appearing in the media, unless it is to repent. The pro-government musicians union announced it would no longer issue permits to foreign performers unless they obtain security clearan…

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An Interview from Tahrir Square

…challenge. We can’t afford to lose the sympathy and support of millions of Egyptians who may end up preferring the easier way out of the current instability. The main message being conveyed by Egyptian media is that these demonstrations have [brought] the country to a halt, are costing us dearly and people can’t afford it any more. “Your demands have been heard and the government is working to meet them, now go home,” they say. But we’re not going…

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Confusion Reigns on Cairo Streets

…the end of it, Mubarak would retire as the first retired leader of modern Egypt. The rest of the day threw all of that into question. The anti-Mubarak protestors have been set upon, and now, increasingly, there are voices around Egypt making themselves heard against the protestors. I even heard, as I was walking around Cairo’s streets, people essentially blaming the violence in Tahrir on the anti-government protestors themselves—not because they…

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First They Came for the Brotherhood . . . Egyptian Gov Seeks to Criminalize NGOs

…stry of Social Solidarity threatens the very existence of civil society in Egypt. In the words of a July 9 statement issued by 29 independent civil society organizations—among them, all of the country’s leading human rights groups—the proposed law “will criminalize the operation of NGOs and subordinate them to the security establishment, shutting down the public sphere in Egypt to all but regime supporters.” This development supports the views of…

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LGBT Rights in the New Egypt

…novel The Yacoubian Building shows what an open secret homosexuality is in Egypt.  More importantly, and credit to the interviewer Michelangelo Signorile for doing his homework, she moves away from the ikhwanophobia framing of the revolt. What that means is that we actually have to engage with what a revolution for rights actually means. Whether the movement will result in a fully liberal democratic state remains to be seen, but because it is bein…

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