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Soldier Hot Line Draws Calls Over DADT Repeal

…good news is that the groups don’t think there is legal basis for the claims. In the “don’t ask, don’t tell” cases, Ms. McNeil concluded that there was no legal basis for a conscientious objector claim. The legal standard, she said, is that the person must be conscientiously opposed to participating in war in any form, based on a sincerely held religious, moral or ethical belief. And the person must have had a change of heart since joining the mi…

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Mel Gibson’s ‘To-Do’ List

…Polish tinfoil hat so can wear it to Restoring Honor Rally 7. Find E.T. 8. Phone home Sarah Palin 1. Conference call with Smokey the Bear to map out guerrilla grizzly action plan 2. Primp for photo shoot with Today’s Christian Woman 3. Order camouflage Bible 4. Call Pat Robertson for spiritual guidance 5. Put hubbie on short leash 6. See if can find any prayer warriors willing to go all biblical on Levi 7. Send Rush a belated wedding gift Mel Gibs…

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Eid on 9/11 Anniversary?

…se, not exactly who I expected to see.) He said, “I figured that some Muslims might feel uncomfortable walking home”—people had already begun to blame any number of extremist Muslim groups, and of course the subways had been shut down—“and that, if I walked home with them, maybe people would think twice before trying anything.” (He wore a yarmulke). Responding Together If I give a sermon for Eid ul-Fitr, I’ll tell that story. For the younger congr…

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Shukr: Gratitude

…uring Ramadan. She loved the fast. She and I and Nicole were the only Muslims in our neighborhood fasting together and with our families that year. Now, they are both gone. When the fasting was over that year we went to celebrate ion our favorite mosque and I looked up to see my sister standing behind the food table serving others. My sister’s death was all the more difficult because it came immediately upon the heels of the birth of my second gra…

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Playing God in the Wild Kingdom

…ared inside the mouth of a really large black snake. The frog’s head and arms were all that remained unswallowed, a problem that clearly put the frog and snake at cross purposes. My first thought was to kick myself for leaving my cell phone behind. This would have made a terrific picture. My second thought was to find a less obtrusive spot where I could watch to see how this excruciatingly slow drama would play out. But before I could move, my hus…

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…eir microwave, not to bring their toaster oven and not to bring their cell phone. It was almost funny. Following that announcement from the now infamous loud “speaker,” he said that fajr prayer would be at 5:40. I should have thought more clearly about this, but as it stands, I have three different prayer time schedules: my iphone has one from the Ipray app; and I printed one off line from Islamicity; then collected one from my favorite mosque, wh…

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

…right to live free from violence… There’s widespread myths that rape victims are either lying about being raped or somehow brought it on themselves, and therefore if they get pregnant, they deserve to be punished for being liars or temptresses or both. This, despite the fact that at least one study suggest that sexual violators are the ones engaging in reproductive deception—hiding birth control pills and otherwise sabotaging a woman’s ability to…

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Looking For Answers at the Oscars: A Guide to This Year’s Contenders

…ing’s Speech. On the internet no one knows you stammer; in front of a microphone it’s something else. Even so, identity evolves not only with internet-based social media, but also through earlier forms of media. The radio was the new medium of the day, and radio broadcasts play the role in The King’s Speech that computers do in The Social Network. As in so many of this year’s films, Prince Albert/King George VI must confront his past, relatively-h…

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Gay Marriage Bill Totalitarian Says Head Bishop

…anization for Marriage (NOM) urgently called on its supporters to get more phone calls into Senate offices. NOM is urging Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to use his power to keep marriage from coming to the floor for a vote. Meanwhile, Archbishop Timothy Dolan is getting increasingly shrill in his efforts to stop the shift toward equality. This week, on his official blog, he wrote: “Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear we are living in N…

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Christian Atheism: The Only Response Worth its Salt to the Zimmerman Verdict

…, all that Zimmerman could see was a hooded threat. And so, he deputized himself to be the police, and in that capacity shot Trayvon Martin dead. But more than just deputizing himself to act with police power (and this is the crucial point of Dr. Butler’s reflections), he deputized himself to stand in the place of god, to act in god’s name and with divine or sovereign power (remember Zimmerman’s words to Sean Hannity that shooting Trayvon Martin w…

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