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Obama Caves on (Another) Contraception Exemption

…red to fill out a form stating them. In the short run it’s likely that the number of employers who seek to duck the contraceptive mandate will be small. But imagine a scenario where a larger number of employers seeks to escape a costly mandate, such as equal access to in vitro fertilization procedures for straight and gay couples, for supposedly religious reasons and hundreds flood HHS with generic opt-out letters that don’t identify a specific in…

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Global LGBT Recap: Asylum for Victims of Homophobia Exports; Orthodox Church Sees Anti-Gay Campaign Turned Toward Itself

…egislative initiatives that crystallized into a law banning “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors.” Putin, a devout churchgoer, has publicly denounced “so-called tolerance, genderless and without issue.” Kuraev’s firing from the theological academy only made things worse. The deacon has used his blog for daily attacks on an alleged “gay system” within the church, including a selection of testimonials by former seminarians, alta…

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No to Church, Yes to Jesus?

…e, according to the 2008 Pew “US Religious Landscape Survey,” seven-in-ten Nones emerge into Noneness from Christian backgrounds. So, it makes sense that the Christian idiom—its narratives, rituals, symbols, professed ethics, and so on—remains a significant resource for these folks, whether they’re arguing against it or adapting it to alternative spiritualities. This was certainly the case for the majority of the Nones I interviewed across the cou…

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Uncle Sugar as Religious Bogeyman

…to answer for his endorsement of biblical patriarchy. Just this week, New Mexico Republican Steve Pearce, in a new book, writes that “the wife is to voluntarily submit, just as the husband is to lovingly lead and sacrifice” and “the husband’s part is to show up during the times of deep stress, take the leadership role and be accountable for the outcome, blaming no one else.” In 2011, Michele Bachmann had to explain what she meant in a 2006 speech…

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Global LGBT Recap:Culture War Exports, Mob Violence and Kidnapping as Weapon of Homophobia

…the Espiranza Segura Jesus Christ church headed by Pastor Joshua Perez. Mennonite Pastor in International Kidnapping Case Appeals Sentence Lisa Miller is an American woman who kidnapped her child and, with the help of Mennonites in the U.S. and Nicaragua, fled the country rather than obey court custody owners regarding the child she had with her former partner. Miller describes herself as an ex-gay born-again Christian; she was represented in her…

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Oscar Watch: Why Spike Jonze’s Her Is Not About Technology

…a primitive radio god who faked her own kidnapping to cover up a tryst in Mexico. Given this history, the absence of religious landmarks is striking. It would have been easy enough to paste symbols of Los Angeles’s spiritual history into Her, shot mostly in Shanghai—but L.A. serves as more than a backdrop. It is a physical manifestation of a spiritual problem plaguing most of the human characters in the film, and Theodore most acutely. This absen…

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Why Did the Pope Choose Cuba?

…peaking Latin America, where the majority of Catholics live. The choice of Mexico, with the second-largest Catholic population globally, seems obvious. What isn’t obvious is the decision to visit this island nation where Catholicism has struggled for the past 50 years. The answer is found in the verb tense. The Church in Cuba is no longer struggling. The papal trip is getting significant coverage by the media because it’s Cuba, as opposed to, say,…

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Fr. John Dear, Dismissed from Jesuits: “It Is So Strange to Be Hated by So Many Church Leaders”

…e to kill through ROTC. There was a lot of pressure in the Jesuit order to stop me, and they stopped me, and I eventually I left. It is all very sad and tragic, but in many ways what happened to me was inevitable. I am still called like any other follower of Jesus to practice and espouse and teach the Sermon on the Mount and the gospel of nonviolence. It is going to be part of the way that change will come. First they resist, and then eventually,…

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Goat Head Found in Brooklyn. Who Cares?

…. In 2011, a goat head turned up on the porch of a fraternity house in New Mexico. Unlike countless other fraternity pranks, this one drew police investigation and made national news. And last year, a goat head was delivered to Wrigley Field—either to intimidate Tom Rickets, owner of the Chicago Cubs, or to lift a curse. (According to one story, the Cubs were cursed in 1945 by a man who wasn’t allowed to bring his goat into the ballpark.) Much of…

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Make Way for Liberal Pro-Lifers

Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s celebration of a high-profile mass on the US-Mexico border and declaration that immigration reform is “another pro-life issue” may shake up the long-standing alliance between the Catholic hierarchy and the Republican Party. O’Malley told John Allen of the Boston Globe that serious Catholics could no longer “turn a blind eye to the human suffering and the tragedies that are taking place” regarding the treacherous border cr…

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