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Fact-checking Scripture: “Those who do not work should not eat.”

…rity of Americans. There’s nothing inherently wrong with citing it or even wrangling over its proper interpretation. But the entire story illustrates just how difficult it can be to lift a passage from its context 2,000 or more years removed and wield it appropriately. On a scale of 0-5 Satans, we rate Josh Protas’ statement a 0 as incomplete. Caitlin Dewey gets half a Satan for accurate but glitchy reporting: Jodey Arrington gets two for probably…

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Church of Pain: Religion, Ritual, and the Body in the New Serial Spin-Off, “S-Town”

…isode we learn that the man who so despised tattoos, but had a significant number of them, acquired most of them in a short period of time, and acquired many through a particular practice in the back room of his own clock workshop. Paying one hundred dollars an hour to a tattoo artist, McLemore submitted to the needle, sometimes for a new piece, sometimes merely for more ink on top of old, a tattoo sunk on top of an existing tattoo, turning his bo…

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“Exvangelical” Podcast: Safe Space for Those “Living In, Leaving, or Coming to Terms With” Evangelicalism

…ly supportive of Trump, with regular church attendance indicating a higher rate of support. SPECIAL REPORT: Divest or Dive In? Evangelicals of Color Face a Reckoning As someone who has written a good bit about the authoritarian ethos of white evangelicals—for example here and here—I’m among the numerous ex-evangelicals who are legitimately upset and, in many cases, even re-traumatized, by the unleashing of white evangelicals’ theocratic agenda at…

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The Bible Passage at the Root of the House’s Punitive Farm Bill

…same president who crows incessantly about the country’s low unemployment rate?) Vice President Pence echoed the president, tweeting that the final version of the bill should “include work requirements for SNAP recipients to restore the dignity of work & fill the job openings that have resulted from our booming economy!” The dignity of work seems to come at the expense of millions of people’s food security. The research group Mathematica estimate…

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Ban on Female Genital Cutting in Somaliland is Progress, But Success Relies on Working with Religious Leaders

…mains to be seen. The fatwa has received more pointed criticism from the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA), who argue that since it only bans the more severe type 2 and type 3 forms of FGC, the fatwa actually gives religious legitimation to type 1, even though the practice exists outside of the framework of Islam. A ban on the most common type 1 should have been included, but SIHA is mistaken in asserting that religious l…

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Rolling the Stone Away: LGBTQI Elders Meet the Next Generation of Christian Activists at a Watershed Conference

…ride given the enormity of anti-queer discrimination that the churches generated over several millennia. By the 1970s and 1980s, the scandal of Christian ignorance unto injustice on same-sex everything became too obvious to ignore. Exclusion of qualified candidates from ordination, the spread of theological pornography like “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered” (From the Congregation on the Doctrine of the Faith, Persona humana 8), and in…

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How America’s Charismatic Christianity Helped Fuel the Fantasyland Presidency of Donald Trump

…arismatic churches not popping up in Australia or Canada or Denmark at the rate that they do in the United States? It suggests to me that there is something different about the American character or predisposition that wants to believe that we can speak in holy languages or perform faith healing or all the rest. In other words, it’s not just the religious free market that makes Americans so religious, but a combination of other character traits. I…

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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

…akes the bus because he got tired of the random stops and numerous traffic tickets he would get each month due to racial profiling. At 30 years old, he says he has been stopped or arrested for unjust cause more than 150 times. “If you’re a person of color in Missouri, it’s just part of the normal experience. You go five miles over the speed limit, you sit in jail for two weeks.” Masri, whose family is Palestinian and who spent some time living in…

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Andrew Sullivan Really Took This Opportunity to Misread Intersectionality?

…llivan missed an opportunity to use his own substantial platform to demonstrate not only a genuine understanding of and respect for the history and aims of intersectionality, but also of basic human decency, rooted in empathy—the very quality Sullivan critiques the Middlebury students for lacking.   *Murray’s early policy-oriented work, underwritten by the Justice Department in the late ’70s, pushed greater rates of youth incarceration. It was fol…

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You Are Being Organized by Something: 10 Questions for Kathryn Lofton on Consuming Religion

…at an institution that values something labeled “research,” I must think strategically about how to construct feasible projects with regular deadlines in refereed publication venues respectable to the standard—established by that institution—as “first rate.” Because I am tenured, I seek also to ask bigger questions whose answers (and the unpredictable duration of their development) resist the forms of productivity that I think undermine our capaci…

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