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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…hat grant allowed me to also interview activists who are LGBTIQ Muslims in South Africa, the Netherlands, Britain, USA and Canada. I am now preparing a book that features their interviews, to show both the variety of activist activities they engage in and the common issues that they face. That book will be published soon by NYU Press and will be entitled Voices of Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Muslim Activists.   I know you have already commented a…

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Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Obama’s Faith-Based Initiative

…ion. Goldberg argued that because of the religious nature of CPCs, the new South Dakota law violates church-state separation; Amanda Marcotte similarly made the point that “by passing this legislation, South Dakota has managed to forefront the theocratic bent of the anti-choice movement.” More detail on CPCs can be found in RD contributor Kathryn Joyce’s expose of CPCs in Ms. last year detailing ties to anti-abortion extremists, and RH Reality Che…

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Among the Problems with Trump’s Proposed Ban: Who is a Muslim?

…ofessor of religion at the University of Vermont and a scholar of colonial South Asia, told RD that British authorities quickly began to impute certain violent characteristics to Muslims, regardless of an individual Muslim’s ideological commitments. “It becomes—and I’m going to use a racialized metaphor on purpose—that one-drop rule,” she said. “I find really similar—and frankly eerie—resemblances in the rhetoric in that period and some of the spe…

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Alienating Even the Sadistic Trumpian Right, How Did Kristi Noem Miscalculate So Badly With Her Puppy Killing Story?

…ing about.” Neither did his fellow Republicans, Marty Jackley (the current South Dakota Attorney General, who lost to Noem in the 2018 GOP gubernatorial primary) and Chris Nelson (who ran against her in the 2010 GOP House primary contest). The sentiment was echoed by Noem’s former Democratic opponents. Only Reynold Nesiba, a Democrat in the South Dakota Senate, told CNN “This is a rumor that’s been around for years about her acting in anger to put…

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White Supremacy Erases Its Violence: The Predictable Blaming of Antifa

…greedy “carpetbaggers” from the North and corrupt Blacks who ruled in the South. These outside agitators were the real instigators and had disrupted otherwise peaceful race relations since “slavery at the South was the gentlest and most beneficent servitude mankind has ever known” (Julian Carr, NC Confederate veteran and KKK supporter). As historian Adam Domby explains in his excellent book, The False Cause, false stories of happy slaves and unit…

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Some Christian and Muslim Leaders Urging ‘No’ Vote in Australian Mail Ballot on Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…y that is being generated by Muslim religious fundamentalists, reports the South China Morning Post: Unlike in neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia, there are no laws against homosexuality in Indonesia. So, like everyone else in Indonesia, the LGBT community should be afforded protection under human rights and equality laws. In recent years, however, regional governments, such as in Aceh province, which practises sharia law, have introduced regulat…

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Kuwait “Morals Committee” Announced Deportation of 76 Gay Men; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…council voted last year to approve it. Tristan da Cunha, which sits in the southern Atlantic Ocean about 1,750 miles from South Africa, is the most remote inhabited group of islands in the world. It is a British overseas territory. Russia: How the country’s strongmen foment homophobia to build and keep political power At Vox, Tara Isabella Burton reports on “How Russia’s strongmen use homophobia to stay in power.” Speaking of the anti-gay violence…

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Why Hulu’s “Handmaid’s Tale” May Be the Wrong Adaptation for Trump Era

…r the Civil War, but it was especially true of the way it was used by many Southern Christians to justify slavery before that. In fact, Atwood modeled Gilead on the Biblically-sanctioned oppression of slavery, which is why the novel borrows liberally from the details of slave narratives such as Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. As in Southern slave culture, in Gilead Christianity…

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Predicting the Future of Religion: A Thought Experiment

…man Catholic Church, whose increasingly diverse membership— in the “Global South” of South America, Africa and Asia— promises to radically alter its face. After the College of Cardinals elected the first non-European Pope in more than a century (albeit one of Italian descent) it seems unthinkable that the next Pope won’t come from Asia, Africa, or South America. A Pope from the United States seems unlikely, as the United States Conference of Catho…

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Global LGBT Recap: Adventists Talk About, Not To, LGBT People; British Muslim Group Welcomes Gay-Rights Activist; Homophobia Exports Continue

…nth-day Adventists Talk About, Not To, LGBT People This week in Cape Town, South Africa, the Seventh Day Adventist Church has been holding an international invitation-only all-expenses-paid summit in Cape Town, South Africa, entitled In God’s Image: Scripture, Sexuality and Society Summit.  The conference’s welcome letter says the purpose of the conversation with people in global leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is “to gain a greater…

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