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Swift-Boat Veterans of American Jewry Charge Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street

…nly to demean and dehumanize us, but also to do violence to the memory of victims of actual antisemitism. More than anything else, I’m insulted by the ad, and offended that this organization is lying to me, my mother, and my relatives for their own political reasons—namely, defeating Barack Obama. Antisemitism is a serious, real thing. When it is used as a cheap shot—as when pro-Palestinian advocates throw around terms like “Nazi” and “concentrati…

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Mitt Romney’s Prosperity Gospel

…I fervently wish that Mr. Obama would say a bit more about the problem of cheap grace. Reminding us that people who work very hard for very little are not the abusers of cheap grace, but that others in well-feathered nests who are preaching sacrifice might be in real trouble on the cheap grace front. Obama cannot and should not condemn those in the electorate who buy into Romney’s “there will be showers of blessing” message, but he probably does …

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For the Love of God, Bono, Please Stop Touring

…the flag that wants them destroyed They saw their names listed in the telephone directory of destruction They were trained to turn the other cheek by newspapers that misspelled, mispronounced and misunderstood their names and celebrated when death came and stole their final laundry ticket” -excerpt from “Puerto Rican Obituary” by Pedro Pietri Then the lights went out and the stage lit up, and 60,000 white people finally started paying attention….

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Francis Visits the Church that John Paul Broke

…umber of marriages within the church has declined by nearly half. Only the number of Catholic funerals has held steady. And while the number of Catholics overall has remained level, that’s largely due to Hispanic migration to the US; some 40 percent of those born Catholic have left the church. But numbers don’t tell the whole story. The church Francis will encounter is fundamentally different in character from the church of John Paul in two import…

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Why Crux‘s Knights of Columbus “Partnership” is Problematic

…, they donated over $170 million to various causes. Many of those include victims of natural disasters as well as man-made ones, like the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing and the Newton school shooting, and they’re similarly well known for their support of the disabled. But the Knights have not remained politically neutral, and have often worked against the American separation of church and state. According to Christopher Kauffman’s book Fai…

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An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

…rtunity to sit with you so as to attempt to move your conscience to my conviction that we must humble ourselves before this sublime work. But for now I will not rest, I will not sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight, until I hear the end of this violation. And neither should you, for it is the abomination that brings desolation. The final reckoning will not register which airline company boasted the most freshly painted fleet or ranked last in cus…

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Some Thoughts on Richard Dawkins’ Terrible Tweet

…Go to any university in America and you’ll come across a disproportionate number of Muslims. Before Dawkins can cry, ‘You succeed in the West but not the non-West!’—and thereby claim the superiority of the West he and I are both happily a part of—note that American Muslims have, on the whole, done much better than Western European Muslims. Whose fault is that? Why are Muslims succeeding culturally, creatively, and scientifically, in America, but…

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Closed-Door Conference in Poland Shows How US Conservative Christian Networks Export ‘Conversion Therapy’

…n practices as torture. In the US, conversion therapy has been banned in a number of jurisdictions. Since 2013 more than 100 municipalities and 26 states have banned such practices—for minors at least. In the EU, more and more countries are making efforts to protect LGBTIQ people from conversion therapies. Malta banned conversion practices in 2016, with France following in 2021. Greece and Germany have banned it for minors. Other countries prohibi…

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You’ve Been Warned: Reading Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America in the Trump Era

…hat the famously kidnapped Lindbergh baby has been secretly raised in Nazi Germany, a hostage by which Germany forces President Lindbergh to do its bidding. With Lindbergh gone, an emergency election is held: Roosevelt is elected in 1942, the Axis powers declare war on the U.S., and history seems to snap back into the story of world events we know. Normalcy is restored. Donald Trump’s Russian Plot Against America? As a literary map for the coming…

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Snake-Handlers, False Messiahs, and a Few Great Souls: 14 Who Died in 2014

…ety in the 1990s when his church began to protest at the funerals of AIDS victims. “The sodomites have taken over the country,”Phelps said. “We want to warn the nation, let them know that God is not going to let this country get by with that kind of degeneracy.”Westboro Baptist’s extremism was so offensive to so many, it may have actually helped the cause of gay rights. Steve Hill The evangelist behind the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Fla., S…

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