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The (Mostly Catholic) Anti-Abortion Roe v. Wade Schlep

…Catholic schools to enjoy a school sponsored (and in some cases paid for) trip to the Nation’s Capital. The older ones are college students who make a road trip of it, knowing that a night on a church floor and a day that begins with mass at the Verizon Center is a good way to meet (do they hook up, one wonders) other young people with similar theo-politics. This is not to trivialize what I take to be their commitment to eradicating abortion, a p…

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Taking (Public School) Teachers to Church, and the Mosque, and the Temple…

…hen we ask them this very question, their answers were diverse. The “field trip” method of taking students to visit a house of worship was controversial for these teachers. A few of them have already been doing this, and some of them are wanting to try. They discerned that the challenge is to insure that everyone – the students, the chaperones, the hosts – understand that this is a visit for academic study, period. There can be no proselytization….

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The Sisterhood Episode 2: Crying and Twerking

…t degrees.” Both Francesca and Stacey have their breakdowns during a field trip to visit the elderly women the sisters care for in a local nursing home. Francesca, whose own grandmother has Parkinson’s disease, simply doesn’t show up to volunteer with the patients. She can’t stomach it. Stacy begins crying as soon as she sits to pray the rosary with a dying woman in hospice. No reality show would be complete without a nemesis (just ask Scott Disic…

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Pope Francis, Breeding Bunnies and Ideological Colonization

…er nonsense when he starts talking about women and sex? His just-concluded trip to the Philippines was a virtual festival of such comments, some planned and some obviously off-the-cuff–and some even directly contradictory–but most just downright confounding. In one of the impromptu inflight press conferences for which he has become famous, Francis told reporters in one breath that “[s]ome think that … in order to be good Catholics we have to be li…

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QAnon isn’t a Cult — a Problematic Term — But Michael Protzman’s Q-Adjacent ‘Negative48’ Certainly Is

…their families to join Protzman in Dallas in November is STILL THERE. The number is certainly down from its height as many have stayed and cut off contact with their families. They recently took a road trip to Arizona to attend Trump’s rally, which garnered national attention with Protzman’s claim that Trump was really JFK Jr. in disguise. Protzman’s followers claimed that their seats meant Protzman had contacts with Trump, which renewed interest…

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What NOT to Expect from the Pope’s US Visit

…o have a straightforward message of kindness. Much is riding on this papal trip for both religious conservatives and liberals alike, all of whom are hoping that the Pope will prove them right about their assessments of his leadership. Mapping all of these hopes, desires, and derision onto the Pope this week may prove to be a slippery task. While Pope Francis has been clear about following the teachings of the church, it is less clear what his impa…

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The Meaning of Make Believe (Why Religion Doesn’t Have to Be “Real”)

…irst conscious brush with disenchantment came during a junior high camping trip in northern Minnesota. I suggested to my friends that we pretend to be wizards and elves on an epic quest through the forest—and they looked at me like I had lost my mind. We were camping. The point was to find adventure by canoeing across lakes, hiking through woods, pitching tents, building fires. I tried to mask my embarrassment by playing it off as a joke. It wasn’…

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Barbara Ehrenreich’s ‘Wild God’ is Not Here to Help

…a weekend with a boy who has rejected her at the start of a California ski trip, and she is miserable. They decide not to go back to LA after their trip, but to take a detour into Death Valley, spending the night in their van in an area called Lone Pine. As a teenager, she tells us, Ehrenreich had experienced frequent episodes of what she called “dissociation.” At those times, she would lose her grip on reality, on the present moment, the present…

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In Case You Missed Them, the Top Pope Francis Quotes of 2016

…t then-GOP contender Donald Trump in February on his return from a six-day trip to Mexico, where he visited the U.S.-Mexico border. In response, Trump called Francis “disgraceful.” Avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil. In certain cases, as in this one, as in the one that I mentioned of Blessed Paul VI, it was clear. –On the same trip, Francis suggested that women could use contraception to avoid becoming infected with the Zika virus, which h…

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End-Times Watcher Sees Satan in an Energy Drink

…anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred and sixty-six.” The author of Revelation meant that 666 was a person’s name turned into a number via the Jewish numerological practice of gematria. Since every Hebrew letter was also a number, the letters of a name could be added up to produce that person’s number. Here’s an example of gematria using an alphabet we’re more famil…

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