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Trump’s ‘Sh*thole Countries’ is Just a Cruder Term for What’s Been Said in American Churches for Generations

…ers like it are reminiscent of maps from the nineteenth century that color-coded the world by religion. In these maps, created by missionaries and their supporters to spur interest in and donations for foreign missions, the “shithole countries” were “heathen” and, as in the Tactical Shit map, colored in the drab hues of gray or brown. Contemporary mission organizations have continued the project of mapping the world by religion. Instead of “heathe…

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Whether it’s Celebrated by CT or Denied in NYC, Evangelical Proselytizing Isn’t in Quarantine

…uiring attendance at prayer meetings before providing earthquake relief in El Salvador, and of similar abuses, on more than one occasion. Graham made this claim in the petulant statement he issued on April 14 on both the Samaritan’s Purse website and his Facebook page, in which he also accused his critics of being “tone-deaf” and registered his objection to “being harassed into diverting precious resources of time and energy and personnel away fro…

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War Criminal Henry Kissinger, First Jewish Secretary of State, Had a Lengthy History of Antisemitism

…people.” Yet Kissinger, far from being “unapologetic about his heritage,” deliberately distanced himself from other Jewish people, and he did so using antisemitic rhetoric. Twitter’s community notes even added context to the ADL’s tweet, noting that it’s misleading and that: “Nixon’s WH Counsel recalls Kissinger assuaging Nixon’s rants about ‘dirty rotten’ ‘Jewish traitors’ protesting Vietnam by assuring him he was one of the ‘good ones’.” [Editor…

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Persecution of Ugandan Bishop Continues In United States

…campaign in support of the Reagan administration’s policies in Nicaragua, El Salvador and elsewhere, alleging links between liberal church leaders and Marxist guerillas. After the Cold War, Naughton continues: The IRD turned its attention from the mainline churches’ activities in Central America to the churches’ internal affairs. In its Reforming America ‘s Churches Project, 2001-2004, the IRD invited donors to help it in “restructuring” the demo…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…icized earlier this year for publishing a Stalin-glorifying 2014 calendar. El Salvador: Anti-Gay Constitutional Amendment Fails in Legislature Last Friday, an effort to push an anti-gay-marriage constitutional amendment through the parliament failed, with only 19 of its 84 members supporting the amendment, according to Reuters. The amendment, which would ban recognition of marriages legalized in other countries and the adoption of children by gay…

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Excommunicated For ‘Grave Scandal’ of Ordaining Women

…itary and I was forced to leave the country. I then turned my attention to El Salvador where, on March 24, 1980, Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated because of his defense of the poor. Months later, four U.S. churchwomen working with the poor were raped and killed by the Salvadoran military. Two of the women, Maryknoll Sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, were friends of mine. The other two women were Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel and lay missi…

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As Irish Flee the Church, a Push For Reform

…aking Matthew 25 to heart, Irish priests and nuns ministered in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. They protested against US militarism, supported Greenpeace, and agitated for human rights. When Pope John Paul II appeared to backtrack on the Church’s social commitments, they turned their reformist zeal to their own Church. His decisions to silence liberation theologian Leonardo Boff, nix the ordination of women, and reject the use of condoms t…

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Picasso’s Sacred Monster Eats Chicago: A Mystery Solved?

…he power of inexhaustible revelation, raising questions endlessly, and compelling intellect, imagination, and emotion to exceed their usual boundaries through the very act of interpretation. In his extraordinary meditation on truth and interpretation, Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Nietzsche asks, “Who is the Sphinx? It is a rendezvous, it seems, of questions and question marks.” The sphinx hidden in plain sight within the Chicago Picasso is just…

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A Daily Utopia: Creating Our Moral Values Every Day

…the best parts of our everyday lives. This relates to the social role of religion. Religion has often provided this “second language,” as Robert Bellah and his colleagues call it, as an alternative way of thinking about big questions. In a society that is both religiously pluralistic and secular, it is important to look for alternative sources of this second language. Does ethics necessitate religion? I don’t think it does. Religion doesn’t come…

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As Mormon Lay Clergy Are Deported, a Divide on Immigration

…the town of Draper, Utah, was also deported with his wife and children to El Salvador. Their story was featured prominently in the Deseret News, the leading newspaper of Mormonism worldwide, along with a statement from LDS Church officials underscoring the Church’s position that comprehensive immigration reform is necessary to uphold religious principles like loving thy neighbor and preserving the integrity of families. Also last week, Arizona ac…

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