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Does Record Number of Religious “Nones” Mean Decline of Religiosity?

…Richard Dawkins or Bill Maher as religiously anti-religious Atheist evangelists, I have to suspect that the 7% of religious among the “Atheist/Agnostic” group, along with the 34% of their cohort who see themselves as “spiritual but not religious,” might be on the more Agnostic end of the spectrum.  Likewise, it’s hard to know, in the end, what to make of what seems a startling set of numbers related to “belief in God or a Universal Spirit.” Here,…

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Undercover-ed Religion: 13 Stories That Went Missing in 2012

…d, bad bishops, nones on the bus, vegan leather queens, God’s mom: in this list Peter Laarman plots the angles that were largely invisible in mainstream religion coverage this past year—and likely in our own. A road map for 2013—and a sign to us that there might be more important things to focus on this year than the launch of our signature fragrance, RD’s Apocalypse-Begone (subtle notes of ash, hints of ocean breeze, a wisp of sulphur…).  –The Ed…

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No Father, The Gay Sky Isn’t Falling

…a biblical value, practiced by Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon… the list goes on. If religious values (which, according to dogma, are absolutely and objectively true) are to dictate civil laws, presumably we should re-institute polygamy, strip married women of all rights against their husbands, and regard women as chattel to be purchased: all of which are part of the biblical definition of marriage. Really, though, what’s most amusing about…

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An End to the “Gentleman’s Agreement” on Israel?

…usalem is still disputed territory, and so the State Department refuses to list Israel as the child’s country of birth. In 2002, Congress passed a law requiring the State Department to end this charade. But, in accordance with the terms of the gentleman’s agreement, the State Department simply refused to enforce the law. Now in reality, this is absurd. I lived in (West) Jerusalem for three years, and it’s as Israeli as the cellphone. Moreover, whi…

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80 Million Anglicans Can’t Be Wrong—Or Can They?

…ecutive with a familiar Eton-Cambridge pedigree, to move to the top of the list. Postcolonial Leadership Lessons? When rumors of the likely appointment of Welby began flickering across news sites in the UK and then the US just two days after Obama’s rout of Romney, I couldn’t help wondering if the Anglican Communion might not have a few things to learn from the demographic configuration of the GOP defeat. The American GOP is, after all, something…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…nt for turning a blind eye to the rise of Avigdor Lieberman’s ultra-nationalist, racist Yisrael Beiteinu party. (It’s now slated to merge with Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, which was horrible enough before such a worrisome marriage.) Beinart is anathema to said American Jewish establishment, and he’s been slandered as anti-Israel. But as Shaul Magid noted in a review here, Beinart’s “critics, it appears, care far less about Israel than they do about…

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Catholics Choose Conscience Over Church

…enturies.” These talking points resound from diocese to diocese. Is anyone listening? Data from Belden Russonello Strategists (commissioned by the American Civil Liberties Union and Catholics for Choice) indicate that most Americans do not think religious beliefs ought to influence provision of services. On birth control coverage, Catholics weigh in at virtually the same percentage as the nation as a whole against withholding coverage based on rel…

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Why Does Abortion Have to Be a Personal Question for Men?

…ic voters don’t really rate abortion and contraception at the top of their list of concerns. As the other Sarah discussed earlier today, Catholic doctrine has a lot to say about issues unrelated to reproductive matters. Biden took a probably little noticed dig at Ryan when he pointed out that the Republican’s economic policy proposals are at odds with Catholic social justice teaching. Raddatz could have asked about how quite a number of Catholic t…

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Akin and the God Factor

…, who owes nothing to anyone other than his God, his family, and his loyal base. Yup. (UPDATE: In case you had any doubts, check out this lengthy list of pastor and Christian activist endorsements on his site.)  …

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