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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…is the means by which all voices are heard with respect, all opinions are welcome, silence is observed together, and its fruits are discussed with care. For the men, I suspect that this kind of “process” was challenging, a sharp contrast to their usual “deal with it” approach. Regardless, the process has mercifully come to an end, and sooner than expected—probably a sign that the Vatican has bigger problems to deal with than the theo-political pr…

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Wiccan Prayer in Iowa House Highlights Religious Freedom Problem

…heon points out, there is a danger that when we understand ourselves to be promoting pluralism, we are enforcing a tacit division between “good” and “bad” religions (what Leonard Primiano called a “two-tiered model of religion”). A recent example is the fracas that occurred last year when The Satanic Temple offered to re-enact a black mass as part of a Harvard cultural studies club. The Temple’s multicultural performance was quickly reinterpreted…

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U.S. Bishops (Who Lit Religious Liberty Fuse) Urge Civility

…organization had nothing to do with creating a fervor around the issue: I welcome the fact that the question about religious liberty is in the forefront. We need that. We didn’t put it there. We believers didn’t put it there. The Founders of our nation did. Except it’s pretty clear that who “put it there” was the U.S. bishops. As the New York Times reported, the philosophical roots of the “religious liberty” issue in its current incarnation can b…

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It’s Not “Inappropriate” for Public School Teacher to Tell Class that Obama Isn’t Christian

…963), the Supreme Court has made it clear that education about religion is welcome in public schools but that proselytizing and indoctrination is not. The issue is not that everyone must feel “comfortable” with what’s being said about religion. Rather, the establishment clause of the Constitution requires the government to be neutral in its treatment of religion. Nancy Perry is free to hold whatever religious views she wants, but when she shares t…

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Raelians Push White House for Alien Embassy to Save Humanity

…disastrous consequences of our bad decisions. Let’s build the embassy and welcome those who truly can help/save us. These comments demonstrate the plasticity of millennial hopes. A quarter century after the end of the Cold War, fears of nuclear annihilation have been superseded by fears of a global financial collapse and environmental devastation. Whether they believe the “Elohim” is God or a race of benevolent aliens, many still long for a new s…

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Jeb Bush Is Confused About Religious Freedom

…hat they have. One thing is clear: religious conservatives who wanted to hear where the candidates stand on this issue are getting their wish. Welcome to the religion controversies of the 2016 campaign….

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west bank mural

A One-State Solution for Israel and Why It Will Work

…will have achieved a reasonable and acceptable status quo. But although I welcome the forwardness with which we are beginning to confront the ugly realities of ongoing occupation—as well as the racism and ethnocentrism that are necessarily enhanced in the course of such conflict—I don’t think we quite understand the desperate urgency of the situation. Israel’s elite believe a combination of periodic aerial bombardment, increased settlement constr…

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Evangelicals Want Immigration Reform. Why Won’t Republicans Listen?

…tives. “At the heart of why evangelical Christians believe we should love, welcome, and seek justice for immigrants is our commitment to the authority of Scripture over every aspect of our lives,” states one of its documents. But the survey the Evangelical Immigration Table itself commissioned showed that evangelicals aren’t necessarily motivated by those biblical imperatives when it comes to immigration, with only 12 percent choosing the Bible as…

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Israel’s Chief Rabbis Say No to Christian Zionist Event

…then the church’s hold on holy sites in the Old City.” To be clear, ICEJ’s promotional materials do not explicitly invite Jews to join the prayer vigil, but they do make clear that the theme of this year’s event is “restoration,” and that the Feast of Tabernacles is a “prophetic statement that our Lord is indeed coming soon. And it declares to Israel and the nations that a new day is dawning. The King is coming, and we are here to rejoice in His t…

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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…Antonia Blumberg: Many advocates have criticized the church for failing to welcome LGBT members of their communities. Sister Monica, a nun who ministers to transgender people, goes by a pseudonym in her public communications for fear of reprisal by Catholic authorities. “While there is no public, official position of the Catholic Church regarding people who are transgender,” Sister Monica wrote in a blog on HuffPost, “it would be safe to say that…

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