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Politics in a Time of Crisis: Sandy? Blame Socialism

…Manhattan? No government or an ineffective government leaves us with post-New Orleans Katrina, a disaster that helped doom the Bush Presidency; last year, New York City went into overdrive, going out of its way to be ready for Irene. That was a good thing, and thank God Irene wasn’t as bad as we thought she might be. This time around, maybe last year’s preparations will make New York City’s recovery from this disaster more efficient and more comp…

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Rick Perry’s Jesus Imperative: A Report from Saturday’s Mega-Rally

…mplaint, he shrugged it off, saying that he was not familiar with the term New Apostolic Reformation, even though he knew its founder, Peter Wagner. “I have a lot of confidence in him spiritually,” Garlow said of Wagner. “There are a lot of theological differences here, but we’re focusing on one issue: Jesus,” Garlow added. “It’s not about whether Perry becomes president, it’s about making Jesus king.” Jesus = Obedience Mike Bickle, who runs an or…

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How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Permanently Change Our ‘Good Death’ Narrative

…know lives. Cultivating Good Death imagination We must begin to cultivate new imagination for deathcare practices in the midst of this global pandemic that will rupture our every notion of the Good Death. There are a number of practitioners who will inform this collective imagination in the coming days: imams, rabbis, pastors, and priests, hospital chaplains and funeral directors, home funeral guides and death midwives. But―and this needs emphasi…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…he great Catholic stampede of 2016 isn’t exactly what it seems. Writing in New York, Ed Kilgore notes that the PPRI poll may be an outlier, as it showed a 13-point lead for Hillary Clinton among all voters, which was among the larger post-convention leads of any poll. Also, as Kilgore points out: National Election Study numbers show that Catholics in recent elections lean more toward Democrats (e.g., showing Obama winning the Catholic vote by 14 p…

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Why We Must Reclaim “Religious Freedom” from Christian Conservatives

…eligious freedom of the evangelical owners of the company. The Court broke new ground in asserting that closely-held private corporations such as Hobby Lobby held certain religious rights under the First Amendment. The Court also broke new ground by interpreting RFRA to mean that third parties could fall under the scope of the Act, and not merely individuals harmed by government overreach. “The Christian Right has systematically transformed itself…

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ABC’s Hit Sitcom Black-ish Does God, Pushes Theological Respectability

…e episode is marked by affirmation of problematic assumptions limiting the number of those who qualify as “black” by restricting what constitutes an acceptable relationship to dominant religious claims. For example, Dre wrestles with the origins of his daughter’s turn away from God, and concludes, based on a survey of his co-workers, that whites don’t believe and African Americans do. The implication is sure: belief in God is part of the cultural…

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Will Pope’s African Tour Change Attitudes on Divorce and LGBTQ Among African Catholics?

…church has reached the international stage. According to Cardinal Dolan of New York, in the past, African bishops were looked on “as newcomers,” but now, with the African church growing so rapidly, they “have immense pastoral experience.” The African bishops called an intervention during the synod to change language that would have potentially been more welcoming to LGBTQ Catholics, and Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea delivered a speech putting sa…

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Trump’s Pathological Devotion to Border Walls Isn’t Political, It’s Theological

…tic types, he could have only carried so many bullets with him. Americans knew how to watch the number of reported casualties go up, but we lost our collective minds when we watched the number of confirmed active shooters in Paris go up. The images coming out of Paris in the immediate term were of a city devoured by chaos and fear rather than the stillness of carnage, more terrifying for their uncertainty. There was a brief lull in the digital noi…

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A Rationalist’s Ghost Story

…mber of flashbacks from when I was a young boy). In addition, there were a number of things I didn’t get the chance to explore for a very practical reason: I had a deadline. Working in publishing I’m very conscious about how important deadlines are. Writers need to make those deadlines and because I worked in the industry I wanted to be respectful about that. There were a number of frightening episodes that my wife experienced that I didn’t have t…

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Conservative Bishops Unhappy At Synod, But Ignore Walkout Call; Australian Religious Leaders Step Up Marriage Equality Opposition; Italy Debates Civil Unions; Global LGBT Recap

…or to the Holy See. The Vatican has refused to accept his credentials. The New York Times has more: Mr. Hollande will not nominate someone else for the Holy See post until 2017, when France holds its next presidential election, the newspaper said. Mr. Stefanini, a Roman Catholic who was second in command at the French Embassy to the Vatican from 2001 to 2005, is widely recognized as an expert on religious issues… At a news briefing on Tuesday, a s…

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