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In “The Promise,” A Reminder That U.S. Apathy to Genocide Endures

…rsecution, because of natural human difference, has not gone away. Too often, we try to forget our histories of genocide. It is too gruesome to remember that the Aborigines of Tasmania no longer exist, or that the Atlantic slave trade perpetrated unspeakable horrors. Even when we memorialize recent and catastrophic events like the Holocaust, Bosnia, or Rwanda, it is with a shake of our heads and the wond…

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Religion as a Front for Tyranny: A Roundtable on the Timeliness of Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

…ight: A New Generation of Seekers, Believers and Those In-Between. Anita Little: In the first episode, Aunt Lydia utters the chilling line, “Ordinary is just what you’re used to. This may not seem ordinary to you right now, but after a time it will.” This reminds me of the debates around normalizing Trump’s presidency. And it makes me wonder what we can expect. Will we become numb? Complacent? Kaya Oakes…

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La Carmina, Author of ‘The Little Book of Satanism,’ Talks ‘Satanic Panic,’ QAnon, Japanese Satanism, and More

…parlor) and adrenochrome-harvesting. Of course, social media and the Internet have amplified these contemporary conspiracy theories. When I see the effects of fake news on people I know—coupled with an ever-increasing lack of critical thinking—I’m pessimistic about this rhetoric ever dying down. [Editor’s note: For more on this connection, read David Frankfurter’s 2020 piece, What Does Satanism Have to do With QAnon?] Religious studies often fram…

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Catholic Bishops to Use Mass to Lobby Against Health Care?

…shioners to pray for this effort as well. More information can be found at To be announced at all Masses on the weekend when the Bulletin Insert is distributed:   Congress is preparing to debate health care reform legislation. The Catholic bishops of the United States strongly support genuine health care reform that protects the life and dignity of all, from the moment of conception until natural death. However, all curre…

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The New God-Fearers (FKA “The Nones”) and Where to Find Them

…h for the divine has simply broadened beyond traditional churches. A great many Nones are the spiritual progeny of the cheerful, well-dressed parade of Eisenhower-era churchgoers: fathers in their Mad Men suits, mothers in their pert hats and white gloves. They are Dick, Jane and Sally from the elementary-school readers, now with children and grandchildren of their own. (“See Dick. See Dick run. See Dick…

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Amazing Grace: Obama Hits a Blue Note in Charleston

…e” spectrum runs from the painfully stilted (for example, when sung by Tom Netheron of the Lawrence Welk’s “Musical Family” ) to the effortlessly soulful (as in the hands of Reverend Al Green.) The difference between these approaches is ripe material for parody. “When white people sing Amazing Grace,” the comedian Rick Smiley riffs in astonishment, “you can understand the words. They sing every single syllable!” The “Amazing Grace” heard last week…

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Creationism Makes Its Mark

…s to school in support. A Web site devoted to Freshwater’s cause is called But Dennis said the issue was never about the Bible on the desk. And nowhere in the lawsuit’s initial complaint is it even mentioned. Rather, she says, it’s because her son was branded. After Freshwater took his side public, Jenifer said she and her husband were worried Freshwater wouldn’t face disciplinary action. In June, they filed a lawsuit again…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…Cain Campaign Doesn’t Want you to See,” and to view the video, see ( Jews for Jesus Director Responds: Jews for Jesus executive director, David Brickner, who during a talk at Sarah Palin’s church (she was present) described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God’s “judgment of unbelief” of Jews who haven’t embraced Christianity, claimed, in an interview with Christianity Today that his remarks were taken ou…

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Protesters in Washington DC, the day before the January 6 insurrection, wrapped in American flags blow shofars.

Netanyahu’s Genocidal Religious Rhetoric isn’t Just an Appeal to the Israeli Right — He Has Another Constituency in Mind

…f civilization and the forces of barbarism… May God Bless Israel.” The widespread assumption that Netanyahu’s religious rhetoric is a cynical appeal to his right-wing base isn’t incorrect, but it isn’t the only explanation—and it may not even be the primary one. The success of his military campaign (and perhaps his political future), depends on Netanyahu framing the conflict (and Israel’s place in it) in…

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