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It’s Theology, Not Baseball: Misunderstanding Iraq’s Sectarian Conflicts

…t “low-intensity” domestic jihad in official legislation in countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran, where exclusive theologies accompany the dominant political ideologies. Sometimes, the two are inseparable — sharing a common enemy, pluralism. Of late, Indonesia and Malaysia have flirted with such behavior. This trend is hardly confined to Muslim-majority societies. Buddhist Myanmar and Sri Lanka, Hindu India, and Christian Uganda and Zimb…

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Pagan Outrage Machine Fires Up in Response to Time Halloween Article

…sued The British Humanist Association for criticizing her methods; and in Saudi Arabia police have begun to track Twitter users suspected of spreading witchcraft. Going after journalists like Latson is not going to stop actual fear mongers from claiming that innocent people are part of occult conspiracies, and it’s certainly not going to affect persecution in Paraguay, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia. So why waste the energy? At stake in the outrage ov…

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Will the Taliban Actually Remain Somewhat Moderate This Time?

…d Hassan Rouhani have been considerably more moderate than the extremists. Saudi Arabia is another hardline autocratic country that seems to tolerate a certain degree of dissention and liberal lifestyles—at least in private. The leaders of the Taliban claim that now that they’re in charge they want a new leadership style, one that will create a stable respectable government, albeit one with strong Muslim religious limitations. We’ll see if this pr…

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Is ISIS A Sign of the End Times? It May Only Matter That They Believe So

…etic, albeit for more ordinary purposes. The enemy of my enemy, after all. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab nations are, along with Israel, worried about Iran, and willing to use deadly force where they claim to see Iranian proxies. In the past, of course, when terrified of Soviet military might, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim governments funneled weapons and cash to those who would fight them in Afghanistan. Why would this time be any different? I…

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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…be one in which religion was part of government. His example was not Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, or Afghanistan, but the rogue state we call the United Kingdom. Surely the stuff nightmares are made of.  Yugoslavia started to fall apart in the early ’90s. First Slovenia broke off and then Croatia, leaving Bosnia, only 44% Muslim and nearly 30% Serbian, attached to a federation demographically dominated by Serbia. Izetbegovic moved for independenc…

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Hipster Muslim Televangelist on Ramadan

…ah captures the paradox well in ”Young Saudis Reinvent Ramadan”: Like many Saudis, Jiddawi used to mark the Muslim holy month by shopping, eating lavishly and watching television until the wee hours. Then she slept, sometimes all day until sunset prayers signaled the end of the daily dawn-to-dusk fast. “That’s what everyone did, but that’s not really fasting,” said Jiddawi, 28, a bank teller. “Fasting is about feeling your hunger, getting close to…

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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…ek, I found myself thinking about Zoe in relation to Lawrence Lessig’s Law/Code distinction. Lessig uses the example of speeding. You can make it against the law to speed, and we have the free choice to violate the law and face the consequences. You can program the car so that it can not exceed the speed limit and you take away that free will, except for those who have the capacity to hack the code and reprogram the car. We normally think of robot…

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Egyptian Da Vinci Code Author Angers Coptic Christians

…’t matter what religion you are, there are fanatics on both sides,” he argues. This is the crux of the matter, he and other advocates for free speech believe. Communities cannot demand full rights and then at the same time “revert back to the same strategies they would find abhorrent because it might offend. This is literature and art, it isn’t for everyone, but we can never censor a text because the point might not be agreeable to all,” adds the…

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The Biblical Money Code!

…financial experts is to stress that Jesus talked a lot about money—not because money makes a nice metaphor for spiritual rewards, but because, according to Hyman, “the carpenter from Nazareth was a shrewd businessman.” Throughout the hour-long video I kept wondering what the angle was; it finally came, of course, towards the end of the seemingly endless 60 minutes. Hyman is selling subscriptions to his monthly “Ultimate Wealth Report”—one year, al…

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Here’s What to Read on Syria and Egypt

…wheel. But the London Review of Books recently published two pieces that are exceptional. The first is Hugh Roberts’ essay on Egypt, The Revolution That Wasn’t, which I’m now reading a second time. Meanwhile, on their blog, Adam Shatz describes the (un)surprising convergence of Israel and Saudi Arabia, both of which are concerned by Arab populism, Islamist mass movements, and Iranian policies and practices. (The odd country out here, which gets no…

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