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The Contested Religious Powers of Baseball on Display in Cuba

…a is a believer in that legacy. But the power of sports to produce heightened emotional states of unity, which scholars call “collective effervescence,” can also give it a shared power with religion to occlude injustice in this world, to bury it in cheap, playful sentiment. Sports, like religion, and like the American Dream, will thus continue to be contested symbolic terrain, where the stakes can prove much more complicated than zero-sum games, a…

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Our Failure To Understand Ferguson: A Cognitive Explanation

…te segregation and economic favoritism. When I spoke with Rothstein on the phone, he underscored the long-term effects of this last policy. During the 1940s and 1950s, suburban subdivisions were built in St. Louis, and throughout the country, using federal loans stipulating that no homes be sold to African Americans. Priced at about $125,000 in today’s dollars, these were affordable—with a mortgage—to working class families, black or white. Yet bl…

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Paranormal Vodka, Exorcists and a Demonic Doll: Welcome to Paracon, Based on the Work of the Demon-Hunters Who Inspired the ‘Conjuring’ Series

…oommate over a period of months in 1970. Although I can’t find an official number, a casino employee tells us over 5,000 tickets have been sold; 5,000 pilgrims who’ve made the trek from around the country to pay their respects to Annabelle, and are willing to wait hours to do so. On the convention floor, an eclectic group of vendors hocks their wares, from Ouija boards and books about ghost hunting to bath bombs shaped like horror movie icons. The…

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Spiritual Unplugging, Or What to Do When There is Wifi at the Ashram

…self-interrogation boiled, my hand extended to the right. I reached for my phone, but I found nothing. At first I laughed at my instinct, my muscle memory. The phone, with its glowing screen, gave me solace and control. But I was tied to my cushion for another hour, and in this ashram for another day, so email would have to wait. I panicked. My heart raced. Would my editor be asking for me? Would a reply from that politician’s secretary sit unansw…

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Which Side Are You On?

…al suasion is about all we get on the state and local level, too. It’s not going to work. We are in the midst of a full-on, honest-to-gosh, class war. Gov. Walker and governors like him all across the nation are trying to take a slice out of the ass of the poor, the working and middle classes, so that they can defend the privilege of the rich not to pay high taxes and corporations to, well, pretty much to do whatever the hell they want. Walker and…

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The Forgotten Nones: The High Cost of Fleeing Fundamentalist Religion

…ends, but continued feeling an ideological divide and relational tension. Further, although many gained a greater sense of autonomy, self-expression, and personal freedom in creating a new identity, the ongoing stressors involved in the process of leaving and, in some cases, in maintaining relations with friends and family, greatly impacted their lives in ways we have yet to appreciate….

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The Sacred and the Dead: How an Iranian-Jewish Angeleno Discovered Her Tribe

…Laguna Seca. The author and some of her Deadhead friends at a Dead show in Las Vegas in 1993. Photo courtesy of the author. It was through our love of the Dead that we formed a tribe of friends. We were a hodgepodge of Iranian, Korean, American, and Israeli kids bound together by our love of the band and bonded with each other by road trips where all 20 of us would crash in an EZ 8 motel in the middle of Oakland for days when the band was in town….

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Celebrating Religious Freedom Day By Taking Back the Revolutionary Meaning of ‘Religious Freedom’

…ugh the Virginia legislature by James Madison in 1786. The following year, Madison served as the lead author of the Constitution, and in 1789, as the lead author of the First Amendment. Thus, the Virginia Statute is rightly understood to be the clearest statement of the intentions of the Framers in matters of the right relationship between the individual, religion, and government. Historian John Ragosta’s thumbnail history of the bill at the Thoma…

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We Can’t Have Religious Freedom Without Reproductive Freedom

…on.” Following his historic legislative victory with the Virginia Statute, Madison traveled to Philadelphia in 1787 where he was a principal author of the Constitution, and, two years later, of the First Amendment. Unsurprisingly, the Virginia Statute has long been understood by scholars and by the U.S. Supreme Court to be an authoritative source for the meaning of religious freedom. While Madison, Jefferson and the seminal documents they helped f…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…as a Master’s student at Fuller working the switchboard part-time, and the number one phone call that came through went something like this: “Can you connect me to C. Peter Wagner’s Church Growth Institute? I’d like to buy some materials.” No one was happier than I was when he retired from Fuller and moved to Colorado Springs! I felt like I worked at a catalog call-in center. Seriously. I would never have expected to be talking about Wagner in con…

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