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Saving Teens from Obama: When Bible Study Goes Wrong

I just returned from watching 2016: Obama’s America, arch-conservative Dinesh D’Souza’s election-year documentary (based on his book The Roots of Obama’s Rage) with my 19-year-old daughter, Chassé. As someone who is now a secular progressive single mom of seven kids, five of whom live at home, I wouldn’t normally choose to spend our family’s perpetually-insufficient income to see this Obama-bashing movie, let alone take along one of my kids. But…

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Sacrifice, Suffering, and Rick Santorum

…sion of Catholicism aligns with these policies. Yes, it is one thing, once a child is born with Trisomy 18, to accept, and then care for her. Without reservation, I am in awe of those parents who do. But, why would one risk putting oneself in the position where a Trisomy 18 pregnancy would be statistically probable? Why would one choose, in effect, to take the risk of bringing a doomed child into the world? I am not arguing that such was the inten…

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Texas’ Anti-LGBT Adoption Bill Is Unconstitutional and Unnecessary, Say Texas Law Professors

…edom” bill that would allow state-funded adoption agencies to discriminate against prospective parents who are LGBT, single or not Christian. RD obtained an exclusive copy of the legal memo signed by scholars currently teaching at some of Texas’ most prestigious institutions, including the University of Texas, Texas A&M, the University of Houston and Southern Methodist University. While it’s not unheard of for law professors to weigh in on pending…

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Catholic Child Neglect: DC Archdiocese Cuts Adoption Rather Than Abide Same-Sex Parents

…nt than commitment on the part of two loving adults to take on the care of a child, a monumental responsibility as any parent knows. Happily, an increasing number of Catholics completely reject this view and support same-sex couples and families. It is important to underscore that what is touted as “the” Catholic position by the hierarchy is but one among differing Catholic theologies of sexuality. Note to lawmakers: The hierarchy does not speak f…

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Josh Duggar Arrest For Child Sexual Abuse Material is Part of a Systemic Problem in Evangelicalism

…int out that it’s been a bad week for evangelicals, but to highlight, once again, that evangelical abuses are part of a pattern that can be directly linked to indoctrination in evangelicalism’s twisted understanding of sex, sexuality, and gender, broadly referred to as purity culture. After I raised the issue here on RD in connection with the Atlanta spa murderer’s evangelical background, major media outlets included it in their coverage of the ra…

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…he United Arab Emirates, or UAE, is the only functioning federation in the Arab world, composed of six states that joined together in 1971 and a seventh that decided to come along a year later. The two primary emirates are Abu Dhabi, the capital and wealthiest of the seven, whose territory is 87% of the whole country’s, and Dubai. Dubai is the second of the two, but easily the more famous. In the past fifteen years, the city has grown from a small…

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Death in the Desert: Riding With the Samaritans

…nd lost. Deadliest Year Brother David and Millsap are volunteers with the Samaritans, an organization that patrols the desert seeking people from Mexico and Central America who have crossed the Arizona border south of here and are making their way north for jobs or to rejoin family. Millsap estimates that it’s at least a three-day hike from the border across parts of the reservation. Many of these migrants, overwhelmed by the heat, rough terrain,…

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Hookers for Jesus: Sex and Salvation on the Strip

…” those still in the industry. Lobért, a curvy peroxide blonde, has been unabashed in flaunting her God-given gifts to draw attention to her Vegas-based ministry, Hookers for Jesus. At the 2008 Adult Entertainment Expo, for example, a 40-year-old Lobért (dressed in a tight black tank top with strategically placed pink letters spelling “HOOKERS” above a silver ichthus) confronted some of the industry’s most renowned promoters alongside Heather Veit…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

…than theater and more sacred than peace, all the while inflicting as much damage as possible. The sum resources of a culture—its science, its religion, its poetry, its prejudice—mobilize in the service of that cause. These are as much the technologies of war as the weapons themselves. At least since Carl von Clausewitz first spoke of the “fog of war” (an inevitable unknowing that reigns over every battlefield), the challenge of warfare has been to…

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Boy Scout “Perversion Files” Raise Questions about Abuse in Mormon Contexts

Yesterday’s release of previously confidential files on child sexual abuse perpetrators maintained by the Boy Scouts of America from 1959 to 1985 are raising new questions about the relationship between the LDS Church and the BSA. Since 1918, the Church has partnered with the BSA, hosting scout troops in most of its United States congregations. (The New York Times profiled the LDS-BSA relationship—including the experience of gay LDS Boy Scouts im…

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