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From Original Sin to Flattering Mirror: The Uses and Misuses of Civil Rights History

…m fighters who in life had challenged the racial injustice at the heart of American society and who had often been treated as “un-Americanfor doing so. Now the civil rights movement had come to embody American grit, courage, and resolve, and these two activists could be invoked as the country’s most famous emblems. A More Beautiful and Terrible History: The Uses and Misuses of Civil Rights History Jeanne Theoharis Beacon Press Jan 30, 2018 Argua…

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Douthat, Do Tell! Some Questions for a Columnist Longing for the Good Old Days of American Religion

…ike that [old] way. I call your attention to the introduction of the term “American system”: do we hear something just a tad bit proprietary? The legend of the Virtuous Republic has been invoked, the American system is what renews and guarantees the virtue, but that system is now malfunctioning on account of a God deficit. Or perhaps because of a Flag deficit. It’s hard to tell which, because in minds made like Douthat’s the two always run togethe…

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Jewish Leader Blasts Exclusion of J Street from Umbrella Group

…Movement sees the future here, specifically the changing views of younger American Jews on Israel and Palestine. It may not agree on everything with J Street, but it knows it can’t be excluded from an association that claims to represent the views of all American Jews. UPDATE: J Street is asking supporters to sign a “thank you” note to Malcolm Hoenlein, the president of the Conference, and the Conference itself (“join us in thanking Malcolm Hoenl…

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Swift-Boat Veterans of American Jewry Charge Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street

…blicans. The whole organization is a ruse. It’s the Swift-Boat Veterans of American Jewry.  (Oh, and incidentally: Eliot Spitzer?! Surely he was included in the ECI video not because of his non-existent leadership position, but because, like Bill Clinton, he makes some people feel that Democrats are sleazy. This confirms that the real point of the video is not to bash Occupy but to attack Obama, Pelosi, and the Democrats.) Personally, I find it na…

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Snake-Handlers, False Messiahs, and a Few Great Souls: 14 Who Died in 2014

…enating some moderate civil rights supporters. Author of numerous works on American-American religious history, including There Is a River: The Black Struggle for Freedom in America and Martin Luther King: An Inconvenient Hero, Harding taught at Illiff School of Theology in Denver, Colo. for more than 20 years. Nelson Bunker Hunt A Texas billionaire remembered mostly for his business exploits, Nelson Bunker Hunt bankrolled the religious right. He…

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Does Record Number of Religious “Nones” Mean Decline of Religiosity?

…Two-thirds of those surveyed (66%) say religion is losing its influence in American life, with more than half citing an excessive focus on rules (51%) and an inappropriate concern with money and power (51%). But do such data really tell us much about American religiosity—about religion as it is lived in the United States today? A number of what I would see as problems in the Pew report suggest to me that our growing fixation with religion-by-the-n…

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British Culture Wars: An American Import, By Way Of Globalized Theopolitics

…atter of necessity because some of the signatories, no doubt influenced by American evangelicalism brought to Africa and elsewhere, are themselves immigrants to Britain, or at least pastor a community of immigrants.) But like the Manhattan Declaration, the orientation of the Westminster Declaration is framed around the persecution of Christians by (in the case of the Manhattan Declaration) secular society and (in the case of the Westminster Declar…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…iferated in illustrated books and prints suitable for display in the home, Americans increasingly approached God through images as well as texts, and those images reinforced their devotion.”12 In the dream life of American culture, mass-marketed depictions of Jesus, from Warner Sallman’s pensive, doe-eyed Head of Christ (1941), distributed by the millions to servicemen during World War II, to the Fabio-haired prizefighter messiah of Stephen S. Saw…

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Good (Enough) Christians — Russell Moore in The Atlantic Illustrates the Limitations of ‘Christian Nationalism’ as Category

…stian innocence” that profoundly shapes American society in ways that many Americans do not. Fully two-thirds of LGBTQ Americans are nonreligious (compared to about one-third of the general population), for what seem like obvious reasons—and yet it’s not the LGBTQ Christians who leave the religion, but rather those who reclaim it as something inclusive, who get all the media attention. There’s a peculiar sting to the form of erasure that comes fro…

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Excerpt: The Christian Roots of Zionism

…omeland was overwhelming. As would sometimes be forgotten, it was not just American Jews who where stirred by the prospect of a new nation for the Jewish people, it was most of America.’’ In 1948 President Truman, in keeping with American public opinion, granted Israel diplomatic recognition despite the protestations of many senior officials in the U.S. State Department, Secretary of State George Marshall among them. Though historians are divided…

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