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Pro- and Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Gainesville

…entified himself as a Christian of a distinct stripe by advocating burning phone books that advertise abortion and then said he doesn’t have a Qur’an but if he did he would “feed it page by page to (his) goat who would be impervious to its lies.” He then admitted he’d not read the Qur’an because he “doesn’t read fiction.” Another who insisted he didn’t “hate other religions or cultures” then argued that the “so-called Christians” (referring to the…

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Even Tougher Questions to Ask Mormon Presidential Candidates

…nti-marriage-equality campaign. High-ranking Church leaders even scheduled phone calls with individual members to make the ask in person. Did Church leaders solicit an individual contribution from you to the Yes on 8 campaign or any other anti-marriage-equality initiative? If so, how did you respond? How would you respond in such a situation? 2.  Mormonism is an openly patriarchal religious culture—one of the most patriarchal modern cultures on th…

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Confessions of a Hater

…sy, friendship began to take root. After that, he stayed more often after class, one day whipping out his phone to show me a photo of a white supremacist leader standing up in a convertible during what was obviously a white pride parade. The red-faced, fist waving man in the picture was flanked by two little girls sitting in the back seat, arms crossed with very pronounced frowns on their faces. “They don’t look all that happy,” I remarked to my s…

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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…Cake  If you have made it this far, then you can guess what comes next and last, because it is worst of all: the actual engagement with the Islamophobe. I offer you snippets from a conversation with a noted voice of the Islamophobic fringe, who I had the opportunity to engage—albeit on Twitter—some weeks ago. The topic was of course Islamophobia. After a long and meandering conversation, in which anything any reasonable person could say was twiste…

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A Faith-Based Opportunity for Obama

…his own sought-after religious leaders and the positions of the president. Last year, he came under fire for meeting with the American Bible Society president “to begin a dialogue on the importance of the Bible in the founding of the country.” In 2010, the White House refused to comment on DuBois’ phone call to religious right ideologue David Jeremiah after the latter called the president “a dangerous person” moving the country toward “socialism.”…

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Intensive Care: Preachers’ Daughters Episode Five Recap

…laborated that his priorities were: “…God first, others second, and myself last.” Which, erm, strictly speaking, would be GOM. But I gather he meant JOY. In any case, the only rekindled romance for a Koloff was teenage daughter Kolby’s getting back together with her boyfriend Micah.  You can’t make me fall, but you can make me unreachable: Taylor Coleman said she was going to the store. Really, though, she went with her friends to have their pictu…

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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…he pace of rebuilding turned ferocious and threatened to encroach on those last pockets of neighborhood, like the small block of Washington Street where the last three remnants of Little Syria stand. Friends of the Lower West Side and Save Washington Street lobbied the Landmark Commission to preserve a tenement building and a community center as well as the church. They only succeeded with the church, which was owned by a private family. There is…

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Christian Atheism: The Only Response Worth its Salt to the Zimmerman Verdict

…s emerging right now in our midst (which is why there’s so much racial backlash in our so-called “postracial” moment). It will be a Christianity of that “terrible beauty” that Professor Imani Perry speaks of in her improvisation on James Baldwin. In short, what is needed is a Christian atheism, a Christianity-after-Christianity, a Christianity beyond itself, a Christianity that plays out on the ground as struggle, that in fact is struggle under wh…

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Walking Dead and Zombie Ethics, or “Don’t Fight the Zombies. You Can’t Win”

…becomes the key to global salvation. The disruption of this white middle class family’s life appears alongside global collapse, and I am unsure which the film wants us to care about more. Zekes are clearly a dangerous threat, and the film plays on existing fears of global pandemics, terrorism, and the breakdown of governments and infrastructure. World War Z does not attempt to humanize the monsters, nor does it register concern for the masses of…

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Why is Liberty Institute Still Defending Phillip Monk?

…eer put his hand on Monk’s shoulder and praised him, saying, “We’ve gotten phone calls from military members who are undergoing discrimination…and with the exception of him, those folks that have called us have all wanted to remain anonymous. Sergeant Monk, to his credit, is willing to stand up.”  Let’s read between the lines here: Monk is, quite literally, the best example of discrimination against Christians in the military that the Liberty Inst…

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