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Controversial “Bishop of the Poor” Dies at 86

…Ruiz accompanied and struggled alongside of Mayans in the Chiapas region, promoting his message of nonviolence and the full humanity of indigenous peoples. His advocacy for the indigenous not only made him a controversial figure among the wealthy Mexican landowners in Chiapas and throughout the country, but also led to strained relations with the Vatican. He was accused of having leftist political tendencies and for being too open to the comingli…

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How ‘The Seven Missions’ of the ‘Doomsday Couple’ Connect Them to the Larger LDS Prophecy Subculture

…e of their children and three mysterious deaths, including their former spouses,are available at any number of major news sources across the country. But few of these outlets have been able to offer much insight into a document released last week, a numbered list that Chad sent to Lori in January 2019 entitled, “Seven missions to accomplish together,” which reveals how their beliefs relate to this larger movement. The list as it appears in the doc…

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London’s ‘Big Gay Iftar’ And More in Global LGBT Recap

…illian Wharton of Dublin diocese claimed the same arguments which had been used to oppose women priests were now being used on same sex issues within the church. More from NewsLetter before the vote Meanwhile, the church has for the past three years had a select committee looking at human sexuality in the context of Christian faith. The committee itself did not bring forward the motion for the general synod, but both the proposer, Dr Leo Kilroy, a…

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The Radical Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Left’s Challenge Today

…reading: a very long section detailing the utter corruption of the U.S. “cause” in Southeast Asia: this country’s nine years of covert support for French recolonization efforts, its failure to recognize the Vietnamese determination to be independent from China, its abhorrent marching of Vietnamese women and children into concentration camps (the U.S. military called these “strategic hamlets”), and its indiscriminate use of napalm and Agent Orange…

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Indonesian Clerics Issue Anti-Gay Fatwa; Anti-Civil Union Peruvian Lawmaker Cites Hitler; Is Christianity more ‘un-African’ than Homosexuality?; Global LGBT Recap

…erything. ‘I read Mein Kampf by Hitler … and in some parts he’s right, because some types of misconduct are generated by a certain kind of life,’ Congressman Cusi said. ‘Homosexuality is more or less a kind of misconduct.’ Cusi went on to say that men and women should only have certain roles in life and that lesbians were only that way because they hated men. ‘Washing, ironing, cooking, is unique to the female gender … a woman only becomes a lesbi…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…entral American market, drawing together existing chains in Costa Rica and Guatemala that had employed Walton graduates.” What amazes me is that even as we dreamed of a progressive, cosmopolitan, egalitarian, and cooperative counterculture, the Waltons of the world created one that now spans the globe. Equally striking is that their world looks to them the same way we would see ours: grassroots, anti-establishment, humane, and compassionate. Moret…

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Why Did the Pope Choose Cuba?

…truggling. The papal trip is getting significant coverage by the media because it’s Cuba, as opposed to, say, Guatemala or Argentina, which wouldn’t likely be as big a story. The U.S.’s continued tense relationship with the island evokes feelings of scorn and intrigue. Benedict XVI has been critiqued for his apathy toward Latin America, standing in stark contrast to John Paul II who visited frequently. Academic and media reports of Catholicism in…

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The Pope Is Not the Church

…cent times, Dorothy Day didn’t need a pope’s permission before opening a house of hospitality for the poor and resistance against war. The Community of Sant’Egidio, founded in Italy in the late 1960s, has fought HIV/AIDS and negotiated peace treaties around the world on its own terms. Yet, in honor of this witness, Benedict XVI made a habit of visiting Sant’Egidio’s ministries in Rome. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York is seeking Dorothy Day’s ca…

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As Irish Flee the Church, a Push For Reform

…fering the Church and its followers had endured as the extent of its sex abuse came to light. Yet despite the quest for justice, individuals needed to forgive if they were to move on with their lives, he said. Citing the example of St. Patrick—an Englishman enslaved and abused by the Irish who, after escaping, forgave his persecutors and returned to convert them—O’Giollain seemed to echo his boss’ belief that individuals needed reconciliation as w…

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What We Need to Understand is that Fascism is Intersectional and Erotic—’Thy Rod is Thy Gun,’ With a Hip-Thrust

…hich some people say: Why did you choose to speak to all these people? Because they were [right] there. We don’t have to go looking under rocks. This is the mainstream now. For a long time, you didn’t use the word “fascism” to describe the movement that we’re seeing. What made you change your mind? So in 2008, I wrote this book called The Family, and there’s a chapter called “The F Word”—the F word, of course, being fascism. That chapter is not ab…

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