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Creationism Makes Its Mark

…ngers come up to her and say that they’re glad they came forward. She said Zachary, who turned fifteen on Dec. 17, is handling the pressure. But unlike in the Kitzmiller case, in which Sneath and 10 other parents sued the Dover school district, Jenifer Dennis still feels alone in her fight. She is looking forward to a resolution in the case. When she started this battle a year ago, she never envisioned it would still be going on through another Ch…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…nd of the world as we know it: the end of church bells, replaced by the muezzin’s call to prayer. The end of free speech, replaced by strict, religious-based censorship. The end of liberty and justice for all, replaced by Sharia law.” Right Web’s “Regnery Publishing: Home of Books Fanning Fear of Islam.” ++++++++++ The Religious Left Early next month, Dispatches from the Religious Left: The Future of Faith and Politics in America, a collection of…

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Josh Duggar and the Purity Lie

…r than dating, which was derided as part of the “divorce culture:” Tonight, Anna described her husband to People as “someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended.” This week, a recap of their television show on their blog discussed how Jim Bob and Michelle “encourage their kids to take a chaperone along on all their dates so they have someone to…

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It Is About the Hijab: Wheaton College and the Narrowing Criteria for Evangelical Belonging

…l. And the opposite is also true.” According to Facts & Trends, which analyzes cultural trends for evangelical leaders, based on the proposed definition, “41 percent of self-identified evangelicals fall outside the new definition of evangelical belief, and 21 percent of those who disavow the evangelical label have beliefs that actually fall within the evangelical definition.” But it does so by simplifying evangelicalism, casting what makes it oste…

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Colbert “The Word” on SCOTUS Establishment Case

… Stephen Colbert barely clings to his persona in criticizing Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s arguments in favor of the cross in the Buono v. Salazar case. Watch the clip: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – Symbol-Minded Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Michael Moore Go here if you have any problem watching the video above….

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Deputy Weeps at NOLA Protest

…ing part of the story. About 70 protesters faced 40 police on foot and a dozen on horseback, but the protesters refused to disappear. Eventually, in the face of the protests, “One sheriff’s deputy wept on the city hall side of the gate and was comforted by his comrades.” Nonviolence, Gandhi said, will melt the stoniest heart. For him, it was a matter of faith. But it’s always good to have a bit of evidence. Apparently this deputy did not have the…

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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

…ir youth marry (too old) and how many children they have (too few)—would puzzle most onlookers. On the other hand, their discussions of enhanced leadership roles for women and of multicultural issues was somewhat advanced. Granted, these were confined within the bounds of a patriarchal church that hopes to convert those of other faiths. Yet, sincerity and genuine concern prevailed. The brethren expressed considerable unease about a destructive bia…

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What Did the Puritans Have Against Christmas?

…brace that kind of a Christmas spirit without being especially religious. In a sense, what emerged were two kinds of Christmas: a Christian Christmas and a cultural Christmas. In modern-day expression of Christianity, some are able to combine the two seamlessly, but others strongly emphasize one or the other. What has been called the secularization of Christmas might also be described as an emphasis on the cultural Christmas, with less interest in…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…e goals of worship and the whole of the cosmos are “one and the same—divinization, a world of freedom and love.” After he became Pope, Benedict XVI emphasized this cosmic vision in both speeches and homilies, including this one from 2009, where he quotes Teilhard directly: The role of the priesthood is to consecrate the world so that it may become a living host, a liturgy: so that the liturgy may not be something alongside the reality of the world…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…ebach, also gave an impassioned eulogy. Not one of these rabbis was ostracized or marginalized for their support of Kahane, and many still hold prominent positions in the Jewish community to this day. My point here is not to weigh in on the Kahane episode as much as to point out that in regard to Kahane, even after the Hurok bombing; even after he was a convicted felon and served time in prison; even as most Jews rejected Kahane’s racism and advoc…

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