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The Deadly Burqini, Or, What Exactly is an “Islamic Swimsuit”?

…s and resulting euphoria might result in a sense of physical and emotional freedom. What could be better? Hell, they might make it as far as throwing off their yoke and joining the ranks of the liberated. Swimming is probably the best form of cardiovascular exercise for almost everyone, including individuals with depression, obesity, arthritis, diabetes, and various age-related ailments. Unlike jogging, it does not cause strain to your joints. Wat…

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Clergy May Soon Find Taxes Soaring As Result of an Under-the-Radar Ruling

…ndated that “In God We Trust” appear on U.S. currency. Neither required by free exercise, nor prohibited by establishment In the suit brought by the Freedom from Religion Foundation and several of its leaders, Judge Crabb ruled that the housing allowance exemption violates the First Amendment’s prohibition against the establishment of religion. Crabb had reached an identical conclusion at an earlier stage of the litigation, in 2013, but she was ov…

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Religious Right Historian: Net Neutrality is “Unbiblical Socialism”

…he production cost of whatever they make. Often what is framed as a choice between the free market and socialism is neither. Net Neutrality prohibits ISPs from charging for internet service based on usage. This seems straightforward to Barton and Green: “what they mean is we’re not going to let you choose who you need to charge more to.” But it’s not that simple. First, the internet service providers (ISPs) don’t “own” the internet. They own the m…

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The Untold Story of The Greatest Yiddish Poet in America

…s as a forging of a powerful weapon to be deployed against the Jews, and a betrayal of the Yiddish language itself. Manseau shows that translation can be a way to understanding, of tearing down walls between people and cultures, but it can also be a dangerous, transgressive act. Given the richness and complexity of the novel’s relationships and themes, its tricky postmodern structure, and its competing narratives, it is surprising that Manseau cho…

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Global LGBT Recap: Mandela and Equality; Elton John Defies Russian Ban; Fake-Healing of AIDS

…s.” The panel, part of a series of discussions on the topic, featured Elizabeth Birch, former Executive Director, HRC; Chloe Shwenke, Vice President, Freedom House;Jamie Kirchick, LGBT Rights Activist & Journalist; andDonald Jensen, Resident Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations. It was moderated by Andras Simonyi, managing director of the Center and former Hungarian ambassador to the U.S.  Conversation focused in part on ways for Americans a…

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Scott Lively’s Crimes Against Humanity Aren’t Conservative Christian Outliers

…essentially a technicality, he made no secret that Lively “has aided and abetted a vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons in Uganda.” “Anyone reading this memorandum should make no mistake,” continued Ponsor. “The question before the court is not whether Defendant’s actions in aiding and abetting efforts to demonize, intimidate, and injure LGBTI people in Uganda constitute violations of international law. They do.” T…

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‘Russkii Mir,’ the Russian Equivalent of ‘Blood & Soil’ Ideology at the Heart of Putin’s War, Explained and Rejected by Theologians in New Statement

…e nation against its peaceful neighbor. As Erlanger observes, with Putin, abetted by Kirill, all the old things seem new again; and again, they all seem to be deeply intertwined with Russia’s Christian identity: The idea of Russia as a separate civilization from the West with which it competes goes back centuries, to the roots of Orthodox Christianity and the notion of Moscow as a “third Rome,” following Rome itself and Constantinople. [Timothy] S…

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How Belief in Moscow as ‘The New Rome’ Explains Kirill’s Astonishing Declaration That ‘Russia Has Never Attacked Anyone’

…mple, from where I sit in Iasi, Romania, the old capital near the Romanian-Moldovan border, the idea of a Russia with borders ordained by God is a very disconcerting notion. To be clear, both Romania and Moldova remain deeply conservative and unquestionably religious nations. But they’re also countries, particularly Romania, that over the past two decades have increasingly looked westward. Romania is a member of the European Union and NATO. It hel…

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What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

…nial past and our colonial governance by the Roman Catholic Church. We are free at last to live and love as we were born to be. For freedom –– not happiness –– is the precious stone. One cannot cling to happiness; it submits to no clinging. To be free, to live and love in your homeland, this is the most precious stone against which all others fade by comparison. We now know that, whatever organised religion may say, our way of loving is right. No…

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The Quietly Crumbling Wall of Separation

…ative attempts to remedy Smith’s damage may actually leave some plaintiffs better able to defend their free-exercise rights than before. And other rulings on both free-exercise and non-establishment cases—such as in employment cases involving churches and cases involving government-sanctioned prayer—have maintained a distinctiveness for religion as a constitutional category. But other learned First Amendment scholars—such as Marci Hamilton of Yesh…

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