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The Case Against Despair Over the Two-State Solution

In my latest bloggingheads program, I speak with Israeli journalist Gershom Gorenberg about coalition talks following last month’s election in Israel. Although many post-election reports lauded the last-minute surge of the centrist party Yesh Atid, Gorenberg argues that there isn’t a viable center in Israel, and that the left is more robust than many believe. You can watch the whole thing here; in the clip below, Gorenberg argues against despair…

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‘New Evangelical’-Progressive Alliance? Not So Fast

…ect, both of which appeared during the 2012 presidential campaign. In this latest essay she takes stock of evangelical voting trends in the election—79% of white evangelicals voted for Mitt Romney—and seeks to persuade us, in spite of this rather homogeneous voting pattern, that they are not as monolithic as we might think.  It’s true, of course, that the measure of a person’s religious and political beliefs is more complex than how she pulled the…

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Theology Fail in Christian Statement on Israel, Judaism, Palestine

…nian activism using “biblically- and theologically-based principles.” This latest statement’s American context is important. Most authors are from major Protestant denominations such as the Episcopal, Presbyterian, and United Methodist churches. These Christian traditions have, in a remarkable break with centuries of hateful teachings, opposed both Christian hostility toward Judaism and polemics about Jews’ unfaithfulness to God. They also endorse…

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Is “Pro-Choice” Passé?

On the latest episode of my program, I spoke with Nation columnist Katha Pollitt about her recent piece on Planned Parenthood’s new “Not In Her Shoes” campaign. A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that 70% of respondents favor upholding Roe v. Wade. Given the state of public opinion, Pollitt and I discussed whether Planned Parenthood’s decision to move away from the term “pro-choice” is a good idea, and what it means to f…

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Will the Giglio Affair Ruin the Democrats’ Outreach to Evangelicals?

…On the latest Bloggingheads, I probed the evangelical reaction to Louie Giglio’s withdrawal from the inaugural activities with Christian ethicist and author David Gushee. In this segment, we discuss whether how the incident played out will undermine Democrats’ outreach to evangelicals, and if so, whether it will even matter: You can watch the whole thing here….

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Christian Pollsters Find “Homosexual Behavior” Gaining Moral Ground

The conservative Christian pollster Lifeway has released its latest results to the perennial question, “Do you believe homosexual behavior is a sin?” Turns out, only 37% of those they polled said, “Yes.” That’s down 7% from the 44% who called “homosexual behavior” a sin just over a year ago. Now, 45% say “homosexual behavior” is not sinful. The poll mirrors a Gallup poll from last May showing that 54% of those queried said gay and lesbian relatio…

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New Research Links Spiritual-Not-Religious to Mental Disorder

…s showing relationships between levels of religiosity and well-being, this latest research is apt to find its way into many a sermon at declining churches across the U.K. and its former colonies. The gist (perhaps under a veneer of Christian pity): “There ya go! Your fakey-fakey, sage-burning, labyrinth-walking, church-of-the-blessed-ME ‘spirituality’ doesn’t make you happy.” Throw in some (largely inconclusive) studies on prayer and healing, an t…

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Jesus Comes Out for Christmas

…es lampooned or questioned in any way. This year, Cardy is defending their latest ad depicting the baby Jesus in a manger, sporting a rainbow halo. “It’s Christmas,” the billboard reads. “It’s time for Jesus to come out.” Cardy said he’s simply trying to highlight the humanity of Jesus. “The fact is we don’t know what his sexual orientation was.” Cardy is also trying to make the point that perhaps some modern-day Christians might not follow Jesus…

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Which Islamists?: Religion and the Syrian Civil War

…ardly receives any. Hence, despite their support for the Palestinians, the latest Israeli operation only confirmed for many Syrians that they have been abandoned. Iran’s support for Hamas didn’t really complicate things. Assad was Hamas’ main patron until recently and despite their dislike of him, many Syrians still supported Gaza and Hamas. What do you want Americans to know about Turkey, Syria, and the Middle East? The Middle East isn’t as black…

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Monster God

On the latest installment of my Bloggingheads program, I spoke with RD contributor Sarah Sentilles about her piece on Richard Mourdock’s comments on rape and abortion. We discussed what would happen if politicians were compelled to offer non-religious justifications for their policy positions; how prevalent the view that God controls everything is; and why invoking religion lets politicians off the hook. We also talked about how God’s will is inv…

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