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It’s Barack v. the Bible, Says Barton

…Fea’s auto-da-fé came not only in the comments section, but in nasty emails, phone calls, and demands for his firing from Messiah College. As he discovered, the culture wars are real, and practiced even on those (like Fea) who largely have been critical of Obama’s actual implementation of his promises about faith-based policies. More important than these blogosphere wars, however, is understanding something deeper about these screeds about Obama a…

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A Journalist in Church, Hiding in Plain Sight

…s of poverty, illegal emigration to the United States, solitude, drug abuse, and, finally, rehabilitation in Christ. And, then there was that feared moment of ‘the call,’ normally issued toward the end of the service by the pastor who, throwing his arms out, would ask: “Are there any among us here tonight who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts?” Tears streaming down their faces, the spiritually lost would step up, experience a so…

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Pennsylvania Rep. Says Contraception Mandate Is Like Pearl Harbor and 9/11

…age mandate?” the first things that popped into his mind were bodies, death, fire, and smoking twists of metal. Maybe he thinks that the only people who have ever experienced a truly grievous affront to their agency and well-being are these three groups: 1) victims of the Pearl Harbor attack; 2) victims of the 9/11 attacks; and 3) the boss who thinks Unitarian Stella from accounting shouldn’t be using birth control and by gum he’s not going to pay…

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The Latest to Botch Mormonism: Garry Wills

…for Wills’s column. But if there’s no time for phone calls or web searches, well, at the very least, there are fact-checkers. And here’s a modest proposal for the editors at the New York Review of Books and the New York Times and every other publication that will be running a lot of Mormon content this campaign season but has no Mormons on its editorial staff: Hire a Mormon fact checker. There are a number of advanced graduate students in Mormon…

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Mormons Prepare for WA Marriage Equality Fight

…e my voice is not silent on this issue any more. Once I came out as an ally, a number of gay friends and family members came out to me, and in terms of love and connectedness these were among the most spiritual experiences I’ve had since [serving a proselytizing mission for the Church]. Every time I have one of those conversations, I want to get on Facebook and add another 30 members to Washington Mormons for Marriage Equality. SL: Yes, when my ch…

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A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now?

…their departed loved ones in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire. In Cincinnati, Ohio, 2,000 of them walked through downtown and climbed a hill to a park overlooking the city. Inside homes, on rooftops, in fields, alone or en masse, they waited for God. These were devotees of William Miller, the prosperous farmer turned self-taught biblical scholar. It’s impossible to know for sure how many people he persuaded that the world was ending; estimates range from…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…hinese dissident Chen Guangcheng as a “pro-life” activist, Chen is, in fact, a crusader against forced abortion and sterilization. In the U.S., “pro-life” connotes opposition to abortion, per se, so Chen isn’t an anti-abortion activist in the U.S. sense. He is a self-taught lawyer who brought down the wrath of local officials by demanding they follow the law of the land and stop forced abortions and sterilizations. As a “barefoot lawyer” Chen has…

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Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism

…who shot Trayvon in his role as neighborhood watch captain and executioner, is, according to his father, “half Hispanic with black friends.” Really? Having a black friend makes it okay to shoot a black person? Zimmerman, a serial 911 caller, decided to hunt and kill Trayvon after muttering “These A—holes always get away with it” to the 911 operator. Zimmerman even calls Trayvon a “F’in coon” in the 911 recording. As of this writing, Zimmerman is…

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Catholic Bishops End Family Synod With Little To Say To Gays; World Congress of Families Has Plenty To Say, None of it Good; How Same-Sex Marriage Came to a Buddhist Temple in Japan; Global LGBT Recap

…ate that a record number of gays and lesbians seeking asylum, as many as 50,000, will arrive this year in Germany, the European nation accepting the largest number of refugees. Rather than leaving their home countries specifically because of anti-gay persecution, many are fleeing violence and war in nations such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Once in Europe, gays and lesbians are herded along with other asylum seekers into cramped shelters and ca…

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Contraception Isn’t Meat

…ions with many employees, a high number of whom are not Jain. At some point, a number of people realize that the current system is a complicated and inefficient way to feed people, and so there are attempts at reforming the system. One of the questions that the would-be reformers have to consider is: What do most people, in fact, eat? That’s important, because they are trying to craft a system that takes into account the people who actually live i…

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