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What Can We Expect Following Tucson?

…nce, with the House resolution honoring the dead. It is possible that out of this tragedy will emerge hopeful signs, perhaps only in the short run, that differences can be overcome; that a national spirit does indeed bind us together in spite of differences in politics, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religion. This power is also evident in the collective disgust we all feel in the face of upcoming protests by members of the Topeka, Kansa…

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The Faith-Based Militia: When is Terrorism ‘Christian’?

…cks on media outlets and Congress killed five people. In some cases, whole city blocks were evacuated when Waagner’s pacakges were opened. People were stripped and hosed down with Clorox by hazmat teams in protective gear. I quoted several people who agreed that the term “Christian terrorist” is practically taboo; even as the term “Islamic terrorist” was ubiquitous. The same double standard would have applied to militias. I don’t recall the term “…

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Still Trying to Get Creationism into Science Classes

…o the science curricula and lesson plans in various states—most notably in Kansas and Ohio. Each time they were defeated after scientists and educators exposed what they were trying to do. Sometime in the mid ’90s, the Discovery Institute refocused its efforts. Instead of pretending to put forth any positive scientific arguments for anything like intelligent design, it switched tactics (again based on Johnson’s wedge strategy) and merely tried to…

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Students at Conservative Catholic College Speak After Sudden Cancellation of Pro-Gay Speaker

…llege they call ‘home’ would act this way.” When I spoke to Corvino on the phone Tuesday, he seemed to be wrestling with the same concerns, noting that the school’s sudden cancellation of his event sent the message that the presence of openly gay folks was like “a virus that might infect the students if they’re not protected.” Corvino reflected this same concern in a blog post Wednesday, It’s difficult not to feel as if the Providence College admi…

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Ten Commandments of the Antichrist: The Georgia Guidestones

…’s true name but will not reveal it. Martin claims he received letters and phone calls from Christian until “around the time of the 9/11 terrorist attacks” and assumes Christian is dead; though some believe Christian never existed. While construction was still underway, Martin and Fendley were accused of perpetuating a hoax, either out of amusement or to promote Fendley’s business. Both men took lie detector tests, which they passed. Sullivan sugg…

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The Atheist Encounter with Christianity: A Failure to Disbelieve?

…hese ideas correlate with reality? To find out, I say again: Get to know a number of highly intelligent, thoughtful Christians. Don’t go to the ones who talk a lot about hell or insist on converting you. The thoughtful ones are out there, I promise. With the Internet they’re not too hard to find and they live in every city and town in America. Ask as many questions of them as possible, and encourage them to ask as many questions as possible. Take…

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Pat Robertson’s Women Warriors Leading Spiritual Warfare In Zimbabwe

…ential material,” said Mpofu. “Oh yeah,” echoes Bourland. “In my heart, I just begin to pray, God, let this woman rise to this place that you want her to go,” said Mpofu. “Number one, she’s a Christian. Number two, she’s a woman.”   Watch a short video montage of the conference here. —Ed….

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Crisis in Sudan: ‘If the World Stands Idly By This Time, They Will Bring Genocide’

…t began to isolate us from the outside world by cutting off power and cell phone towers. One hundred people sought refuge in the town’s Catholic church. They were forced out with tear gas. Some were hauled away by security forces. Some were killed, among them a priest, an attorney, aid workers, and people targeted because of their ethnicity or politics. This happened under the noses of UN peacekeepers who did not keep the peace. People who escaped…

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The Pundits and the Dominionists

…any other name) a Reconstructionist? And as Gerson noted in his essay, the number of people who can be labeled in this way would “fit in a phone booth.” (Actually there are significantly more than he recognizes, but I take his point.) My point, though, is that this is the wrong question. Far more interesting, I think, is to look at the influence of Christian Reconstruction; how has it impacted the style of the conservative Christianity that makes…

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The Jihadi Revolution is Dead (But Bin Laden’s Death Didn’t Kill It)

…le of sacred warfare has been an exciting and alluring image among a large number of mostly young and largely male Muslims around the world for over a decade. It is an image that was brought to dramatic attention by the September 11, 2001 attacks, and stimulated by the perception that US military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq were wars against Islam. This jihadi vision of sacred warfare was propagated by the internet, through postings on chat ro…

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