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Christian Colleges, Gay Faculty—and the Boy Scouts

…aks my heart. I am not ‘out’ where I teach; although I was not required to sign any document about my sexuality, it is not safe for me to be open. Am I the sole gay faculty at a Christian college? No, I am not. There are others. Someday, given the movement in the wider culture on LGBT issues, I think some Christian colleges will change and will welcome openly LGBT faculty, but for now, Christian colleges and Boy Scouts are running neck and neck in…

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Pope Francis and the American Sisters

…liturgical act of washing two women out of twelve in 2000 years really the sign of the ‘feministization’ of the Roman Catholic Church? Not by my lights. Rather than washing feet, I suggest looking Catholic women in the eye and saying, “You are my sister, equal in every way to me,” and then changing structures accordingly. To atone for centuries of discrimination against women will take more than four clean female feet. I despair of those who say,…

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Is New Pope’s Take on the Poor All That New?

…ism, since the goal is to come up with the most robust examination of the “signs of the times.” This analysis is a necessary, feet-on-the-ground precondition for deep reflection in the light of Christian resources in a see-judge-act spiral that led to faith-informed actions to address injustices, even if through small grassroots practices. By contrast, Francis seems to think of poverty primarily as a virtue, as a marker of service, frugality, hone…

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New Poll: ‘Faithful Catholics’ an Endangered Species

…research reported here was funded by two of the UK’s research councils, designed by Linda Woodhead and administered by YouGov. The surveys are available at Three separate surveys were carried out in January and June 2013. Two are representative of adults aged 18-plus in Great Britain, excluding Northern Ireland. Each was completed by over 4,000 people, including 350 Catholics in the first and 260 in the secon…

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A Startling Number Believe You Can Be Jewish Jesus Follower; Why It’s Not As Crazy As It Sounds

…tionships between Messianic Jews and more conventional Semites. “This is a sign of growing inclusivity and a growing acceptance, in some Jewish quarters, of Messianic Jews.” Could that growing inclusivity be the end of American Jewry? Last time I checked, Jews weren’t defecting to Christianity en masse. And, as J.J. Goldberg points out over at the Forward, the Pew survey indicates that America’s Jewish population is growing. So what does this all…

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‘Amazing Grace’ from Both Sides Now

…the Affordable Care Act. Rep. Darrel Issa said that the hymn singing was a sign of the caucus’s solidarity in standing up to what Rep. Tim Huelskamp derisively called “the Senate Surrender Caucus.” That opposition to compromise was also a theme of the Christian conservatives who gathered in Washington over the weekend for the Values Voter Summit, the annual political conference sponsored by the Family Research Council, the American Family Associat…

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LGBT Affirming Christians Issue Prebuttal to Values Voter Summit

…te anti-gay messages. Childers said that he was once one of the people who promoted anti-gay messages. “I am thankful that I was allowed to be liberated from that prejudice,” he said. He urged pastors who are asked to partner with the organizations attending the Values Voter Summit not to “make a mockery of their faith” by embracing the harm those groups cause. NALT co-founders John and Catherine Shore spoke about leaving their first church home w…

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What The Church Needs More Than a ‘Good Pope’

…by Eucharist—is this interview simply a puff piece, a case of the Jesuits promoting their own and their own promoting Jesuits? Is it meant as a way to attract people back to a church that may have a kinder face but just as steely a heart? Is the good will it has engendered trustworthy? The Roman Catholic Church has been around for several thousand years for a reason. I hope this interview is a beginning not an end of a new moment.  These serious…

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Syria and the American Apocalyptic Imagination: Isaiah 17:1 as “Evidence” of the End

…ode of “religion” with those of other bodies of/in evidence seems to me to signal other means by which “religion” takes shape in the public imagination, and by which it both performs and flouts convention. Religion and the state co-emerge in discourses about American responsibility and Syrian chaos, together standing for the violence of ontological breakings into and breakings down of the “communal World” as it appears to custom, and figuring equa…

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My God, David Brooks

…nd that is how Brooks sells himself and his politics—he is a choice engine—promoting choice, heralding the individual, and spreading the gospel far and wide, enabling more decisions to be executed by you by making your life easier—you do not have to read Taylor after all! And here I must offer a requisite disclosure: I have read A Secular Age and I am on record as a critic of Taylor’s framing of modernity. Although I am fearless when I talk trash…

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