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RDBook: Is Zionism Anti-Semitic?: Zizek’s Violence

…logical fundamentals.” Clearly Zizek had touched a nerve. This influential European philosopher was arguing a line that is now an integral feature of his writings on Israel. Oddly enough, he seemed to have assimilated the conservative theological position on Jewish statehood—that Judaism and Zionism are incompatible—and given it a secular, newly-leftist makeover. Fearful of Zizek’s influence, given his status as the high priest of “post-postmodern…

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GMO or No: Problematic Intersections of Religion, Biotechnology, and Food

…people that have been historically colonized by Christian missionaries and European settlers alike. Corn, for example, is an integral part of Mayan spiritual worldview and ecological practice, believed to be created perfect in its original form by God. For many of the indigenous people surveyed, GM food was outright rejected as an offensive break from natural order and traditional dietary practice. Perhaps not surprisingly, many indigenous people…

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Suspicion of the Modern Age: The Pope Regresses

…a subterfuge. The Pope’s sights are not set on Islam, nor on Iran, nor on European Jewry. They are set on the Modern age. This rehabilitated bishop is not significant solely for his peculiar views about the Shoah; rather he was understudy to Archbishop Marcel LeFebvre, one of the chief architects of the anti-Liberal conservative bloc that worked against the Liberal reforms and self-stated “new openness to the modern world,” that were the crowning…

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Young Imam Reality Show, Debating Secularism, and More

…been vandalized. It’s causing problems in Europe too. Italy objected to a European courts ruling that bans crucifixes from school classrooms. Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re said the crucifix teaches students to love and respect others and asked “How could someone not share such a symbol?” Like crucifixes in Italy, Muslim veils are facing bans in many European states. The Council of Europe urged countries to reconsider and passed a resolution stati…

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Why Nobody Should Be Surprised That Pope Francis Made Problematic Comments About Judaism — And That He Remains Unapologetic

…hat colonial violence had found full expression on European soil against a European population. This, in essence, is the genesis of Nostra Aetate. Similarly, while Pope Francis’s liberal-leaning tenure has certainly made a splash, it’s perhaps best understood less as a function of a single individual’s beliefs, however influential he may be, than as a conscious institutional shift. Amidst recurring capitalist crises and the global reinvigoration o…

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The Quietly Crumbling Wall of Separation

…may one day be forced to re-learn the difficult lessons from centuries of European history that inspired the nation’s founders to protect the “First Freedom” (literally, the first 16 words of the First Amendment) by creating a clear—and unique, at that time, in the annals of human history—institutional separation between religion and the state. “Unfortunately, the clauses have been watered down to suggest religion needs only to be treated the sam…

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In the Story of the New Testament We Are the Romans—No Matter Who Wins the Election

…ignol or to the painting’s audience. To its time, the work was a vision of European Christianity’s victory over the people of Palestine. To Signol—and/or to those viewing the painting—it was also picturing a triumph of culture over ignorance, of civilizing forces over disordered society. And specifically (and perhaps unconsciously), it was the white European’s victory over non-white Muslims (similar to the way that most Confederate statues were le…

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Russia Expels Gay American Pastor, An Epidemic of Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil, And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…he was in the country to perform same-sex marriages. Jim Mucahy is Eastern European coordinator for the LGBT-friendly Metropolitan Community Churches. More from the Associated Press: Mulcahy’s arrest this month in the city of Samara braids together several of Russia’s most acrimonious issues: gay rights, alleged Western meddling in Russian affairs, and missionary work by religions that don’t have state approval. It attracted particular attention b…

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LGBT Victories at Olympics, Struggles in Brazil; Catholic Bishops Organizing Anti-Marriage Equality Protests in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…ivil Partnerships and Marriage Equality, and are taking their cases to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Indeed Italy, another country with a close relationship with the Catholic Church, also took a European path to finally recognize same-sex unions earlier this year — though that path began way back in 2002. Still, change has been accelerating, and today only six EU countries do not have any laws allowing for same-sex marriage or…

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Hungarian Mayor Wants to Import White Christians, Ban Muslims & LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…population by settling new families, but only white Hungarian and western European Christians. “We are a white, European and Christian population, and we want to stay like this.” Hungary will host the next global World Congress of Families summit in May. Colombia: Transgender biologist who teaches at Jesuit university becomes arole model Human Rights Watch profiles Brigitte Baptists, a biologist and expert on biodiversity, who “bas become an impo…

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